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1、沈陽師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文《紅樓夢》中修辭翻譯的語義翻譯和傳譯翻譯姓名:張琳琳申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):外國語言學(xué)及應(yīng)用語言學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:史國強20100501- 1 -Abstract Zhou Ruchang, a specialist of redology once said that Hong Lou Meng is an unprecedented “cultural novel” of the Chinese nation, a

2、nd it is the greatest work in Chinese cultural history. The beautiful use of language in Hong Lou Meng is of great importance in research of the book, especially the employment of numbers of figures of speech. In Hong Lo

3、u Meng, various figures of speech are adapted from character description to conversation to narration of stories. In this thesis, some figures of speech were chosen and their translation in two English versions, namely t

4、he Yangs’ and Hawkes’, were analyzed under the view of New Mark’s theory of semantic translation and communicative translation. Newmarks’ theory says that communicative translation aims at delivering the exact context o

5、f source language and making the translation easily accepted and understood by the target readers. Semantic translation, on the other hand, focuses on fully bringing out the source language’s beauty and maintaining its o

6、riginal contents as much as possible. This thesis chose six figures of speech widely employed in the novel, including metaphor, pun, onomatopoeia, allusion, malapropism and homophone, bringing them under discussion of th

7、e comparison of the two prevailing English versions of Hong Lou Meng. Based on the above analysis, the conclusion is that the Yangs’ inclines to semantic translation in figure of speech translation while Hawkes favors co


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