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1、汕頭大學碩士學位論文正常早孕及復發(fā)性自然流產主動免疫治療相關血清蛋白質組學研究姓名:劉寶玲申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):臨床醫(yī)學本碩連讀(婦產科)指導教師:許紅雁2010-05汕頭大學醫(yī)學院碩士學位論文IIAbstract Abstract Abstract AbstractObjective Objective : This study applied proteomics method to select the the serumdis

2、crepant proteome of normal pregnant women and the patients before andafter the active immunotherapy who with recurrent spontaneousabortion(RSA).The objective was searching for the possible immune toleranceof pregnancy re

3、gulatory protein, and preliminary investigating the possibleserological pathogenesis of RSA and the possible humoral immune efficacymechanism of active immunotherapy.Method Method:Selected a total of 25 samples from pati

4、ents with RSA who are negativeof blocking antibodies(BA) before and after the active immunotherapy as theself-control patient groups.In addition selected a total of 20 samples frominitial normal pregnant women in the sam

5、e period as the normal controlgroup . Estimated the BA of the three groups respectively with ELISA, andestimated the serum proteome of the three groups with SELDI-TOF-MS and WCX-2 . Selected the significant different ser

6、um proteins and established twodiagnosis tree-models . In further screened of the possible pregnancyimmunological tolerance regulatory protein by comparing differences proteinsin the three groups.Results Results:The posi

7、tive rate of BA in normal pregnant women was only 10%.Thepositive rate of BA in patients with RSA was 11.1%.The positive rate of BA inRSA patients who were negative changed to 28.0% after one course of activeimmunotherap

8、y . Estimated the serum proteomics,it found that there were intotal of 85 protein peaks with statistical difference(P<0.05) and in totalof 29 protein peaks with significant statistical difference(P<0.01) betweenthe RSA b

9、efore immunotherapy group and normal control group.It developed twoprotein peaks (M/Z is 13758.0, 3450.94)could separate the patients with RSAand normal pregnancy women . The distinguish had sensitivity of 100 % andspeci


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