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1、河北大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文我國女大學(xué)生就業(yè)問題的研究姓名:金珊珊申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):社會保障學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:房保安2011-05Abstract IIAbstract Government pays more and more attention to the people’s livelihood, because the harmonious society’s core concept of people-oriented. Emplo

2、yment is vital to people's livelihood and social stability, which influences Chinese future development of harmonious society and people’s happiness. Employment problems relate to a lot of groups, especially, the col

3、lege students' employment problem is very important. In China every year, the number of graduate students is surging , because the higher education from elite high education turn into public education, college studen

4、ts' employment problem become more and more serious. College students receive a lot of knowledge, who are Chinese future power. This part of the employment problem solution related to Chinese upgrading of the industr

5、ial structure and international competitiveness, however, in college students' employment problem, the female college students’ employment problem is special and important. Because of a lot of factors, female colleg

6、e students' employment problem confronts lot difficulties. Female college students' employment problem involves many aspects, which significant to labor market fair, human resource allocation and resource distrib

7、ution. The history, traditional thought, economic structure, external social factors and female college students' psychological factors, which affect the female college students' employment. The paper studies va

8、rious backgrounds in China and analyzes the influence of some factors of female college students’ employment. According to several factors that influence female college students’ employment, from several aspects to solve

9、 female college students’ employment problem, such as the adjustment of industrial structure, the improvement of the social security system, the encouragement of female college students self-employed. Key words Female c


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