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1、 黃河三角洲高效生態(tài)經(jīng)濟區(qū)地方政府競合關系研究 摘要 隨著黃河三角洲高效生態(tài)經(jīng)濟區(qū)正式上升為國家區(qū)域發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略,其建設與發(fā)展已然步入嶄新階段。中央政府、山東省政府以及各地政府積極謀劃布局,強調突顯“高效” 、 “生態(tài)”兩大功能定位。地方政府間關系在促進黃河三角洲高效生態(tài)經(jīng)濟區(qū)建設與發(fā)展中發(fā)揮著至關重要的作用,其地方政府競合關系正是在此基礎上提出。本文所研究的黃河三角洲高效生態(tài)經(jīng)濟區(qū)地方政府競合關系指的是黃河三角洲高效生態(tài)經(jīng)濟區(qū)內東營、濱州

2、、煙臺、 濰坊、德州、淄博 6 個地級市政府、及所涉及和涵蓋的 19 個縣 (市、區(qū))級地方政府間的橫向競爭和合作關系,既是相對靜態(tài)的行政關系,也是平行的動態(tài)利益關系。 本文從界定相關概念與闡述理論基礎開始,對黃河三角洲高效生態(tài)經(jīng)濟區(qū)、地方政府、地方政府的競爭和合作概念,以及共生關系理論與地方政府間關系理論進行明確界定、闡述,界定黃河三角洲高效生態(tài)經(jīng)濟區(qū)地方政府競爭合作的主體與內容,為論文的研究奠定堅實的理論基礎。 闡述構建黃河三角洲高

3、效生態(tài)經(jīng)濟區(qū)地方政府良好競合關系的必要性:是滿足地方政府利益需求的必要條件,是提升黃河三角洲高效生態(tài)經(jīng)濟區(qū)政府整體競爭力的基礎,是處理與解決公共問題、公共事務的有效途徑。并從公共物品供給水平、制度供給、市場環(huán)境三方面深入分析其地方政府的競爭現(xiàn)狀;從合作主體行為、合作組織形式、合作內容等方面全面分析其地方政府合作現(xiàn)狀。 創(chuàng)新性地運用 SPSS 21.0 統(tǒng)計軟件對所涉及的 6 個地級市、 19 個縣 (市、區(qū))綜合競爭實力指標數(shù)據(jù)進行量化

4、分析處理,并通過因子分析、聚類分析與結果判別分別得出兩個層級競爭實力綜合排名,并對競爭力結果進行分析,為研究該地區(qū)地方政府競合關系提供可借鑒的量化分析結果。 從基礎設施與產業(yè)結構、地區(qū)競爭力與吸引力、外資引進,惡性競爭問題等方面深刻分析黃河三角洲高效生態(tài)經(jīng)濟區(qū)地方政府的競爭存在的問題;與此同時,從地方政府合作意識、功能定位、協(xié)調機構與合作機制等方面分析黃河三角洲高效生態(tài)經(jīng)濟區(qū)地方政府的合作存在的問題。并從地The Study on th

5、e relationships of competition and cooperation of the local governments in the Yellow River delta efficient ecological economic zone Abstract With the development of the Yellow River delta efficient ecological economic z

6、one officially rose to the national strategy of regional development, its` construction and development has entered a new stage. The central government, the government of Shandong province and local governments actively

7、 planning layout, emphasizing the two big functions:“efficiency“ and “ecological “. The relationships among the local governments play an important role in promoting the construction and development of the Yellow River

8、delta efficient ecological economic zone, the competition and cooperation relationships of local governments are put forward on the basis, and it refers to the Yellow River delta efficient ecological economic zone of Don

9、gying, Binzhou, Yantai, Weifang, Dezhou, Zibo 6 prefecture-level city hall, 19 county ( City、District ) level local governments, their relationship is not only the management of relatively static, but dynamic benefits o

10、f parallel relationship. In this paper, we start from defining the relevant concepts and explains theoretical basis. Clearly defined and elaborated the concept of the Yellow River delta efficient ecological economic zone

11、, local government, competition and cooperation of local government, as well as the theory of symbiosis and the relationship between local governments. Definition of main body and content of the relationships of the loc

12、al governments’ competition and cooperation in the Yellow River delta efficient ecological economic zone can lay a solid theoretical basis. Expounding the necessity of constructing good competition and cooperation relat

13、ionships in the local governments: the necessary condition to meet the interests of the governments demand, the foundation to enhance the overall competitiveness of the government of the Yellow River delta efficient eco

14、logical economic zone, an effective way to deal with public problems, public affairs. And analyzing the local government competition status from three aspects: the public goods supply level, institutional supply and ma

15、rket environment; analyzing the status of local government cooperation from the aspects of the cooperation behavior, cooperation organizations, cooperation content . Analyzing index data involved in the 6 local governme

16、nts, 19 county(City、 District ) level local governments comprehensive competitiveness with the use of SPSS 21.0 statistical software. Through factor analysis, cluster analysis, results discriminant to obtain two levels


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