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1、<p>  經(jīng)濟管理學院畢業(yè)論文</p><p>  (外文文獻翻譯部分)</p><p>  文獻題目:Green Barriers Trade and its Influences </p><p>  on China's Foreign Trade</p><p>  綠色貿(mào)易壁壘及其對中國對外貿(mào)易的影響</p

2、><p>  姓 名: 黃嘉敏 </p><p>  學 號: 2008524247 </p><p>  專 業(yè): 國際經(jīng)濟與貿(mào)易 </p><p>  學 院: 經(jīng)濟管理學院 </p><p>  指導教

3、師: 劉耘老師 </p><p>  Journal of Economic Surveys</p><p>  Green Barriers Trade and its Influences on China's Foreign Trade</p><p>  Thomas J. Sargent</p><p

4、><b>  ABSTRACT</b></p><p>  In recent years, green consumption has become a main trend of the consumption in many developed countries and these countries began to make strict standards to rest

5、rict the entry of foreign products below their standards of environmental protection.</p><p>  Key words:Green Barriers; products; Trade</p><p>  In recent years, green consumption has become a

6、main trend of the consumption in many developed countries and these countries began to make strict standards to restrict the entry of foreign products below their standards of environmental protection. These regulations

7、have many unfavorable influences on the export of developing countries and are generally known as "Green Barriers to trade". In accordance with the provisions of the Agreement on Green Barriers to Trade of WTO,

8、 "Green Barriers to Tr</p><p>  1. Analysis on the causes of formation of "Green Trade Barriers"</p><p>  Firstly, the worsening of ecology is the major reason for "Green Bar

9、riers". With the development of industry and technology, the economy increases very fast and the human life has been improved. But at the same time, the development of economy is at a cost of the destruction of envi

10、ronment. The environmental problems have aroused public attention and the international society has begun to make laws to protect environment. In June, 1972, the United Nations published the Stockholm Declaration and <

11、;/p><p>  environmental protection rules under the pressure of public, which forms a barrier to the international trade.</p><p>  Secondly, the differences between countries in technology, environm

12、ental standards and investment directly cause the "Green Trade Barriers". As we know, developed countries surpass the developing countries in science and technology. Even if they make very strict environmental

13、 standards, their domestic products can reach the requirements of strict environmental standards while such standards may constitute barriers to products from developing countries. In fact, these standards may become dis

14、cri</p><p>  Thirdly, the rise of protectionism in some developed countries contributes much to the formation of Green barriers. In modern market economy, competition is more severe than before. The domestic

15、 industries are directly facing competition from the products of other countries, and they will urge their governments to take effective measures to protect them from the foreign products. While because of the multilate

16、ral negotiations of WTO, the tariffs have been greatly cut down and the use of non-tar</p><p>  2. The main forms of Green barriers trade</p><p>  In accordance with the related provisions of WT

17、O Agreement on Green Barriers to Trade, the Green barriers are usually in the forms as follows:</p><p>  Green Tariff</p><p>  Some developed countries would impose import surtax on products tha

18、t may cause pollution or harms to the environment. If such measure is abused, it will constitute a Green barrier to trade.</p><p>  Green Standards</p><p>  Green standards refer to those compul

19、sory Green standards provided through legislation. With their superiority in economy and technology, developed countries tend to make higher Green standards with no consideration on the interests of the developing countr

20、ies. Such high Green standards will in fact constitute a barrier to the products from developing countries which are inferior in technology.</p><p>  2.3 Package Requirements</p><p>  Certain de

21、veloped countries stress too much on the protection of environment and require the products should be packed with materials that will have no harm to the environment. If the products are not packed in this way, they will

22、 not be allowed to sell in the developed countries. If such requirements are unnecessarily strict, they will be a barrier to the international trade.</p><p>  2.4 Sanitary and quarantine inspection system<

23、;/p><p>  On the excuse of the protection of the health of human, animals and plants, developed countries tend to use very strict sanitary and quarantine inspection to restrict the importation of the products f

24、rom the developing countries and protect their domestic industries.</p><p>  3. Influences of Green barriers on China's foreign trade</p><p>  China has suffered great loss due to the "

25、Green barriers". In 2002, vegetables from Taizhou were prevented from entering Japan because of Japanese strict inspection and the price was greatly cut down. Also in 2002, the aquatic products from Ningbo were rest

26、ricted by European Union (EU) because they could not reach the sanitary standards of EU. Due to Green trade barriers, 60 kinds of Chinese agricultural chemists were banned by EU because they could not reach the Green sta

