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1、<p>  中文3100字,1700單詞,10500英文字符</p><p>  文獻(xiàn)出處: Caruth G D. Critical Factors in Human Resource Outsourcing [J]. Journal of Management Research, 2013, 13(4): 187-195. </p><p>  原文

2、 Critical Factors in Human Resource Outsourcing Donald L. Caruth, Stephanie S. Pane Haden and Gail D. Caruth Abstract</p><p>  Outsourcing has infiltrated the world of human resource

3、management in a major way. Over time the number of organizations skilled in performing specific human resource activities has grown to the point where there is now a general provider or a specialist provider organization

4、 that can perform almost any human resource management task or activity. This article aims to identify some of the key elements necessary for successful outsourcing. For outsourcing of human resource management activitie

5、s to</p><p>  Keywords: Human Resources Outsourcing, HR Outsourcing, Outsourcing Activities, Outsourcing Advantages, Outsourcing Disadvantages, Outsourcing Relationships Outsourcing has become a commo

6、n practice in human resource management. A simple definition of outsourcing identifies the process as contracting with an outside party to perform functions that could be in-house (Potkany, 2008; Shen, 2005). An outside

7、party hired to perform one human resource function or several firms hired to perform on</p><p>  Outsourcing has infiltrated the world of human resource management in a major way and is a growing trend today

8、 (Choudrie, Grey, &Selamat, 2009; Galanaki &Papalexandris, 2007). In a recent study, Ketter (2007) determined that 91 percent of U.S. companies have begun to prepare for opportunities to outsource by standardizin

9、g many of their HR functions. As outsourcing has emerged, the role of human resource management has evolved. What are the future trends for outsourcing human resource activities?</p><p>  According to Klaas

10、(2008), 78% of large American firms outsource functions. In 2002, it was estimated that the outsourcing of just US employee benefits administration alone was a $27-billion industry (Shen, 2005) and two-thirds of companie

11、s world-wide outsource, at a minimum, one business function (Elmuti, 2003). "The potential exists for continued growth in outsourcing among North American firms" (Klaas, 2008, 1512).</p><p>  The c

12、urrent trend, according to Cooke, Shen, and McBride (2005), is for businesses to outsource only part of their human resource function instead of turning over the entire department of human resources to a third-party prov

13、ider. The HR functions that are most apt to be fully outsourced are employee assistance and counseling programs, flexible spending account administration, and background and criminal checks (e.g., Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhar

14、t, &Wright, 2010). Human resource management outsourcin</p><p>  The starting point in outsourcing human resource activities effectively is to understand what can and cannot be outsourced (Handley &B

15、enton, 2009). There are certain HR activities that, depending on the company, should generally never be outsourced. Activities related to the strategic decision making and requiring specific management knowledge and acti

16、vities that require confidentiality should rarely be outsourced. Serious problems may occur if the determination between what should and should no</p><p>  A second requirement for successful outsourcing of

17、human resource activities is to understand the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing (Caruth &Caruth, 2010). A third prerequisite for prosperous outsourcing ventures is to create an effective relationship betwe

18、en the outsourcer and the subcontractor performing the work (Handley &Benton, 2009). These three critical factors are examined in this article.</p><p>  ACTIVITIES THAT SHOULD AND SHOULD NOT BE OUTSOURCE

19、D</p><p>  It is helpful to think about specific HR activities and their potential for outsourcing in more broad and general terms. Nearly all HR activities can be grouped into one of seven categories and ar

20、ranged in a hierarchy that illustrates each category's potential for successful outsourcing (e.g., Caruth &Caruth, 2010).</p><p>  Human Resource Activities: The Outsourcing Hierarchy. There can be l

21、ittle doubt that outsourcing human resource activities is a growing trend offering substantial benefits to the organizations using it. The literature is rife with piece-meal cases of specific examples of activities that

22、can be successfully outsourced. What appears to be missing from all that has been written about outsourcing is a general scheme or framework of all human resource activities, differentiating those activities that</p&g

23、t;<p>  For purposes of this article, all human resource activities are divided deductively into seven hierarchical categories, arranged in ascending order of the importance of the activities to the strategy, comp

24、etitiveness, and success of the organization, as follows: (1) ancillary activities, (2) routine activities, (3) activities containing the potential for achieving economies of scale, (4) activities requiring specialized k

