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1、Objective To detect the association between Apa Ⅰ polymorphism of vitamin D receptor(VDR) gene and primary osteoporosis and to approach the predisposing factor of osteoporosis in heredity. Methods Using polymerase chai

2、n reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), we tested the Apa Ⅰ polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene of 155 patients with osteoporosis and 113 healthy beings ,who lived in Shandong peninsula for

3、many years. Both of them were from the Han nationality aged from 50 to 80. We compared the distributing frequency of genotypes and alleles between two groups and also compared them according to the gender and age. Res

4、ults Using χ 2 analysis, we concluded that there was statistical significance between the two groups genotypes in general level(P<0.05), no statistical significance between "AA" and "Aa" genotype, but significant stati

5、stical significance was found between "aa" and "AA" binding with "Aa"(P<0.01). There was significant statistical significance between "a" and "A" allelic genes(P<0.01) ,The distributing frequency of"aa" genotype and "a

6、" allele in the case group was higher than the control group. There was no statistical significance of genotype and allele between male case group and male control group, but statistical significance of genotype and al

7、lele was found in female(P<0.05). The distributing frequency of "aa" genotype and "a" allele in female case group was higher than female control group. We did not find statistical significance of genotype and allele b

8、etween the case group(<65 years old)and the control group(<65 years old),but statistical significance was found in the group( ≥ 65 years old).The distributing frequency of "aa" genotype and "a" allele in the group (≥65

9、 years old)was higher than the control group (≥65 years old). Conclusions Among the Han people in the Shandong peninsula, there was association between the Apa Ⅰ polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene and osteoporosis

10、, "a" allele of female (≥65 years old) was susceptible gene, and the people with "aa" genotype trended to suffer from osteoporosis. So we conclude that the Apa Ⅰ polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene play an importan


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