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1、<p>  Intelligent Vehicle</p><p>  Our society is awash in “machine intelligence” of various kinds.Over the last century, we have witnessed more and more of the “drudgery” of daily living being replaced

2、 by devices such as washing machines.</p><p>  One remaining area of both drudgery and danger, however, is the daily act ofdriving automobiles. 1.2million people were killed in traffic crashes in 2002, whic

3、h was 2.1% of all globaldeaths and the 11th ranked cause of death . If this trend continues, an estimated 8.5 million people will be dying every year in road crashes by 2020. in fact, the U.S. Department of Transportatio

4、n has estimated the overall societal cost of road crashes annually in the United States at greater than $230 billion .</p><p>  when hundreds or thousands of vehicles are sharing the same roads at the same t

5、ime, leading to the all too familiar experience of congested traffic. Traffic congestion undermines our quality of life in the same way air pollution undermines public health.Around 1990, road transportation professional

6、s began to apply them to traffic and road management. Thus was born the intelligent transportation system (ITS). Starting in the late 1990s, ITS systems were developed and deployed。In developed countri</p><p&g

7、t;  cant amounts of information about travel conditions, whether they are driving their own vehicle or riding on public transit systems.</p><p>  As the world energy crisis, and the war and the energy consum

8、ption of oil -- and are full of energy, in one day, someday it will disappear without a trace. Oil is not in resources. So in oil consumption must be clean before finding a replacement. With the development of science an

9、d technology the progress of the society, people invented the electric car. Electric cars will become the most ideal of transportation. In the development of world each aspect is fruitful, especially with the automob&

10、lt;/p><p>  Will was electric cars and intelligent car replaced. This is the question that day after timing will come. ABS, GPS, and various new 4WD 4WS, electronic products and the modern era, excellent perfor

11、mance auto tacit understanding is tie-in, bring us unparalleled precision driving comfort and safety of driving.</p><p>  The hardware and software of the intelligent vehicle are designed based on AVR.This s

12、ystem could set the route in advance. The vehicle could communicate with the PC vianRF401 and could run safely with the help of ultra sound detection and infrared measuring circuit.Neural network self- study is used to i

13、mprove the intelligence of the vehicle.</p><p>  The performance of servo systems will determine the property of the robot. Based on AVRseries MCU,the velocity servo system for driving motor is created in th

14、is paper,including a discrete PIregulator which will work out a PWM control signal with applying the skill of integral separation. The velocities of motors will be controlled real - time with the speed sampling frequency

15、 set for 2KHz by using the AVR - GCC compiler software development. Compared to the servo system development based on the </p><p>  A new design of contest robot cont rol system based on AVR Atmega8 was put

16、forward. According to the character of contest robot , the main cont rol unit , motor drive unit , sense detection unit and LCDdisplay unit wereintroduced. Furthermore the servo driver system based on MCBL3006S , the lin

17、e t racker sensor system and the obstacle avoidance sensor system were presented in detail. Finally the performance showsthat the cont rol system is open , simple , easy programming , intelligent and effic</p><

18、;p>  Avoidance rules of intelligent vehicle obstacle are introducted. Through the collection of infrared sensor formation, the rules use diode D1 to launch and diode D2 to receive infrared signals. Infrared transmitt

19、er signal without a dedicated circuit comes directly from the MCU clock frequency, which not only simplifie the circuit and debugging, but also make the circuit stability and anti- jamming capability greatly enhanced. Af

20、ter the experimental verification, the system runs reliably meet the</p><p>  A smart car control sys tem of the path informat ion identif ied based on CCD camera was introduced. The hardware s truc ture and

21、 scheme were designed. The contro l strategy of s teering mechanismwas presented. T he smart car not only can identify the road prec isely, but also have antinterference performance, and small s teady state error.</p&

22、gt;<p>  This article designed smartcar system,includes the aspects of the sensor information acquisition and processing, motor drive, control algorithm and control strategy etc.Using laser sensor to collect the r