25、nowledge, (5) activities requiring broad organizational knowledge, (6) acti</p><p>  Level 1: Ancillary Activities (AA)</p><p>  Ancillary activities are those tasks assigned to the human resour

26、ce department that are not necessarily human resource tasks. They are activities that must be performed by the organization but not necessarily by the human resource department. Typical ancillary activities are food serv

27、ice, campus maintenance, and janitorial services. While the performance of these activities is important to the organization, the activities are not specifically related to human resource management (Caruth &Caruth,&

28、lt;/p><p>  Level 2: Routine Activities (RA)</p><p>  Routine activities are often important to the human resource department but their nature is such that they can be handled through standardized

29、procedures because there is little or no variance from transaction to transaction or case to case. Benefits administration is an example of a routine activity. Once the procedures are established, processing changes occu

30、r infrequently (Caruth &Caruth, 2010).</p><p>  Level 3: Economies of Scale (EOS)</p><p>  Economies of scale are operations wherein economies can be achieved by processing larger quantities

31、 of items (i.e., the higher the volume processed, the less the unit cost per item or transaction). Processing health care claims, conducting screening interviews, and administering personnel tests are examples of activit

32、ies having the potential for achieving some degree of scale economy (Caruth &Caruth, 2010)</p><p>  Level 4: Specialized Knowledge (SK)</p><p>  Some functions within a human resource depart

33、ment require specialized knowledge for their performance. This knowledge may be gained through specific educational requirements, experience, or a combination of the two. The required specialized knowledge may not be nee

34、ded or required on a full-time basis within a human resource department; it may be required only as needs arise. To keep such knowledge on the payroll for only occasional use can often be an unnecessary expense. Preparin

35、g personnel pol</p><p>  Level 5: Specific Organizational Knowledge (SOK)</p><p>  Lack of knowledge of an organization's personnel, operational peculiarities, folkways, traditions, and cult

36、ure can be a factor that limits the outsourcing potential of certain types of human resource activities. Specific organizational knowledge is required to make effective decisions. Human resource planning and succession p

37、lanning are areas where such organizational knowledge is required, and are therefore less conducive to successful outsourcing efforts. Outplacement, on the other hand, is an</p><p>  Level 6: Highly Confiden

38、tial Activities (HCA)</p><p>  Secrecy is required in the performance of some human resource management activities. Layoffs, plant closings, and restructuring are examples of activities that must be kept con

39、fidential. These kinds of activities, obviously, have a much lower potential for being outsourced than those that do not have a need for secrecy or confidentiality (Caruth &Caruth, 2010).</p><p>  Level

40、7: Management Decision Activities (MDA)</p><p>  Some human resource management activities require the direct and specific involvement from top management. The structure of the human resource department or t

41、he direction the human resource function must take are examples of activities that require direction from top management. There is little opportunity for outsourcing decisions that must be made by the executive level of

42、management in an organization (Caruth &Caruth, 2010).</p><p>  Figure 1, The Hierarchy of HR Outsourcing, depicts a graphic representation of the seven levels of human resource department arranged in asc

43、ending order of importance. As the hierarchy suggests, the lower the level of human resource activity, the greater the possibility of outsourcing it; the higher the level of activity, the less likely the possibility of o

44、utsourcing it. Examples of specific HR activities are provided in correspondence with their representative level in the hierarchy.</p><p>  If outsourcing is to be effective, it is important for organization

45、s to determine what can be outsourced as well as what cannot be outsourced (Boguslauskas &Kvedaraviciene, 2009; Caruth &Caruth, 2010). Some method such as the classification proposed in this article must be used

46、to identify or to distinguish those activities with the greatest outsourcing potential from those activities that should not be outsourced. In other words, outsourcing must be done systematically in order to be done effe

47、c</p><p>  THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF OUTSOURCING</p><p>  Another precursor to the successful implementation of HR outsourcing is the thorough understanding of the advantages and disad

48、vantages of outsourcing (Caruth &Caruth, 2010). While the potential value of outsourcing might entice any organizational leader to utilize the strategy, outsourcing often inevitably poses some detrimental side effect

49、s. In order to accurately weigh the benefits against the drawbacks of outsourcing, both variables must be fully considered.</p><p>  譯文 人力資源外包的關(guān)鍵因素 唐納德.卡魯斯, 斯蒂芬妮.潘恩哈登, 蓋

