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1、<p><b>  附錄A 外文文獻(xiàn)</b></p><p>  A shaft assembly, profile</p><p>  The shaft axis in two different, even in its working process and relative position between the two shafts chan

2、ging. According to the important components - shaft, can have the different universal classification. If the direction in reverse universal elastic, whether can be divided into the rigid universal shaft transmission and

3、flexible joints. The former is the hinged on parts of the power transmission link, the latter by elastic parts, and has passed dynamic buffer reduced. Rigid gimbal and ca</p><p>  Lord, the driven shaft axis

4、 in two angular change when the Angle between the universal and equal still called patterned or DengJiao velocity universal. They mainly used to drive axles, breaking the wheel transmission device etc, and is mainly used

5、 in the power of the car. When the car for a rear wheel drive, often using the universal shaft, on the part of high-grade car, have adopted the isokinetic ball head, When the car for front wheel drive, often USES pattern

6、ed constant - universal shaft, bu</p><p>  In front of a rear wheel drive motor (or all round the bus driver), due to the automobile suspension in athletic process, main reducer drive shaft transmission (or

7、input shaft and FenDongXiang) output shaft is relative motion between often, in addition to avoid certain institutions or device (not) line, there must be a device to realize the dynamic transfer, then the normal appeare

8、d gimbal transmission. Universal must have the following characteristics: the transmission and ensure that the relat</p><p>  Shaft assembly imbalance is the transmission of the bending vibration. The cause

9、of the vibration noise is obvious. In addition, the universal joint cardan shaft kiln, axial clearance, the sliding spline shaft assembly precision, peeling ends when high-speed rotary shaft transmission and the elastic

10、deformation of a hot spot balance affecting factors can change the imbalance of shaft assembly. Reducing the imbalance, shaft for cars, especially the high-speed car like (car) is extremely important</p><p>

11、  The universal shaft rigidity of vehicle drivetrain is in the most widely used, and the long history. Usually say the shaft is generally refers to the universal shaft rigidity type. The axial rigidity of universal is ma

12、inly used in the transmission Angle of CAM flange, generally, the shaft needle bearing assembly, cardan joint or sliding fork, fork or spline fork, needle bearing axial fixation. Ashdod, with the gearbox commonly margin

13、fork shaft drive or other such links. Tu margin with a fork is</p><p>  Normally, two gimbal centre distance is not more than 1.5 m. When the distance is close, generally by two universal and a sliding splin

14、e shaft, no vice. When the distance and make more than 1.5 m shaft length, often divided into two or three roots, using three or four joints, and finally a belt, the rest of the spline vice sliding bearing structure amon

15、g belt.Typical middle by a supporting general cylindrical ball bearing, a housing, two seal, a rubber pad, a grease mouth. By supporting bracket </p><p>  Second, the universal description</p><p&g

16、t;  Universal joint is a key component of the car transmission. In front of the rear wheel drive motor vehicle, universal shaft installed in transmission and the output shaft drive between input shaft gear reducer, And l

17、ead the front wheel drive motor vehicle omitted, universal shaft driving is responsible for installation in the front axle and be responsible for steering wheels and half shaft.</p><p>  Automobile is a move

18、ment of objects. The bus driver, engine, clutch and transmission as a whole, and installed in the frame by elastic suspension frame and drive connections between a distance, the need for connection. The car runs in rough

19、 pavement produces change, load or two assembly location, will make the output shaft transmission with the reducer drive shaft Angle between input and the distance change, therefore, to use a "in changing" devi

20、ces to solve this question, it is the universal.</p><p>  In between, off-road vehicle transmission and the front drive thansfer can turn with half shaft drive between the universal, need to do ". The s

21、tructure and function of a bit like human limbs, it is allowed to connect the Angle between the parts. But it and body joints and different forms of activities, it only allows the Angle of the change in a certain range.U

22、niversal shaft type is the universal, rigid patterned (double axle and three pin shaft type), patterned (ball fork and ball cage), cross</p><p>  In order to satisfy the power transmission, steering and auto

23、 operation generated by beating down before the Angle, drive the car drive shaft and the wheel, and also used between universal connected. Due to the limit, the axial dimensions of landform and bigger, request to do, so

24、common universal widely adopted various patterned. In general, the former drive car every half shaft with two patterned, near the speed of universal joint is a half drive axle shaft inside, near the universal shaft late&

25、lt;/p><p>  附錄B 外文文獻(xiàn)翻譯</p><p>  傳動(dòng)軸簡介 傳動(dòng)軸,在不同軸心的兩軸間甚至在工作過程中相對位置不斷變化的兩軸間傳遞動(dòng)力。傳動(dòng)軸按其重要部件——萬向節(jié)的不同,可有不同的分類。如果按萬向節(jié)在扭轉(zhuǎn)的方向是否有明顯的彈性可分為剛性萬向節(jié)傳動(dòng)軸和撓性萬向節(jié)傳動(dòng)軸。前者是靠零件的鉸鏈?zhǔn)铰?lián)接傳遞動(dòng)力的,后者則靠彈性零件傳遞動(dòng)力,并具有緩沖減振作用。剛性萬向節(jié)又可分為

26、不等速萬向節(jié)(如十字軸式萬向節(jié))、準(zhǔn)等速萬向節(jié)(如雙聯(lián)式萬向節(jié)、三銷軸式萬向節(jié))和等速萬向節(jié)(如球籠式萬向節(jié)、球叉式萬向節(jié))。等速與不等速,是指從動(dòng)軸在隨著主動(dòng)軸轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)時(shí),兩者的轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)角速率是否相等而言的,當(dāng)然,主動(dòng)軸和從動(dòng)軸的平均轉(zhuǎn)速是相等的。 主、從動(dòng)軸的角速度在兩軸之間的夾角變動(dòng)時(shí)仍然相等的萬向節(jié),稱為等速萬向節(jié)或等角速萬向節(jié)。它們主要用于轉(zhuǎn)向驅(qū)動(dòng)橋、斷開式驅(qū)動(dòng)橋等的車輪傳動(dòng)裝置中,主要用于轎車中的動(dòng)力傳遞。當(dāng)轎車為后輪驅(qū)動(dòng)


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