27、ndards of EU. In accord</p><p>  4. Countermeasures to the Green barriers of the developed countries</p><p>  As mentioned above, it is a fact that the Chinese export products are facing Green &

28、lt;/p><p>  barriers of the developed countries and has suffered great loss. Therefore Chinese exporters should think carefully about the countermeasures to eliminate the unfavorable influences of such measures

29、. First, we should make full use of the preferential treatment to the developing countries stipulated in the Agreement of Green trade barrier. According to the provisions of the Agreement of Green trade barrier, develope

30、d countries should take account of the special development, financial and trade ne</p><p>  References</p><p>  [1] John, Smith. 2007, Green trade protectionism to Chinese agricultural product e

31、xport influence Economics ,4,34-56.</p><p>  [2] Anderson, J.L., 2001, The Greening of World Trade Issues, Journal of Marketing Research, 24, 347-356.</p><p>  [3] Gallagher, R., 2003, Internati

32、onal Trade in Agricultural Products, Journal of General Management, 3, 1, 43-62.</p><p>  綠色貿(mào)易壁壘及其對中國對外貿(mào)易的影響</p><p><b>  薩金特</b></p><p>  萊斯大學經(jīng)濟管理學院</p><p>

33、  摘 要:近年來,綠色消費在許多發(fā)達國家中已成為一個主要的消費趨勢,這些發(fā)達國家開始采取嚴格的措施來限制一些國家的產(chǎn)品進入其國內市場。這些國家主要是其產(chǎn)品低于發(fā)達國家制定的環(huán)境保護標準。</p><p>  關鍵詞:綠色壁壘;產(chǎn)品;貿(mào)易</p><p>  近年來,綠色消費在許多發(fā)達國家中已成為一個主要的消費趨勢,這些發(fā)達國家開始采取嚴格的措施來限制一些國家的產(chǎn)品進入其國內市場。這些國家

34、主要是其產(chǎn)品低于發(fā)達國家制定的環(huán)境保護標準。這些規(guī)定對發(fā)展中國家的出口有許多不利的影響,這些規(guī)定一般被稱為“綠色貿(mào)易壁壘” 。綠色貿(mào)易壁壘的有關規(guī)定與世界貿(mào)易組織的有關協(xié)議相一致。綠色貿(mào)易壁壘的定義是:以保護整個人類賴以生存的自然環(huán)境和保護人體健康為的名義,制定一系列的規(guī)則條款,以達到發(fā)達國家保護其國內市場和國內產(chǎn)品的目的。</p><p>  分析綠色貿(mào)易壁壘的形成原因</p><p>

35、  首先,生態(tài)環(huán)境的惡化是綠色貿(mào)易壁壘形成的主要原因。隨著工業(yè)和技術的發(fā)展,社會經(jīng)濟飛速發(fā)展,人民生活水平得到顯著改善。但與此同時,經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展也以生態(tài)環(huán)境的破壞為代價。環(huán)境問題已經(jīng)引起社會公眾的注意而且國際社會也已開始制定法律來保護生態(tài)環(huán)境。在1972年6月,聯(lián)合國發(fā)表的斯德哥爾摩宣言,強調了保護環(huán)境的重要性。從那時起,越來越多的人開始關注的環(huán)境問題。環(huán)境的概念應景影響人類生活的各個層面,在社會公眾的壓力下發(fā)達國家開始制定嚴格的措施來保

36、護生態(tài)環(huán)境。這也就逐漸形成了國際貿(mào)易的綠色壁壘。</p><p>  其次,國與國之間在技術水平,環(huán)境標準和對外直接投資等方面的差異導致了綠色貿(mào)易壁壘的形成。正如我們所知,發(fā)達國家在社會整體水平和科學技術水平上遠遠領先發(fā)展中國家。即使他們作出非常嚴格的環(huán)境保護標準,其國內的產(chǎn)品可以達到嚴格的環(huán)境保護標準的要求,而這些標準則可能對來自發(fā)展中國家的產(chǎn)品構成障礙。事實上,這些標準有可能成為對來自發(fā)展中國家產(chǎn)品歧視的一種