23、oad information which can feedback to the microcontroller control system,then making analytical processing combined with the software.With velocity feedback and PID control algorithms to control steering engine and the s

24、peed of smartcar.Verified by actual operation, this method makes smartcar tr</p><p>  By the aid o f the pro fessio na l know ledge of contr ol, patter n recog nitio n, senso r t echnolog y, aut omotive elec

25、t ronics, elect ricit y, computer, machiner y and so on, an intelligent vehicle system is designed with PID control a lg orithm,CCD detection system and H C9SDG128 M CU. Codew arr ior IDE integr ated dev elo pment pro gr

26、 amming env ir onment is taken as a basic softw are platform t hat can aut omatically deal w ith the traffic and image pro cessing, and then adjust the mo ving</p><p>  Based on the research background of th

27、e Free-Scale smart car competition, a smart trackfollowing car is designed. In the car, the photo electricity sensor is used to check the path and obtain the information of racing road, andcalculate the error between the

28、 car and the black line. The fuzzy control is used to control the velocity of the car. The experiments show that the smart car based on the fuzzy control has high accuracy on the judgment of the path, stability and veloc

29、ity control.</p><p>  In the wake of the computer and information revolutions, motor vehicles are undergoing the most dramatic changes in their capabilities and how they interact with drivers since the early

30、 years of the century. </p><p>  In 1908, Henry Ford's Model T exemplified major breakthroughs in automotive design. Not only did its interchangeable parts inaugurate easy and economical mass production,

31、 but its "user-friendly" operation allowed almost anyone to drive. Nearly 90 years later, the motor vehicle is resembling less and less Ford's simple machine and quickly becoming a complex "mobile comp

32、uter", capable of acting as a navigator, a safeguard, and even, a second driver. These new capabilities will not only change how </p><p>  However, intelligent vehicles aren't quite here. Instead, t

33、he components that make vehicles smarter -- new information, safety, and automation technologies -- are arriving on the market as piecemeal accessories, offered either as optional equipment by new vehicle manufacturers o

34、r as speciality components by after-market suppliers. These technologies are being developed and marketed to increase driver safety, performance, and convenience. These individual technologies, however, have yet to be in

35、t</p><p>  The automotive industry is already aware of and addressing potential problems associated with the uncoordinated influx of technology. But their progress is hampered by technical and economic obsta

36、cles, uncertain consumer interest, and insufficient standards and guidelines. Also, neither original vehicle manufacturers or government regulators (unless safety problems are clearly proven) have control over after-mark

37、et products, especially their use in trucks and buses. However, without a "human-cen</p><p>  Recognizing the importance of smart vehicles and the potential for unintended consequences if human factors

38、are not placed at the center of their design, DOT launched the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) in 1997. This initiative aims to accelerate the development, availability, and use of integrated in-vehicle systems that

39、 help drivers of cars, trucks, and buses operate more safely and effectively.</p><p>  The 1980s television series "Knight Rider" featured an intelligent vehicle that could leap moderately tall bui

40、ldings, drive itself at seemingly supersonic speeds, spy on bad guys, and had the diction and personality of an English butler. The car was not only smart, but smart-alecky. Although intelligent vehicles in the real worl

41、d will not be able to fly over standing traffic, they will have formidable capabilities. As envisioned by IVI, smart vehicles will be able to give route directions, sense</p><p>  The use of information- and

42、 computer-based technologies in motor vehicles, however, is not new. Widescale computerization of motor vehicles began in the 1980s with technologies designed to enhance vehicle operation and driver comfort. These techno

43、logies included electronic fuel injection to control engine performance, particularly to reduce vehicular emissions and improve fuel economy, antilock braking systems to help drivers retain control on slippery roads, and

44、 cruise control to relieve driver</p><p>  Just as people possess different specialized abilities, in-vehicle ITS technologies endow vehicles with different types and levels of "intelligence" to co

