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1、<p><b>  外文翻譯原文</b></p><p>  Advertising Theory</p><p>  Awareness Consideration Reaffirmation Confirmation Action Reinforcement </p><p>  Devising a theory of

2、 how advertising is effective within a consumer’s mind is difficult because consumers struggle with every decision they make. The process in which consumers choose a brand and/or a product is extremely complicated. Adver

3、tising messages must be tailored and relevant during each stage of a consumer’s buying or decision making process. Advertising initiatives can be viewed as effective on many different levels within this pattern. Advertis

4、ing messages are created in order to cha</p><p>  Stage 1 – AWARENESS </p><p>  The initial step within the buying or decision making pattern is a basic awareness of the product or service. The

5、pure notion that a product is available to the consumer, whether they need or can afford it at any specific moment within their life, creates some form of awareness. </p><p>  This stage represents the initi

6、al introduction a consumer has with a brand. The degree of awareness at this point is obsolete due to the necessity of an advertising message’s need to have some sort of presence with a consumer’s environment. Once a br

7、and becomes part of a consumer’s environment, or better yet knowledge base, the possibility of purchase is increased. The time a product stays in the awareness stage varies depending on the current stage in life a person

8、 is in. The stage in life a p</p><p>  The chance of remaining in the awareness stage does not mean that the advertising initiatives were ineffective or wasteful. Many times consumers influence each other, a

9、nd a brand in one consumer’s awareness stage could lead to the introduction of the brand to another consumer. One of the most influential sources of information regarding products comes from the consumers themselves, pas

10、sing the word along through daily conversation. However, the initial introduction must be made through advertisi</p><p>  Stage 2 – CONSIDERATION</p><p>  Once an advertising message has moved p

11、ast the awareness stage, the consumer begins to consider the message. This stage represents the point in which a personal connection must begin to be made. Consideration of whether this is a product that will meet a need

12、 of the consumer is the most crucial point within the buying and decision making process. This is the stage where the consumer is weighing the facts. These facts are from the advertising message itself and from their cur

13、rent environment not </p><p>  Stage 3 – REAFFIRMATION</p><p>  Once the consumer has had time to evaluate the message and the product or service, a connection must be made in order to move onto

14、 the next stage. The next stage involves reaffirming the consumer that the connection does exist. This stage is where they fully understand the connection which has been made and see a place in their lives for the advert

15、ised product or brand. This stage is similar to the consideration stage but involves a additional awareness of competitors and evaluation of preferenc</p><p>  Stage 4 – CONFIRMATION </p><p>  A

16、fter the consumer has been reaffirmed by additional advertising messages and influence from other consumers, the connection and relevance in the consumer’s life exists. The consumer then enters the confirmation stage. Th

17、is stage is where the brand and product are viewed in a positive light and there is increased chance of recommendation to other consumers or action. The confirmation stage does not always lead to action. Consumers can st

18、ay in the confirmation stage for a long time before any ini</p><p>  Stage 5 – ACTION </p><p>  After a confirmation of a brand or product is made, hopefully an action will take place. This stag

19、e is where the consumer has found a need and a connection, and believes it is the right time for them to purchase the product. Within this stage, reaffirmation and consideration come back into play both prior to the purc

20、hase and after. There is a constant need to convince oneself that this decision is the correct one. Advertising messages from competitors are still playing a large role in the consum</p><p>  Stage 6 – REINF

21、ORCEMENT</p><p>  The reinforcement stage involves continuing advertising initiatives to maintain the positive association the consumer initially had. This stage is where the consumer decides if the product

22、actually did fulfill the need to be met as promised. This reinforcement comes from additional advertising initiatives and the actual experience with the product or brand after purchase. If the consumer is satisfied with

23、the product or brand, a continuation of use will be established. Advertising initiatives ar</p><p><b>  譯文</b></p><p><b>  廣告理論</b></p><p>  認(rèn)識考慮重申確認(rèn)行動加強<

24、/p><p>  想出一個在一種消費者的心內(nèi)如何有效廣告的理論是難的,因為消費者同他們所做的每個決定作著斗爭。消費者選擇一個品牌或者一種產(chǎn)品是極其錯綜復(fù)雜的過程。 廣告信息在一個消費者的買或者決策程序的每個階段必須很講究和相關(guān)的。廣告在這種形式下在很多不同的水平上可以被視為有效。廣告信息被創(chuàng)造出來是為了改變意識、知識和對于提供的一個具體品牌的消費者的態(tài)度。這些變化都是在整個買一種決定的形式條件下發(fā)生的。</p&

25、gt;<p><b>  認(rèn)識</b></p><p>  在這種買或者作決定的最初一步是對產(chǎn)品或者服務(wù)的基本認(rèn)識。 一種產(chǎn)品的說明對消費者來說是有用的, 不管他們需要還是提供在他們的生活的各個方面。這個階段代表一位消費者用一個品牌有了最初介紹。 認(rèn)識的程度在這點是過時的由于一個廣告信息的需要有一種消費者的環(huán)境的有點存在的需要。一旦一個品牌變成消費者生活環(huán)境的一部分,或者較好的

