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1、<p>  本科畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯</p><p>  臺灣消費者與美國消費者服裝</p><p><b>  購買心理差異的研究</b></p><p>  院(系、部)名 稱 : 工商管理學院 </p><p>  專 業(yè) 名 稱: 市場營銷 <

2、;/p><p>  臺灣消費者與美國消費者服裝</p><p><b>  購買心理差異的研究</b></p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  本文通過對119名臺灣女大學生和美國女大學生服裝購買意向和心理差異進行問卷調查,得出兩國女大學生消費者在購買服裝時心理決策過程的異同。在本


4、可見購買意向的形成標準具有普遍性。此外,在上述十二項影響購買意向或在購買時考慮的因素中,服裝的尺寸是否適合被認為是最重要的標準。本文還對這兩個不同的群體進行跨境比較從而得出比較研究的結論,著重提供了在消費者的購買決策過程中對消費者的購買意向會產(chǎn)生重要影響的信息,從而有助于服裝品牌和制造商在市場營銷中運用這些信息從而制定和發(fā)展國際營銷戰(zhàn)略。</p><p>  關鍵詞 消費者行為;消費者購買決策;評估標準;跨境&

5、lt;/p><p><b>  正文</b></p><p>  美國商品和商品服務在國際市場份額中的不斷增長對美國經(jīng)濟的影響越來越大,為了在國際市場上獲得進一步的成功,調查評估是非常必要的:即不同國家和地區(qū)的消費者對于美國的商品和商品服務到底是如何評價和如何進行衡量的?通過數(shù)年來多次廣泛采樣和調查研究,消費評估的模式模型已經(jīng)初步制定,用以對消費者的購買意向和心理提供一個

6、框架性的指導,并藉此預測消費心理學和行為學的復雜性。該模型系采用恩格爾、柯萊特、米尼阿德模式的消費決策來構建的(即恩格爾,布萊克威爾及米尼阿德于1995年提出的EKM模型),該EKM模型包括四個階段的消費決策行為: </p><p> ?。?)消費信息的獲取;</p><p> ?。?)消費信息的處理;(3)消費的決策過程;</p><p> ?。?)模型中的變量

7、影響決策過程的模式;</p><p>  在模型中,給出消費信息的獲取階段之前,個體需要形成消費需求的意向,這一意向導致其認為自身有必要進行相關的此項消費,一旦對于自身需要進行此項消費的意向形成,則個體即開始通過收集和搜索來獲取消費的相關信息,“所謂的信息處理,其宏指涵蓋的消費進程,包括信息的獲取、對所獲取信息的評估和判斷,對評估判斷完成后的相關信息進行儲存、以及在進行具體的消費行為時重新從儲存的信息中進行提取”

8、 (恩格爾等1995年發(fā)表的相關論文,第472頁)。據(jù)此,消費信息的處理階段有如下五個步驟:消費者對于該信息的首次接觸,對于該信息的關注,進一步的理解,接受該信息所包含的內(nèi)容,并最終保留該消費信息。而決策過程的階段則有如下六個步驟:對自消費需求進行認可、開始搜索信息、在購買前對信息進行評估、購買行為決定、具體的消費行為和購買后對發(fā)生的消費行為的評價。而變量影響決策過程分為三類:一、環(huán)境造成的影響;二、個體間的差異造成的影響;三、心理決策

9、過程差異造成的影響。這其中,環(huán)境因素包括消費者所處的文化氛圍,所在的社會階層,消費者的個人經(jīng)歷,消費者的家庭境況;而個體間的差異則包括消費者可利用的資源,消費的動機,消費者的知識,對于消</p><p>  文化對于消費者決策形成的影響和在模型中最終導致購買行為做出之間的聯(lián)系在評估標準得到了進一步的展示,在購買行為發(fā)生前,對消費信息的評價進一步體現(xiàn)了這一點,在本研究中,如前文所述的使用EKM模型進行跨境的數(shù)據(jù)采集

10、的樣本可以說明這一問題和結論。 </p><p>  從消費者行為學的角度看,文化的含義,是指“一整套的價值觀念,即包括有思想,實物和其他有意義的表意符號,以幫助人與人間進行溝通,解釋和評價其作為社會成員的關系,以及對其他社會成員進行評判”(恩格爾語,見其1995年的論文,第611頁)。根據(jù)恩格爾,布萊克韋爾和米尼阿德(1995年)的觀點,文化對于消費者購買行為的影響,主要體現(xiàn)在影響人們購買產(chǎn)品的種類,及消費結構