45、mplement the driver. Driver information systems expand the driver's knowledge of routes and locations. Warning systems, such as collision-avoidance technologies, enhance the driver's ability to sense what's g

46、oing on in the surrounding environment. And driver assistance and automation technologies simulate a driver's thinking and physical action</p><p>  But while a smart vehicle will extend the driver's

47、capabilities, it will also potentially expand the driver's traditional role. In particular, in the midst of new in-vehicle technologies, the human role expands from that of sensory-motor skill, writes Thomas Sheridan

48、, a professor who heads the Human-Machine Systems Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), "to that of planner, programmer, monitor of the automation, diagnostician ..., learner and manager.&qu

49、ot;8</p><p>  Integration: The Key to Human-Centered Design </p><p>  A key criteria of human-centered design is ensuring that a technology provides the intended benefits without engendering uni

50、ntended adverse consequences. Driving is a potentially dangerous activity that requires attentive and alert drivers. Although technologies in the vehicle can enhance the driver's capabilities and comfort, they can al

51、so create potential distractions that transform even the best driver into a road hazard. The National Public Services Research Institute, for example, found tha</p><p>  ITS research has already shown the be

52、nefits and feasibility of many of the technologies that will be contained within intelligent vehicles: </p><p>  Route guidance systems will help drivers better navigate unfamiliar streets or find the quicke

53、st route to their destinations. In the TravTek field test in Orlando, sponsored by DOT in 1992 and 1993, tourists driving vehicles equipped with route guidance systems made 30 percent fewer wrong turns and shortened thei

54、r travel times by 20 percent compared to drivers who used paper maps. </p><p>  Collision-avoidance systems will expand the paradigm of traffic safety from protecting the occupant of the vehicle to preventin

55、g accidents altogether. According to one study, 60 percent of crashes at intersections and about 30 percent of head-on collisions could be avoided if drivers had an additional half-second to react. Nearly 75 percent of

56、vehicular crashes are caused by inattentive drivers. NHTSA estimates that three types of collision-avoidance systems could prevent 1.1 million accidents </p><p>  In-vehicle automation systems will temporari

57、ly take over driving during emergencies or allow autopiloting for prolonged durations. In 1996, NHTSA began field testing intelligent cruise-control systems, which will automatically adjust a vehicle's cruising speed

58、 to maintain a safe distance from vehicles ahead, to evaluate the safety impact of this technology. In a more dramatic step towards "hands-off, feet-off" driving, the National Automated Highway Systems Consorti

59、um (NAHSC), which is a partner</p><p>  Aside from delivering safety and efficiency benefits for the traveling public, the federal government expects that indigenous development of intelligent vehicles could

60、 promote America's economic competitiveness.</p><p>  For intelligent vehicles to reach their maximum potential, they must be able to communicate with an intelligent transportation infrastructure and wit

61、h other intelligent vehicles. For example, communication with a smart infrastructure would allow an intelligent vehicle to learn of incidents and then proactively suggest alternative routes in real time. Smart vehicles c

62、ould also act as probes that could send information about travel conditions back to the infrastructure to create a richer base of k</p><p>  Over the next five to 10 years, we should see the first generation

63、 with advances in the capabilities of individual driver information and warning systems. These systems will become increasingly integrated with information coordinated through displays. Drivers will still maintain full c

64、ontrol over their vehicles although collision-warning systems will provide limited automated assistance. In addition, vehicles would have a greater intelligence about road conditions in real time due to rudimentary</p

65、><p>  In about 10 to 15 years, the application of improvements in individual ITS systems will bring on a second generation with more and better intelligence in the vehicle. Although drivers will still maintain

66、 full control over their vehicles, collision-avoidance systems could take control temporarily during emergencies. In addition, more sophisticated voice recognition systems will be incorporated within the driver-vehicle i

67、nterface. Vehicles will be able to communicate with each other to improve col</p><p>  In about 20 years, in the third generation, we could see fully automated highway systems, cooperative systems of vehicle