26、知識基礎(chǔ),購買的可能性的增加。一產(chǎn)品呆在認(rèn)識舞臺時間的變化依靠在一人在當(dāng)今生活的舞臺。人生舞臺在這方面需要通過他們的財務(wù)狀況和當(dāng)今需要來確定。 意識階段能直接帶到遵循的考慮舞臺或者不可避免保持在那個舞臺中。認(rèn)識的停留階段不意味著廣告是無效或者浪費的。很多次消費者彼此的影響,一品牌在消費者中的認(rèn)識能導(dǎo)致品牌介紹給另一位消費者。</p><p>  最有影響力的關(guān)于產(chǎn)品的信息來源之一就是來自那些消費者,通過每日的談話

27、中的單詞。 不過,為了具有消費者影響彼此的可能性,最初介紹必須被通過廣告來做。 </p><p><b>  2、考慮</b></p><p>  一個廣告信息從認(rèn)識階段移動過來,消費者就開始考慮消息。 這個階段代表人與人之間的網(wǎng)絡(luò)開始形成。是否考慮是一個消費者對需要的一種產(chǎn)品是在買和做決定時的最具決定性的階段。 這是消費者估量事實的階段。</p>&l

28、t;p>  這些事實來自廣告信息本身和與他們消息沒有關(guān)系的當(dāng)今的生活環(huán)境,包括其他廣告消息。 要關(guān)于考慮這個階段的那些要點在這里是登廣告者想要建立與這位消費者的聯(lián)系的地方。</p><p>  對目標(biāo)市場和在目標(biāo)上顯示輪廓的研究能幫助保證一條消息將以積極方式與消費者產(chǎn)生共鳴。 共鳴于是將催促他們購買后或者發(fā)展適合品牌的一種密切關(guān)系。</p><p><b>  3、重申&l

29、t;/b></p><p>  一旦消費者有時間評價消息和產(chǎn)品或者服務(wù),這個連接必須被做為了移動到下階段。 下一階段包含重申連接確實存在的消費者。</p><p>  這個階段是他們完全理解哪個需要做并且看見在他們生活適合做了廣告的產(chǎn)品或者品牌。 這個階段類似于考慮階段,但是與附加競爭者意識和對偏愛的評估有關(guān)。</p><p>  如果這個這種產(chǎn)品或者品牌協(xié)會

30、不夠積極,那么這個階段能回過來影響考慮階段。由有影響力朋友和親戚和另外廣告信息所致額媒介變化時能促進這個階段。</p><p><b>  4、確認(rèn)</b></p><p>  在消費者已經(jīng)從其他消費者哪里被附加廣告信息和影響重申之后,在消費者的生活里存在連接和關(guān)聯(lián)性。 消費者然后進入確認(rèn)階段。</p><p>  這階段是品牌產(chǎn)品在一個積極的

31、眼光里被觀看并且有增加的建議給其他消費者或者行動的機會在哪里。 確認(rèn)階段不總是導(dǎo)致行動。在任何實際上要買的行動進行之前,消費者能呆在確認(rèn)階段很久。這主要與消費者用這種產(chǎn)品或者品牌介入的水平有關(guān)。 更高的成本價目可能必須保持在確認(rèn)階段中,直到消費者認(rèn)可得到的資金。這樣的話,消費者能回頭到考慮和重申階段。 更可能的時,確認(rèn)階段在這種產(chǎn)品或者品牌的生命里更合適的地方最后將再次發(fā)生。 </p><p><b>

32、  5、行動</b></p><p>  在一個品牌或者產(chǎn)品的確認(rèn)被做之后,充滿希望一次行動將進行。 這階段是消費者找到一個需要和關(guān)系,并且相信對于他們來說,這是購買這種產(chǎn)品是合適的時期。在這個階段內(nèi),重申和考慮既在購買之前又以后戲劇的回來。 有一個恒定的需要使自己確信這個決定是正確的。 來自競爭者的廣告信息仍然在消費者的決策中起大作用。當(dāng)消費者被競爭者和品牌的消息轟炸或者產(chǎn)品現(xiàn)在更喜歡時,這次考慮和

33、重申就會發(fā)生。 但是, 重要的是一旦消費者決定買最初購買產(chǎn)品, 他們在重申和確認(rèn)階段之間來回走,直到實際購買進行。一旦購買進行,為了用這種產(chǎn)品或者品牌延遲不諧和,消費者必須加強。</p><p><b>  6、加強</b></p><p>  加強階段包含延伸廣告行動保持消費者最初的樂觀的合作。 這個階段在消費者決定是否這種產(chǎn)品實際上確實滿足要被許諾的那樣需要的地方


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