11、,個人的決策和消費信息的溝通上(同年論文第615頁)。除此之外,“文化的影響差異可能會因國別的不同而不同” (羅伯遜,則林斯基, 1984年論文,第555頁)。因此,在本研究中,文化被廣義的界定為某一個具體的國家根據(jù)恩格爾,布萊克韋爾和米尼阿德的論文所定義的文化。在本研究中,文化的種群選擇和比較,是在臺灣的消費者和美國的消費者間進行的。 這兩個地區(qū)和國家被選定進行消費者群體比較的樣本為主要有以下幾個原因。首先,大多數(shù)消費者行為

12、學的研究,包括大部分的研究試驗方面的EKM消費模式的決策模型中采用的消費者樣本來自美國。因此,考察研究的美國消費者,使我們能夠比較本研究結果和這些以往的研究的異同。而臺灣之所以入選,是因為它已經(jīng)成為</p><p>  在探討消費者具體行為之前,對于消費者所處的國家、地域的文化特質是必須加以考量的因素。以臺灣而論,臺灣文化深深的受到了儒家傳統(tǒng)的影響,特別是儒家思想中理想而適度的消費觀念,這可能影響到了消費者如何評

13、價臺灣的服裝消費。這種文化觀念可能會體現(xiàn)在對價格與價值的評估上,同時,臺灣的消費者具備理性而溫和的消費支出觀。然而,在開放的二十一世紀,隨著這些儒家理想的消逝,炫耀性的消費觀念逐漸在臺灣萌生,這勢必會影響臺灣消費者的決策行為和理念。因此,通過比較美國消費者與臺灣消費者,我們可以更好地理解文化在影響消費者購買決策中的作用和體現(xiàn)。 </p><p>  此次問卷調查得出的結果表明,在影響自身服裝購買意向和評價的標準上


15、而易見的。這12項評估標準是通過查閱先前做過調查的研究者的文獻,再從中挑選出消費者在做購衣決策時認為最重要的、使用最頻繁的因素進行篩選制定的。</p><p>  目前,已有一些關于服裝購買評價標準的跨國比較的研究,李和伯恩斯1993發(fā)現(xiàn)美國和韓國的女性大學本科生在服裝購買評價標準上有著顯著的區(qū)別。在這項研究中,結果表明,美國女大學生對于時裝的吸引力比韓國女大學生更為看重。此外,夏(1993)研究了在美國的臺灣和

16、美國女大學生,發(fā)現(xiàn)兩組人有相似的服裝購買評價標準。然而,在夏的研究中,他的主要研究對象是居住在美國1到4年的女大學生。</p><p>  因此,在本次研究中,我們試圖更好地了解文化的影響在消費者的決策和更深入的消費信息的評判中所起到的作用,更具體地說,本次研究的目的重在探討文化的影響在臺灣和美國女大學生做服裝購買決策過程中的重要性。以下是研究目標: 1、調查和比較美國和臺灣女大學生在購買一件具體的服裝

17、時所用的評價標準。 2、找出美國和臺灣女大學生在購買一件具體的服裝時所用的最重要的評價標準。</p><p>  調查問卷中提出了12項影響服裝消費行為和具體購買的因素,由美國和臺灣的受訪者進行了回答和反饋。在調查表中,所有十二個因素中,每個因素被劃分為七個檔次。如果被告沒有使用上述因素進行服裝消費前的考量,則他需要選擇“不使用上述因素進行考慮”的復選欄。</p><p>  這


19、順序為:服裝的尺寸是否合適、穿著舒適性、 服裝款式搭、配其他衣物、服裝顏色、是否適合校園穿戴、服裝質量、服裝面料、服裝價格、、別人的評價、服裝品牌、服裝制造商在行業(yè)內(nèi)的地位</p><p>  和預期的一樣,基于平均分數(shù)上的兩個最重要的評價標準和由調查得出的消費者最重視的因素是一樣的,因此,證明了平均分數(shù)的可靠性。從平均分數(shù)看,尺寸大小是否合適和穿著舒適性是最重要的兩個購衣因素。從調查情況看,有61%的美國人和4