68、s and infrastructure, and advances in the driver-vehicle interface, such as use of vision enhancements and head-up displays.</p><p>  Looking back on a century inundated by technology, the motor vehicle stan

69、ds out as a singularly dynamic invention. In the next century, this dynamism will be driven by advances in information and computer technology. Our challenge is to ensure that new information, safety, and automation tech

70、nologies are integrated to create human-centered intelligent vehicles that can advance safety, surface transportation efficiency, and economic competitivenes</p><p><b>  外文資料譯文</b></p><

71、;p><b>  智能車</b></p><p>  我們的社會充斥著各種各樣的“機器智能“。在過去的世紀,我們目睹越來越多日常生活中的“苦差事“被機器設(shè)備解決,如洗衣機。</p><p>  然而,一個既枯燥又危險的保留區(qū)域就是日常駕駛汽車。2002年,120萬人死于交通事故,這是所有全球2.1%死亡,死因排名第11。如果這種趨勢繼續(xù)下去,估計從2020年起每

72、一年死于道路交通統(tǒng)(ITS)。 20世紀90年代中后期開始,它的系統(tǒng)進行了開發(fā)和部署。在發(fā)達國事故的人將達到850萬人。事實上,美國交通部估計交通事故的整體社會成本每年超過2300億美元。 </p><p>  數(shù)百或數(shù)千輛車共享相同的道路時,就導致了大家都熟悉的交通擠塞。交通擠塞破壞了我們的生活質(zhì)量就像空氣污染損害公眾健康。1990年左右,公路運輸?shù)膶I(yè)人士開始申請讓他們在交通和道路管理。于是誕生了智能交通系家

73、,旅客今天能夠獲得旅行條件的信息,無論是駕駛自己的車或乘坐公共交通系統(tǒng)。</p><p>  隨著世界能源危機的持續(xù),以及戰(zhàn)爭和能源-----石油的消耗及汽車飽有量的增加,能源在一天一天下降,終有一天它會消失的無影無蹤。石油不是在生資源。所以必須在石油耗凈之前找到一種代替品。隨著科技的發(fā)展社會的進步,有人發(fā)明了電動汽車。電動汽車將成為人們最為理想的交通工具。</p><p>  世界在各各



76、gt;  汽車是現(xiàn)代人必不可少的交通工具。而電動汽車給我們帶來無限樂趣外還能給我們勞累一天的身心得以放松。就拿自動變速器來說吧,汽車在行駛時,可以不踩離合器踏板,就可以實現(xiàn)自動換檔而發(fā)動機不會熄火,這樣有效的提高駕駛方便性減輕駕駛員的疲勞強度。自動變速器主要由液力變矩器、齒輪變速器、油泵、液壓控制系統(tǒng)、電子控制系統(tǒng)、油冷卻系統(tǒng)等組成。電子控制的懸架主要是用來緩沖路面對車身的沖擊力以及減少振動保證汽車平順性和操縱穩(wěn)定性。當汽車行駛在不平坦


78、了電動汽車的價值與性能同步提升。ABS具有減少制動距離并能保持轉(zhuǎn)向操作能力有效提高行駛方向的穩(wěn)定性同時減少輪胎的磨損。安全氣囊的出</p><p>  智能電子技術(shù)在汽車上得以推廣使得汽車在安全行駛和其它功能更上一層樓。通過各種傳感器實現(xiàn)自動駕駛。除些之外智能汽車裝備有多種傳感器能充分感知交通設(shè)施及環(huán)境的信息并能隨時判斷車輛及駕駛員是否處于危險之中,具備自主尋路、導航、避撞、不停車收費等功能。有效提高運輸過程中的


80、,在排放、燃油經(jīng)濟性方面明顯優(yōu)于內(nèi)燃機車輛。</p><p>  隨著計算機和電子產(chǎn)品不斷開級換代,電動汽車技術(shù)也在日趨成熟與完善,使得駕駛更安全、方便、靈活、舒適。現(xiàn)在,電動汽車離普通消費者的距離還很遙遠,只有少數(shù)人在趕趕時髦而已。電動汽車真正能夠與傳統(tǒng)的燃油汽車相競爭,今后汽車市場終會被電動汽車和智能汽車所取代。這只是時間性的問題這一天終究會來到的。ABS、GPS、4WS、4WD以及各種新時代的電子產(chǎn)品與現(xiàn)代

