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1、重慶大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文從語用角度探究模糊限制語的翻譯姓名:倪丹烈申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):外國語言學(xué)及應(yīng)用語言學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:徐鐵城20060401重慶大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT The phenomenon of fuzziness has been very frequently seen in language

2、 use, although people have always pursued the accuracy and clarity of their expression. In most cases, we just have a fuzzy or certain of comparatively fuzzy cognition of the concept in our minds or in external world. As

3、 we know, human’s language owns fuzziness in itself. In this paper, we mainly discuss the most common and typical part in fuzzy language, that is, hedges. This concept originally belongs to the study of th

4、e category of semantics, while it has shifted to the one of pragmatics in recent years. From the pragmatic viewpoint, the use of hedges is a kind of device to reflect the internal attitude or idea of the speaker or write

5、r, and meanwhile win respect or trust from the corresponding parts as a good social interacting manner. Translation, as a cross-cultural activity, needs to consider more the real intention or purpose

6、 of the original user under the two different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Dealing with the translation of hedges, the correct understanding and analysis of their pragmatic functions would play an imp

7、ortant role. The research of this paper aims to perform discussion and analysis for the pragmatic functions of hedges in translation; exploring and interpreting the actual translation of hedges in several t

8、ypical texts, such as spoken discourse, literary language and sci-tech texts, from a pragmatic perspective. At last, the author concludes that the relevant pragmatic theories can guide and help

9、 the translation of hedges from different angles. Meanwhile, in practice of translation, we can still analyze the pragmatic functions of hedges with two cases, namely, equivalence and non-equivalence. In c

10、onclusion, the author promotes that the research of the pragmatic functions of hedges is an effective approach in their translation study. Besides, some social factors like the speaker’s gender, soc


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