20、0%的臺灣人認為這兩項因素是他們認為最重要的購衣因素。有趣的是,有17%的臺灣受訪者認為是否適合校園穿著是他們認為最重要的購衣因素,但卻只有2%的美國受訪者這么認為。另外,美國和臺灣的受訪者都認為服裝顏色、服裝品牌和服裝制造商在行業(yè)內(nèi)的地位是最不重要的。</p><p>  調查者還詢問了受訪者是否有其它他們認為重要的卻不在我們的列表之內(nèi)的購衣標準,有少數(shù)受訪者回答了生活必須、職業(yè)需要、跟隨流行、符合自己的個性和

21、標簽信息是他們認為最重要的購衣因素。</p><p><b>  分析討論</b></p><p>  以上的調查研究我們可以看出,目前的研究顯示了美國和臺灣的受訪者在做服裝購買決策時他們的購衣標準存在相似性。然而,還是有必要對其它形成消費者購衣決策的因素進行研究比較。在消費者購買服裝的時候搜集資料并儲備著能為消費者接受調查時的回憶的可靠性提供更多的證據(jù)。只有這樣,消

22、費者行為的研究人員才能更好地理解美國消費者與其他國家消費者之間的普遍程度差異。另外,搜集在各種不同國家、不同文化背景下的消費者行為決策過程也是非常有必要的。根據(jù)以上的分析,我們可以得出,企業(yè)可以根據(jù)不同國家消費者的消費決策過程的異同制定出合適的市場策略,更好地發(fā)展國際營銷策略。</p><p><b>  原文出處:</b></p><p>  Hsiu-Ju Hsu

23、 and Leslie Davis Burns. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal [J]. Zhejiang UNIV,2002,20(2):246~252.</p><p>  Clothing Evaluative Criteria:</p><p>  A Cross-National Comparison of</p>&

24、lt;p>  Taiwanese and United States Consumers</p><p><b>  Abstract </b></p><p>  Taiwanese and United States college women were compared regarding the importance they placed on the

25、 evaluative criteria they used when purchasing a specific clothing item for themselves. One hundred nineteen Taiwanese and 84 United States college women completed self-administered questionnaires. Seven-point scales wer

26、e used to measure the importance of 12 clothing evaluative criteria: fabric, comfort, size/fit, quality, location of manufacturer, color, how pleasing it was to others, brand name, </p><p>  Key Words consum

27、er behavior;consumer decision-making;evaluative criteria;cross-national</p><p>  The international marketing of American goods and services is of increasing importance to the United States economy (Husted, V

28、arble, & Lowry, 1992). In order to be successful in the global market, an understanding is necessary regarding the extent to which consumers from different nations evaluate goods and services. Based on the results of

29、 numerous studies, models have been developed to serve as frameworks for the explanation as well as prediction of the complexities of consumer behavior. One s</p><p>  (1) information input </p><p

30、>  (2) information processing, </p><p>  (3) the decision process</p><p>  (4) variables influencing the decision process; the model “is based on learning processes, with emphasis upon the in

31、formation search process” (Zaltman & Wallendorf, 1979, p. 541). </p><p>  Authors’ Addresses: Hsu, Hsiu-Ju, Department of Apparel, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 1, Hseuh Fu Road

32、, Neipu, Pingtung, 91207, Taiwan, R.O.C., hsu@mail.npust.edu.tw and Leslie Davis Burns, AIHM, Milam 224, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5101, Leslie.Burns@orst.edu. </p><p>  Prior to the infor

33、mation input stage, the individual recognizes a need that may be met through the purchase process. Once the need is recognized, the individual selects information about the product through either an internal search proce

34、ss including individual memory and/or through an external search process if additional information is required. “Information processing refers to the process by which a stimulus is received, interpreted, stored in memory

35、, and later retrieved” (Engel, et al., 199</p><p>  The variables influencing the decision process consist of three categories: environmental influences, individual differences, and psychological processes.

36、Environmental influences include culture, social class, personal influences, family, and situation. Individual differences consist of consumer resources, motivation and involvement, knowledge, attitudes, personality, val

37、ues, and lifestyle. Psychological processes include information processing, learning, and attitude and behavior change. The p</p><p>  Ship between cultural influences and the importance placed on evaluative

38、 criteria used in the pre-purchase alternative evaluation step of the decision process stage, thereby testing aspects of the EKM model using a cross-national sample. </p><p>  From a consumer behavior viewpo

39、int, culture is “a set of values, ideas, artifacts and other meaningful symbols that help individuals communicate, interpret, and evaluate as members of society” (Engel, et al., 1995, p. 611). According to Engel, Blackwe