81、高性能汽車默契組合、絕妙搭配,帶給我們無與倫比的精準駕駛舒適性和行駛安全性。</p><p>  以AVR 單片機為核心, 提出了一種智能探測小車的軟硬件設(shè)計方案。系統(tǒng)可以預先設(shè)定小車的行走路線, 能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)小車與計算機之間的無線通訊, 通過超聲測物和紅外測障電路使小車安全行走。另外, 系統(tǒng)通過JTAG 接口在線調(diào)試程序。軟件設(shè)計中采用神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)自學習, 大大增強了小車的智能化.</p><p&g

82、t;  執(zhí)行元件的伺服系統(tǒng)性能將決定機器人的性能?;贏VR 系列單片機,并應用積分分離技術(shù),設(shè)計離散PI 調(diào)節(jié)器,輸出PWM 控制信號,建立驅(qū)動電機的速度伺服控制系統(tǒng)。使用AVR - GCC 編譯軟件開發(fā)伺服系統(tǒng)軟件,設(shè)定速度采樣頻率為2KHz,實現(xiàn)對電機速度的實時控制。與基于51 系列單片機開發(fā)的伺服系統(tǒng)相比,本系統(tǒng)所需的外圍電路更簡單,數(shù)據(jù)處理速度更快。實現(xiàn)了機器人響應快速,移動平穩(wěn)。該伺服系統(tǒng)的開發(fā)尤其適用于智能移動機器人,還可

83、以廣泛應用于其它智能設(shè)備和生產(chǎn)線。</p><p>  提出了一種基于AVR 單片機Atmega8 為核心控制器的比賽機器人控制系統(tǒng),通過比賽機器人的特征分析,闡述了構(gòu)成控制系統(tǒng)所需的主控單元、電機驅(qū)動單元、傳感檢測單元及LCD 顯示單元,其中詳細分析了以MCBL3006S 為核心的伺服電機驅(qū)動單元,以及關(guān)系比賽機器人基本功能實現(xiàn)的循線傳感系統(tǒng)及避障傳感系統(tǒng),并給出部分程序。最后通過實踐表明,該控制系統(tǒng)開放性好、

84、結(jié)構(gòu)簡單、編程容易、智能并高效。</p><p>  智能車的避障規(guī)則,通過對紅外傳感器的信息進行采集,使用二極管D1 發(fā)射紅外線,二極管D2 接收紅外信號。紅外線發(fā)射部分不設(shè)專門的信號發(fā)生電路,直接從單片機實現(xiàn)時鐘頻率,既簡化了線路和調(diào)試工作,又能使電路的穩(wěn)定性和抗干擾能力大大加強。經(jīng)實驗驗證,該系統(tǒng)運行可靠,達到了設(shè)計要求。</p><p>  介紹一種基于CCD 攝像頭的路徑識別的智

85、能車控制系統(tǒng), 設(shè)計了硬件結(jié)構(gòu)與方案, 提出了轉(zhuǎn)向機構(gòu)的控制策略, 該智能車能準確實現(xiàn)自主尋跡, 具備抗干擾性極強, 穩(wěn)態(tài)誤差小等特點。</p><p>  智能車系統(tǒng),包括傳感器信息采集與處理、電機驅(qū)動、控制算法及控制策略等方面。采用激光傳感器采集道路信息并反饋給單片機控制系統(tǒng),通過軟件進行相關(guān)分析處理,通過速度反饋和PID 算法控制舵機轉(zhuǎn)向和智能車速度。通過實際運行驗證,本方法使智能車運行穩(wěn)定、可靠,其平均速

