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1、<p><b>  外文翻譯的基本內(nèi)容</b></p><p>  丁二烯的生產(chǎn)方法就世界范圍而言先后經(jīng)歷了乙醇脫氫法、丁烯催化脫氫法、丁烷催化脫氫法、丁烯氧化脫氫法和乙烯副產(chǎn)C 餾分分離法。</p><p>  1.乙醇催化脫氫法 乙醇催化脫氫生產(chǎn)丁二烯的方法1928年首先在原蘇聯(lián)工業(yè)化,該方法以氧化鎂和氧化硅為催化劑.反應(yīng)產(chǎn)物除生成丁二烯外還生成

2、乙醛、乙醚、高級醇等多種副產(chǎn)品。每生產(chǎn)1噸丁二烯約需消耗3噸乙醇,該方法的經(jīng)濟(jì)性差,目前已被淘汰。2.丁烯催化脫氫法 丁烯催化脫氫生產(chǎn)丁二烯首先由美國新澤西美孚石油開發(fā)公司開發(fā)。1943年第一套工業(yè)化裝置投產(chǎn).隨后Shell和Dow公司也開發(fā)成功新的催化劑,從而也產(chǎn)生了Shel工藝和Dow工藝,該方法的工業(yè)化使得丁二烯的生產(chǎn)由酒精為原料轉(zhuǎn)為以石油為原料。丁烯催化脫氫過程中,原料丁烯需混合大量水蒸汽以降低烴分壓,來提高丁烯的轉(zhuǎn)化

3、率及生成丁二烯的選擇性。該方法以Dow工藝的丁烯轉(zhuǎn)化率和丁二烯的選擇性為最高,分別達(dá)到35%~45%和90% -'94% 。3.丁烷催化脫氫法 丁烷的來源要比丁烯豐富,價格也便宜,除可來自乙烯副產(chǎn)C 餾分外,還可來自天然氣及油田氣。 丁烷催化脫氫有一步法和兩步法兩種工藝: Houdry一步法生產(chǎn)工藝由美國Houdry公司開發(fā),1959年工業(yè)化,該工藝的催化劑經(jīng)改進(jìn)后,在美國及其他國家得</p>

4、;<p><b>  4.丁烯氧化脫氫法</b></p><p>  氫由于受反應(yīng)平衡影響.單程轉(zhuǎn)化率不高,為了使平衡向著有利于生產(chǎn)丁二烯的方向,可用氧脫去反應(yīng)生成的氫,這樣便可以大幅度提高丁烯的轉(zhuǎn)化率及生成丁二烯的選擇性。這一工藝由美國PetroTex公司在1965年首先工業(yè)化.隨后許多催化脫氫工廠將其改為氧化脫氫生產(chǎn)丁二烯。氧化脫氫生產(chǎn)丁二烯單程轉(zhuǎn)化率達(dá)70%.選擇性為80

5、%-'92%。我國在60年代開發(fā)成功丁烯氧化脫氫生產(chǎn)丁二烯技術(shù),成為當(dāng)時我國丁二烯生產(chǎn)的主要方法。5.由乙烯裝置副產(chǎn)C 餾分中分離丁二烯 石油烴蒸汽裂解是生產(chǎn)乙烯、丙烯、丁二烯等的重要方法,在分離乙烯和丙烯的同時.分離出裂解C 餾分,其中含有大量的丁二烯,是目前生產(chǎn)丁二烯的主要原料,而由C 餾分分離丁二烯則是目前生產(chǎn)丁二烯的主要方法.當(dāng)前世界絕大多數(shù)丁二烯產(chǎn)品是用這一方法生產(chǎn)的。由于C 餾分中各組分的沸點比較接近,需采

6、用萃取精餾方可將丁二烯分離出來。由于使用溶劑的不同而有以下不同方法:糠醛法、乙腈法、二甲基甲酰胺法、二甲基乙酰胺法、N一甲基吡咯烷酮法等。在工業(yè)上得到廣泛使用的是乙腈法、二甲基甲酰胺法和N一甲基吡咯烷酮法。5.1乙腈法 該法最早由美國Shell公</p><p><b>  外文翻譯</b></p><p>  The production methods

