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1、沈陽(yáng)師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文中國(guó)棘蠅屬Phaonia系統(tǒng)分類(lèi)學(xué)研究(雙翅目:蠅科)姓名:趙丹丹申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專(zhuān)業(yè):動(dòng)物學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:薛萬(wàn)琦20090501iiTaxonomic Study on Phaonia Robineau-Desvoidy from China (Diptera: Muscidae) ABSTRACT. The Genus Phaonia belongs to order Diptera family Musci

2、dae sub-family Phaoniinae, which is the largest genus of Muscidae. A brief summarization of Phaonia history and taxonomy were given both from worldwide and from China, the method of systematic study, economic importance

3、, morphological terminology referring to and taxonomic status were also discussed. This dissertation taked the 39 species-groups and 17 subspecies-groups written by Xue, Wang and Du in 2006 as theoretical foundation, sys

4、tematically rewrited keys for 7 species-groups, recorded the catalogues of 15 species-groups, and reported 10 new species, namely Phaonia sp. nov. 1; Phaonia sp. nov. 2; Phaonia sp. nov. 3; Phaonia sp. nov. 4; Phaonia sp

5、. nov. 5; Phaonia sp. nov. 6; Phaonia sp. nov. 7; Phaonia sp. nov. 8; Phaonia sublatilamella Xue et Zhao, 2009 and Phaonia bacillirostris Xue et Wang, 2009; recorded one Chinese new record, Phaonia rubriventris Emden, 19

6、65; Females of Phaonia kangdingensis Ma et Feng, 1986; Phaonia comihumera Feng et Ma, 2002; Phaonia pennifuscata Fan, 1996 were described for the first time. In addition, during the research of this species-group, we fir

7、mly considered that Phaonia kangdingensis Ma et Feng, 1986 and Phaonia succinctiantenna Feng et Ma, 2002, Phaonia hebetoida Ma et Deng, 2002 and Phaonia subhebeta Ma et Deng, 2002 as synonym, Phaonia maculiaurea Xue et W

8、ang, 1998 and Phaonia maculiaureata Wang et Xue, 1997 were two independent species rather than synonym described in Fauna Sinica Insecta, Vol. 26 Diptera Muscidae (II) Phaoniinae (I). This dissertation also dealed with

9、faunal analysis to Phaonia chalchica-group and Phaonia pallida-group as well as the cladistic phylogeny to Phaonia vivida-group . There were about 60,000 words, 82 illustrations and English annotation of 9 new species an

10、d keys of 15 species-groups in this dissertation. The specimens studied in this dissertation are deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Shenyang Normal University. Key words: New species, Phaonia, Species-group, Key,


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