40、ll, and Miniard (1995), “[c]ulture affects the specific products people buy as well as the structure of consumption, individual decision making, and communication in a society” (p. 615). Additionally, “[t]he effects of c

41、ulture may vary from country </p><p>  The two countries were selected for comparison for several reasons. Most consumer behavior research, including most research testing aspects of the EKM model of consume

42、r decision-making have examined consumers from the United States. Therefore, the examination of United States consumers would allow us to compare the results of this study to these previous studies. Taiwan was selected b

43、ecause it has become an attractive international market due to its rapid economic growth in the last forty years</p><p>  In exploring consumer behavior among the Taiwanese, the culture of Taiwan must be tak

44、en into consideration. Taiwan’s culture is infused with Confucian influences; specifically Confucian ideals of moderation in consumption that may influence how Taiwanese consumers evaluate clothing. Such ideals may be ma

45、nifested in a valuation of price and moderation in Taiwanese consumer expenditures. However, at the turn of the 21st century, along with these Confucian ideals is the value of conspicuous consump</p><p>  Th

46、e present study compared Taiwanese and United States college women regarding the importance they placed on clothing evaluative criteria. Evaluative criteria were defined as “the particular dimensions or attributes that a

47、re used in judging the choice alternatives” (Engel, et al., 1995, p. 208). Many researchers have investigated evaluative criteria related to clothing. However, the terms used and the way in which criteria have been class

48、ified have varied among the studies. The most frequently u</p><p>  Currently, few studies have focused on cross-national comparisons of consumers’ use of clothing evaluative criteria. Lee and Burns (1993) f

49、ound significant differences in the importance placed on clothing evaluative criteria between Korean and United States female undergraduate students. In this study, female college students from the United States indicate

50、d that criteria associated with fashion and attractiveness were more important than did female college students from Korea. Additionally, Hsi</p><p>  Therefore, in the present study we attempted to understa

51、nd better the influence of culture on consumer decision-making and to expand research on cross-national comparisons of clothing purchase behavior by comparing consumer decision-making processes of students living in Taiw

52、an and in the United States. More specifically, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of culture on the importance placed on the evaluative criteria used by college women in Taiwan and the Uni

53、ted </p><p>  To investigate and compare the importance of evaluative criteria used by Taiwanese and United States college women when purchasing a specific clothing item. </p><p>  To determine

54、the most important clothing evaluative criterion used by Taiwanese and United States college women when purchasing a specific clothing item. </p><p>  The following null hypotheses directed the study: </p

55、><p>  1. There will be no significant difference in the importance placed on the 12 clothing evaluative criteria between Taiwanese and United States college women </p><p>  based on mean importanc

56、e scores. </p><p>  2. There will be no difference in the clothing evaluative criterion identified as most important between Taiwanese and the United States college women based on mean importance scores. The

57、 12 criteria were rated on seven-point scales with the end-points “not at all important” and “very important.” The mean importance scores were calculated for each of the 12 criteria. A similar pattern of means emerged fo

58、r the United States and Taiwanese groups in terms of the importance of </p><p>  Table 2. Mean Importance Scores for 12 Clothing Evaluative Criteria by United States and Taiwanese Respondents.</p><

59、;p>  12 evaluative criteria. For the United States students, the ranking of mean importance scores for the clothing evaluative criteria in order of declining importance were size/fit, comfort, quality, style, color, c

60、oordination with other clothing, price, fabric, appropriateness for campus wear, how pleasing it was to others, brand name, and location of manufacturer. For the Taiwanese students, the ranking of mean importance scores

61、for the clothing evaluative criteria were size/fit, comfort, style, </p><p>  Regarding any other criteria the respondent had used that were not listed, few respondents answered this question. Need, service,

62、 fashion, personal taste, and label information were other factors that these respondents considered when they last purchased clothing.</p><p>  Discussion </p><p>  As international marketing o

63、f goods and services increases, cross-national comparison studies related to consumer decision-making (such as the present study) can provide valuable information to marketers in their development of international market

64、ing strategies. Future research might be conducted regarding how consumers in various countries differ in terms of their use of intrinsic evaluative criteria (e.g., quality of garment) as compared to extrinsic evaluative

65、 criteria (e.g., brand name). In</p><p><b>  原文出處:</b></p><p>  Hsiu-Ju Hsu and Leslie Davis Burns. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal [J]. Zhejiang UNIV,2002,20(2):246~252.</


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