37、手段,并構成國與國之間任意或不合理的歧視。</p><p>  第三,在一些發(fā)達國家,貿(mào)易保護主義的抬頭,是形成綠色貿(mào)易壁壘的一個很重要的原因。在現(xiàn)代市場經(jīng)濟條件下,競爭與以前相比是越來越激烈了。國內產(chǎn)業(yè)直接面臨來自其他國家產(chǎn)品的強有力的競爭,他們將敦促各國政府采取有效措施,以保護他們自己免受來自外國產(chǎn)品的沖擊。然而由于世界貿(mào)易組織的多邊談判,關稅已大大降低,使用非關稅措施也受到限制。因此,許多發(fā)達國家采取的一些

38、法律限制進口,</p><p>  如綠色壁壘,以保護本國產(chǎn)業(yè),從而引起綠色貿(mào)易壁壘的增加。</p><p>  綠色貿(mào)易壁壘的主要形式</p><p>  根據(jù)世界貿(mào)易組織有關綠色貿(mào)易壁壘的有關規(guī)定,綠色貿(mào)易壁壘通常有如下幾種形式:</p><p><b>  綠色關稅</b></p><p>

39、  一些發(fā)達國家對其他國家強加進口附加稅,這些國家主要是其產(chǎn)品可能會造成污染或損害環(huán)境的國家。如果這種措施被濫用,這將構成綠色貿(mào)易壁壘。</p><p><b> ?。ǘ?綠色標準</b></p><p>  綠色標準是指那些強制性的通過立法規(guī)定的環(huán)保標準。發(fā)達國家往往憑借其在經(jīng)濟和技術上的優(yōu)勢地位而制定更高要求的綠色標準,沒有考慮對發(fā)展中國家的利益。如此高的綠色標

40、準實際上是對技術上沒有任何優(yōu)勢的發(fā)展中國家夠了綠色貿(mào)易壁壘。</p><p><b> ?。ㄈ?包裝要求</b></p><p>  某些發(fā)達國家過于強調環(huán)境保護而且要求用對環(huán)境沒有任何損害的材料來包裝物品。如果產(chǎn)品沒有按照發(fā)達國家的要求進行包裝,他們將不會被允許在發(fā)達國家市場上出售。如果這種嚴格的要求是不必要的,它們將阻礙國際貿(mào)易的進一步發(fā)展。</p>

41、<p> ?。ㄋ模?衛(wèi)生和檢驗檢疫制度</p><p>  借口保護人類健康,動物和植物,發(fā)達國家往往使用非常嚴格的衛(wèi)生和檢疫限制發(fā)展中國家產(chǎn)品進入其本國市場從而達到保護其國內產(chǎn)業(yè)和國內市場的目的。</p><p>  三、綠色貿(mào)易壁壘對中國對外貿(mào)易的影響</p><p>  由于綠色貿(mào)易壁壘,中國對外貿(mào)易額遭受了巨大的損失。2002年,因為日本嚴格的


43、遭受損失最為嚴重。由于這三大類產(chǎn)品是中國出口最多的產(chǎn)品,我們可以很容易地得出一個結論:“綠色貿(mào)易壁壘”已成為限制中國產(chǎn)品出口的一個主要障礙。</p><p>  四、應對發(fā)達國家綠色貿(mào)易壁壘的主要對策</p><p>  如上所述,這是一個事實即中國出口產(chǎn)品遭受發(fā)達國家綠色壁壘的嚴重限制,遭受了巨大損失。因此,中國出口商應該仔細考慮對策,以消除綠色貿(mào)易壁壘不利影響。首先,我們應該充分利用的


45、一個更有力的爭端解決機制來解決世貿(mào)組織的成員之間的糾紛。因此,如果我們的利益受到其他世貿(mào)組織成員不公平的綠色貿(mào)易壁壘的損害,我們可以訴諸爭端解決機構來解決這一爭端,并敦促其他成員改變其不公正的做法,以保護我們的利益。第三,中國應強調保護環(huán)境,并采取措施提高產(chǎn)品質量和水平,多出口達到綠色出口水平的產(chǎn)品,以滿足更高的環(huán)保標準,這將從根本上解決我過所遭受綠色貿(mào)易壁壘這個問題。</p><p><b>  參考

46、文獻</b></p><p>  [1] 約翰?史密斯.2007,綠色貿(mào)易壁壘對中國農(nóng)產(chǎn)品出口的影響,經(jīng)濟學家, 4,34-56.</p><p>  [2] 安德森, J.L., 2001,綠色貿(mào)易壁壘問題,市場研究, 24, 347-356. </p><p>  [3] 加拉格爾, R, 2003,農(nóng)產(chǎn)品的出口貿(mào)易研究,管理, 3, 1, 43-6


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