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1、山西財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文我國(guó)煤礦礦區(qū)生態(tài)環(huán)境的法律保護(hù)研究姓名:張鵬申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):環(huán)境與資源保護(hù)法指導(dǎo)教師:田肇樹2009-05-204 Abstract Ecological environmental protection in coal mining areas is the precondition the sustainable use of coal resource, and it

2、 is an important issue relating to mining area construction. Coal production and utilization as well as people’ s living condition and ecological environment in the area. For a long time, the

3、 government and society have little awareness of natural resource and environment during the exploration mineral resources, and in order to achieve the short- term rapid economic growth, people l

4、aunched aggressive exploration of coal which not only result in a lot of resources waste and a series of environment problems, but also made mining areas typical severely- damaged ecology syste

5、m. The ecological environmental problem in mining areas has become a great potential risk which can affect the mining area’ s sustainable development, and even the regional ecological safety. Theref

6、ore, the legal protection for mining area’ s ecological environment is in extreme urgency. This article starts from the concept of mining area’ s ecological environment, introduces the present situation

7、 of mining area’ s ecological environment in our country and analyses the reasons for it. Then sorts out related laws by way of introduction, and introduces the existing legal system of minin

8、g area’ s environment protection and selectively anaylized the limitations of the existing system in legislation and law enforcement respectively. Thirdly, the article studies the advanced experien

9、ce on legal protection to the mining area’ s ecological environment aboard and the reference to our country; At last, on the basis of the above, it gives some specific suggestions on improvi

10、ng our countries legal protection to mining area’ s ecological environment, which contains the improvement of legislations on mining area’ s environmental, such as improving legislative idea, legislation sys

11、tem, establishing strict cash deposit system to the mining area’ s environmental recovery. It also contains strengthening mining area’ s environmental law enforcement, such as making clear the adm

12、inistrative law enforcement subjects, strengthening the public participation during the law enforcement, conferring the environmental protection agencies some law enforcement of compulsory measures and so on

13、. By all these means, we hope that our country’ s mining area’ s ecological environmental protection laws will play a more active role in improving mining area’ s ecological environment. 【Key Wo


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