50、爾.卡魯思 摘要 外包已經(jīng)作為一種主要方式滲透到世界人力資源管理中。隨著時(shí)間的推移, 執(zhí)行特定人力資源活動(dòng)的組織技能的數(shù)量已達(dá)到,當(dāng)前,無(wú)論是普通提供者還是 組織專家都可以執(zhí)行幾乎所有的人力資源管理任務(wù)與活動(dòng)。 本文旨在分析外包成 功所必備的一些關(guān)鍵要素。為了使人力資源管理外包活動(dòng)做到真正有效,公司必 須了解什么可以外包以及什么不能外包。 本文首先羅列出了適于外包的活動(dòng)類型 結(jié)構(gòu),然后對(duì)其特征進(jìn)行識(shí)別,進(jìn)而排除某些功能外包。成功的人力

51、資源外包活 動(dòng)還要求組織了解并理解外包的優(yōu)勢(shì)和劣勢(shì)。另一個(gè)外包成功的先決條件是,了 解建立一個(gè)持續(xù)且成功的公司外包與分包商或外包公司的關(guān)系應(yīng)當(dāng)怎么做。 </p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:人力資源外包,人事外包服務(wù),外包活動(dòng),外包優(yōu)勢(shì),外包的缺點(diǎn),外 包關(guān)系 </p><p>  在人力資源管理中,外包已經(jīng)成為一種普遍做法。外包可以簡(jiǎn)單定義為一個(gè) 過(guò)程,與外部方簽訂合同并發(fā)揮其功能作用(博科尼,

52、2008;沈,2008)。雇 傭外部組織發(fā)揮人力資源的功能,或者雇傭許多公司來(lái)發(fā)揮其作用,這分別是單 元或者多元外包的例子(卡魯思,2010)。 </p><p>  人力資源管理外包已經(jīng)作為一種主要方式滲透到世界各個(gè)角落, 并且成為當(dāng) 前發(fā)展的趨勢(shì)。在最近的一項(xiàng)研究中,科特(2007)作出如下斷定,91%的美國(guó)公 司已經(jīng)開(kāi)始通過(guò)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化他們的人力資源部門來(lái)獲取外包的機(jī)會(huì)。隨著外包的出 現(xiàn),人力資源管理的功能開(kāi)始演

53、變。人力資源外包活動(dòng)的未來(lái)趨勢(shì)是什么? 根據(jù) 人力資源管理協(xié)會(huì)2004 - 2005年職場(chǎng)預(yù)測(cè):戰(zhàn)略前景如下,550個(gè)人力資源專業(yè) 人士預(yù)測(cè),由于技術(shù)和美國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)的低迷,未來(lái)將會(huì)有更多的公司選擇人力資源外包。 </p><p>  根據(jù)克拉斯(2008)的觀點(diǎn),美國(guó)78%大型公司人力資源外包功能顯著。2002 年,據(jù)估計(jì),僅美國(guó)員工福利管理外包的資產(chǎn)就達(dá)到270億美元(沈,2005),三 分之二的公司實(shí)行全球外包

54、,他們至少有一個(gè)業(yè)務(wù)功能(Elmuti,2003)?!霸诒?美 公司種,外包具有持續(xù)增長(zhǎng)的潛力”(克拉斯,2008,1512)。 </p><p>  根據(jù)庫(kù)克,沈和麥克布萊德(2005)的觀點(diǎn),當(dāng)前的趨勢(shì),企業(yè)外包只是他們 人力資源功能的一部分,而不是將整個(gè)人力資源部門的業(yè)務(wù)移交給第三方提供 者。人力資源職能中最容易被完全外包的是雇員協(xié)助計(jì)劃和咨詢項(xiàng)目,彈性支出 帳戶管理、背景和刑事調(diào)查(如:諾埃、霍倫貝克、

55、熱拉爾與賴特,2010)。人力 資源管理外包組織現(xiàn)在可以執(zhí)行任何人力資源管理活動(dòng)(什恩·卡魯斯,2010)。 組織希望降低成本,因此試圖尋求外包一些人力資源管理功能來(lái)減少這些成本。 “當(dāng)前最經(jīng)常外包的人力資源功能有背景調(diào)查, 薪酬、 醫(yī)療和養(yǎng)老保險(xiǎn)計(jì)劃管理” (“面對(duì)未來(lái),”2004年,p.14)。 </p><p>  有效的人力資源外包活動(dòng)的切入點(diǎn)實(shí)際上是理解什么可以外包, 什么不可以 被外包(本頓