86、度達到2.6m/s,得到比較理想的效果。</p><p>  為了綜合利用控制、模式識別、傳感器技術(shù)、汽車電子、電氣、計算機、機械等專業(yè)領(lǐng)域知識, 設(shè)計實現(xiàn)了一個基于PID 控制算法, CCD 檢測系統(tǒng), 并采用H C9SDG128 單片機作為主控芯片的智能車系統(tǒng)。該系統(tǒng)使用Codewar rio r IDE 集成開發(fā)環(huán)境作為程序設(shè)計的基本軟件平臺, 能利用攝像頭自動識別路況, 進行圖像處理, 進而調(diào)整方向沿預定

87、軌道前行, 具有很強的可靠性、穩(wěn)定性、快速性、擴展性。</p><p>  以“飛思卡爾”杯智能車大賽為研究背景,開發(fā)了一種智能循跡小車。該小車采用光電傳感器檢測路徑,獲得賽道信息,求出小車與黑線間的偏差,采用模糊控制對小車的速度進行控制,使小車能夠自動跟隨直道和彎道。實踐表明,采用模糊控制的智能小車在路徑識別的精準度,穩(wěn)定性,及速度控制上具有明顯優(yōu)勢。</p><p>  本世紀初期,在

88、計算機和信息革命的影響下,汽車經(jīng)歷了性能和與駕駛者之間的互動方面最富戲劇性的變革。</p><p>  1908年,亨利福特T型車的出現(xiàn)體現(xiàn)了汽車設(shè)計上的重大突破。它不僅開創(chuàng)了輕松更換零件和大量生產(chǎn)的先河,而且其“用戶友好”的運作方式,讓任何人都可以輕松駕駛。近90年來,類似于福特T型車的簡單汽車越來越少,汽車迅速成為了一種復雜的“移動電腦”,扮演著領(lǐng)航者,護航者,甚至第二司機的角色。這些新特性不僅改變了我們的駕

89、駛方式,還提高了運輸服務質(zhì)量和挽救生命的能力,并對美國工業(yè)的競爭力提供了支持。</p><p>  然而,智能車的表現(xiàn)不僅如此。相反的,使車輛更加智能的這些組件,如新信息,安全性和自動化技術(shù),是作為零配件抵達市場的,或作為可選設(shè)備,或作為售后服務的特殊配件。為了提高司機的安全性,這些技術(shù)不斷發(fā)展并上市銷售。但是個別的技術(shù)還沒有得到整合,不能創(chuàng)造出與司機高度協(xié)作的完全智能的車輛。</p><p&

90、gt;  汽車行業(yè)已經(jīng)意識到并解決了潛在的不協(xié)調(diào)技術(shù)的大量涌入問題。但他們的進步受到技術(shù)和經(jīng)濟障礙,不確定的消費者喜好,不完善的標準和準則的阻礙。此外,無論是傳統(tǒng)的汽車制造商或是政府監(jiān)管機構(gòu)(除非安全問題非常明顯)都不能控制售后的產(chǎn)品的使用,特別是在卡車和公共汽車的使用方面。然而,還沒有一個“以人為本”的智能車輛試圖整合和協(xié)調(diào)各種技術(shù)以解決問題。我們也許不僅僅會失去實現(xiàn)新的車載技術(shù)的機遇,甚至可能會在無意中降低行車的安全性和性能。<

91、;/p><p>  意識到智能車輛的重要性和汽車設(shè)計中人為因素所產(chǎn)生的潛在危險之后,交通部于1997年啟動智能車輛倡議(IVI)。這一舉措旨在加快汽車系統(tǒng)的發(fā)展和集成,用以幫助汽車,卡車及巴士司機更安全和有效地操作。</p><p>  20世紀80年代的電視連續(xù)劇“霹靂游俠”功能的智能車輛可以跨越頗高的大廈,似乎駕駛超音速本身,對壞人間諜,并有英文用詞和管家的個性。這款車不僅是聰明,但自作聰