56、.漢德利,2009)。根據(jù)公司的要求,一些特定的人力資源活動(dòng)通常 不會(huì)被外包。與人力資源管理活動(dòng)相關(guān)的戰(zhàn)略決策,或者需要特定的管理知識(shí)的 人力資源管理活動(dòng)因要求保密,所以很少被外包。如果對(duì)于應(yīng)該和不應(yīng)該外包的 活動(dòng)不確定,就會(huì)導(dǎo)致嚴(yán)重的問(wèn)題。這些嚴(yán)重的問(wèn)題包括錯(cuò)誤的決策、公司機(jī)密 被他人竊取、可能無(wú)法正確完成或不能及時(shí)完成工作、不必要的投入以及一系列 其他問(wèn)題。 </p><p>  成功的人力資源外包活動(dòng)第二個(gè)

57、關(guān)鍵點(diǎn)是充分了解外包的優(yōu)勢(shì)與劣勢(shì)(什恩. 卡魯斯,2010)。繁榮的外包服務(wù)企業(yè)的第三個(gè)先決條件是建立起外包商和分包 商履行各自職能的有效關(guān)系(本頓.漢德利,2009)。這三個(gè)關(guān)鍵因素在文中得以 研究。 </p><p>  人力資源活動(dòng)應(yīng)不應(yīng)該被外包 </p><p>  特定的人力資源外包活動(dòng)以及他們?cè)诟鼜V泛和通用項(xiàng)目上的潛力需要我們 認(rèn)真去思考。幾乎所有的人力資源活動(dòng)都可以分為七大類

58、,排列為這樣一個(gè)層次 結(jié)構(gòu)來(lái)說(shuō)明成功外包中每個(gè)類別的潛力所在(如:什恩.卡魯斯,2010)。 人力資源活動(dòng):外包的層次結(jié)構(gòu)。 毫無(wú)疑問(wèn),人力資源外包活動(dòng)成為一個(gè)日漸盛行的趨勢(shì),能為組織帶來(lái)實(shí)實(shí)在在的利益。許多文獻(xiàn)中的具體實(shí)例表明,可以獲得成功的外包。這些文獻(xiàn)中似乎缺 少所有人力資源活動(dòng)外包的總體方案或框架,區(qū)分外包潛力較大的活動(dòng)。本文試 圖彌補(bǔ)這個(gè)疏忽,首先,確定7個(gè)不同級(jí)別的人力資源活動(dòng);其次,從外包潛力 的高低確定其層次結(jié)構(gòu)

59、。 希望這個(gè)框架為組織人力資源的外包活動(dòng)提供通用性的 指導(dǎo)。 為了達(dá)到本文的最終目的,我們將所有的人力資源活動(dòng)劃分為七個(gè)層次類 別,按照重要性的重要程度排列這些活動(dòng),包括戰(zhàn)略、競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力和成功的組織,如 下:(1)輔助活動(dòng),(2)例行活動(dòng) ,(3)活動(dòng)實(shí)現(xiàn)規(guī)模經(jīng)濟(jì)的潛力,(4)活動(dòng)要求專 業(yè)知識(shí),(5)活動(dòng)要求廣泛的組織知識(shí),(6)活動(dòng)要求高度的保密性,(7)活動(dòng) 要求特定的管理決策(什恩.卡魯斯,2010)。這些活動(dòng)的說(shuō)明如下。 <

60、/p><p>  一級(jí):輔助活動(dòng)(AA) </p><p>  輔助活動(dòng)是指分配給人力資源部門任務(wù),但不一定是人力資源的工作。這些 是組織必須執(zhí)行的活動(dòng),但并不一定由人力資源部門來(lái)完成。典型的輔助活動(dòng)如 食品服務(wù)、 校園維護(hù)和清潔服務(wù)。 雖然這些活動(dòng)的執(zhí)行情況對(duì)組織來(lái)說(shuō)非常重要, 但是卻與人力資源管理活動(dòng)關(guān)系不大(什恩.卡魯斯,2010)。 </p><p>  二級(jí):

61、例行活動(dòng)(RA) </p><p>  常規(guī)活動(dòng)對(duì)人力資源部來(lái)說(shuō)往往是非常重要的, 但是他們的性質(zhì)決定其可以 通過(guò)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化的程序來(lái)進(jìn)行處理, 因?yàn)閺氖聞?wù)處理到辦理幾乎只有很小或者根本沒(méi) 有變化。例行活動(dòng)的一個(gè)例子是薪酬管理。一旦建立起程序,具體操作就幾乎不 會(huì)有變化(什恩.卡魯斯,2010)。 </p><p>  三級(jí):規(guī)模經(jīng)濟(jì)效益(EOS) </p><p>  

62、規(guī)模經(jīng)濟(jì)是指經(jīng)濟(jì)體運(yùn)營(yíng)的實(shí)現(xiàn)可以通過(guò)處理大量的項(xiàng)目(例如,大量的加 工,每項(xiàng)事務(wù)較低的單位成本)。處理醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn)的索賠、進(jìn)行篩選面試及對(duì)管理 人員考核,在實(shí)現(xiàn)一定程度的規(guī)模經(jīng)濟(jì)中具有潛力(什恩.卡魯斯,2010)。 </p><p>  四級(jí):專業(yè)知識(shí)(SK) </p><p>  一個(gè)人力資源部門的許多職能需要專業(yè)知識(shí)來(lái)操作執(zhí)行。 這些知識(shí)的獲得需 要具備特定的學(xué)歷要求、經(jīng)驗(yàn),或者這兩者

63、的組合。要求具備的專業(yè)知識(shí)可能不 需要涉及人力資源管理的所有方面。 關(guān)于工資單的專業(yè)知識(shí)知識(shí)偶爾使用或者在 不必要的開(kāi)銷上。準(zhǔn)備人力資源管理手冊(cè),進(jìn)行人力資源管理研究,提供培訓(xùn)和 發(fā)展項(xiàng)目,這些活動(dòng)需要專業(yè)知識(shí)(什恩.卡魯斯,2010)。 </p><p>  五級(jí):特定的組織知識(shí)(SOK) </p><p>  一個(gè)組織的人員缺乏專業(yè)知識(shí)、操作特性、習(xí)俗、傳統(tǒng)和文化,這些都是限 制某些人

64、力資源活動(dòng)外包潛在發(fā)展的因素。特定的組織知識(shí)需要做出有效的決 策。人力資源規(guī)劃和繼任計(jì)劃需要特定的組織知識(shí),且在某些地區(qū)是必要的,因 此,它更有利于外包工作的成功開(kāi)展。另一方面,職介活動(dòng)經(jīng)常在外包中獲得成 效 (什恩.卡魯斯,2010)。 </p><p>  六級(jí):高度機(jī)密的活動(dòng)(HCA) </p><p>  在一些人力資源管理活動(dòng)中,保密是必須的。如裁員、工廠停產(chǎn)與重組這些 活動(dòng)必須

65、保密。這些類型的活動(dòng),很明顯,相對(duì)那些不需要保密的活動(dòng)來(lái)說(shuō),其 外包的可能性很小(什恩.卡魯斯,2010)。 </p><p>  七級(jí):管理決策活動(dòng)(MDA) </p><p>  一些人力資源管理活動(dòng)需要最高管理層的直接和具體的參與。 人力資源部門 的結(jié)構(gòu)或人力資源的職能方向的調(diào)整必須由高層管理者決策。 他們幾乎沒(méi)有實(shí)施 外包的機(jī)會(huì),而必須由公司行政管理高層領(lǐng)導(dǎo)來(lái)決定(什恩.卡魯斯,2

66、010)。 </p><p>  圖1中,人力資源外包的層次結(jié)構(gòu),描述了重要性從低到高的七個(gè)層次的人 力資源部門圖形。 層次結(jié)構(gòu)表明, 低水平的人力資源活動(dòng), 外包的可能性就越大, 人力資源管理活動(dòng)水平越高,外包的可能性越小。上述具體的人力資源活動(dòng)和他 們的代表層次一一相對(duì)應(yīng)。 </p><p>  要使人力資源活動(dòng)外包具有有效性,對(duì)于組織來(lái)說(shuō),首先,決定什么可以外 包以及什么不能外包是非

67、常重要的(Boguslauskas &Kvedaraviciene,2009;Caruth &Caruth,2010)。一些方法,如本文提出的活動(dòng)等 級(jí)劃分,辨別這些活動(dòng)是否應(yīng)該外包出去。換句話說(shuō),為了有效完成工作任務(wù),必須系統(tǒng)地進(jìn)行外包 (什恩.卡魯斯,2010;沈,2005)。 </p><p><b>  外包的優(yōu)點(diǎn)和缺點(diǎn) </b></p><p&g


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