92、明。雖然在現(xiàn)實世界中的智能車輛將無法飛越站在交通,他們將有強大的能力。正如所設(shè)想的國際疫苗研究所,智能車輛將能夠提供路線指示,感覺對象,警告即將發(fā)生的碰撞司機,自動信號在緊急情況下幫助司機保持警覺,并可能最終能夠接管駕駛。 </p><p>  信息和機動車輛的電腦為基礎(chǔ)的技術(shù),然而,是不是新的用途。將廣泛的汽車電腦開始了旨在提高車輛運行和駕駛員舒適性技術(shù)的20世紀80年代。這些技術(shù)包括電子控制燃油噴射發(fā)動機的性

93、能,特別是減少汽車排放,提高燃油經(jīng)濟性,防抱死制動系統(tǒng),以幫助司機保持在濕滑路面控制,巡航控制系統(tǒng)以減輕司機的駕駛很長一段乏味。而這些技術(shù)主要是加強對車輛,在車輛技術(shù)的最新波,其中最感興趣的是IVI的能力的目的,是智能交通,旨在加強對駕駛員的能力的系統(tǒng)。這些系統(tǒng)包括預警和信息,駕駛輔助和自動化技術(shù)。 </p><p>  正如人們具有不同的專業(yè)能力,不同類型和層次的車載智能車輛技術(shù)賦予“情報”,以補充該驅(qū)動程序。

94、駕駛員信息系統(tǒng),擴大了駕駛員的路線和地點的知識。預警系統(tǒng),如防撞技術(shù),提高駕駛員的感知能力發(fā)生了什么事在周圍環(huán)境的。自動化和驅(qū)動技術(shù)援助和模擬駕駛者的思想和行動,以實際操作或在緊急情況下,長時間的車輛暫時的。 </p><p>  但是,在智能車輛將擴大司機的能力,它也可能會增加司機的傳統(tǒng)角色。特別是,在新車內(nèi)的技術(shù)中,人的作用擴大從感覺運動技能,寫道托馬斯謝里登,教授誰負責的人機系統(tǒng)實驗室在美國麻省理工學院(M

95、IT),“這一規(guī)劃,程序員,在自動化,診斷者...,監(jiān)控學習者和管理者。</p><p>  ITS的研究顯示出將在智能車輛中應用的許多技術(shù)的好處可行性:</p><p>  路線引導系統(tǒng)將幫助司機更好的行駛在不熟悉的街道或找到到達目的地最快的路線。1992年和1993年,在交通部主辦的奧蘭多TravTek實地測試中顯示,配備了路線引導系統(tǒng)的游客駕駛汽車減少了30%的車輛轉(zhuǎn)錯彎的問題。與使

96、用紙質(zhì)地圖的游客相比,節(jié)省了20%的時間。</p><p>  防撞系統(tǒng)可以加強交通安全規(guī)范,完全防止交通事故的發(fā)生。據(jù)研究表明,如果司機能多半秒鐘反應時間,就可以避免60%的岔路交通事故和30%的迎面相撞,而75%的車輛事故是由司機走神造成的。國家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)估計每年美國應用于這三類的防撞系統(tǒng)能夠避免110萬次交通事故,占總交通事故數(shù)的17%。而這能夠挽救17,500人的生命(安全帶和氣囊約

97、挽救10,500人)并挽回260億美元的損失。其他的安全設(shè)施正在測試中,包括自動撞擊告知系統(tǒng),當一輛汽車的安全氣囊彈出時,該系統(tǒng)會自動發(fā)出求救信號,而昏睡司機警告系統(tǒng)可以防止在汽車行駛過程中司機昏昏欲睡。</p><p>  車內(nèi)自動化系統(tǒng)可以在緊急情況下接管駕駛,或在允許長時間行駛的情況下自動駕駛。1996年,國家公路交通安全管理局開始實地測試智能巡航控制系統(tǒng)——該系統(tǒng)能夠自動調(diào)整車輛行駛速度,與前方車輛保持安


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