7、 of butadiene world for ethanol dehydrogenation was experienced dinitramine, catalytic dehydrogenase, butane catalytic oxidation of dhea, dinitramine dehydrogenation and ethylene byproduct C fractions separation.</p&g

8、t;<p>  1 ethanol dehydrogenation catalysis</p><p>  Ethanol dehydrogenation production methods of catalytic butadiene 1928 firstly in the former Soviet industrialization, this method for magnesium ox

9、ide catalyst and silicon product besides butadiene generation. The formation of higher alcohols, aldehydes, ether as many by-products. 1 ton per production butadiene need about three tons of alcohol consumption, this met

10、hod, the economy has been eliminated.</p><p>  2 catalytic dehydrogenation was dinitramine</p><p>  Catalytic dehydrogenation production yield by butadiene first New Jersey mobil oil development

11、 company development. In 1943, the first set of industrialization. Then Shell and device developed new Dow company also produces a catalyst, and also the Shel technology and craft, the method of Dow industrial production

12、 of butadiene made by alcohol as raw materials into petroleum-based. Dhea dinitramine, catalytic materials to mix water with a yield reduced pressure, to improve the hydrocarbon generati</p><p>  3 butane ca

13、talytic dehydrogenase</p><p>  The source of butane than rich, the price is cheaper dinitramine, besides can come from byproduct C), still can come from outside the distillate of gas and oil gas.</p>

14、<p>  Butane catalytic dehydrogenation and two-step method has two kinds:</p><p>  Houdry one-step production technology development Co., Houdry by the United States in 1959, the process of industrializ

15、ation, the catalyst improvement in the United States and other countries have widely application. Houdry butane step by dehydrogenation technology 18% ~ 20% chrome oxide as the catalyst, the impregnation process of alumi

16、na without using water vapor deposition reaction in raw material, the dilution of carbon catalysts. In the process of catalyst regeneration with air, and the ove</p><p>  4 dinitramine oxidation method of dh

17、ea</p><p>  Due to the influence of hydrogen reaction rate is not high. One, in order to make the balance to be the direction of butadiene, producing oxygen reacts to the hydrogen, so it can greatly improve

18、the yield rate and generate butadiene selectivity. This process by American PetroTex company in 1965 first. Then many industrialized factories will instead of the catalytic oxidation of dhea dhea butadiene production. Ox

19、idation rate of dhea production butadiene one-way 70% selectivity for 80 - '92 percen</p><p>  5.From ethylene plant in C isolated butadiene fractions</p><p>  Petroleum hydrocarbons steam c

20、racking is the production of ethylene, propylene, butadiene, etc, and the important method in the separation of ethylene and propylene and separated from cracking C fractions., which contains a lot of butadiene, is the m

21、ain raw material, production of butadiene by C distillate is currently producing butadiene separation method of butadiene and the vast majority of the world. The product is with a butadiene method of production. Due to C

22、 in distillate close with the </p><p>  5.1 acetonitrile method</p><p>  The earliest Shell company developed by the United States in 1956 and industrial production. It is to cut 10% acetonitril

23、e solvent (AC, the extraction, braising, compression, high pressure, low desorption desorption and solvent recovery process units. 1977 Shel company in renovation of the condenser and increased, and water tower and low v

24、oltage braising desorption gas combined compression. About 8% by condensation water tower to wash the solvent distillation column gas phase returns, raw materi</p><p>  Italy in aqueous 5% SIR ACN solvent, u

25、sing 5 tower processes (ammonia washing tower, first extraction distillation and extraction distillation, off the light and heavy) off. In the first extraction distillation before washing tower, add a ammonia removal raw

26、 materials used in 0.04% "0.08% (quality percentage of aldehydes ketones). GuiTing extraction distillation tower from the first 75 pieces tower, to contact effluence lateral-line plate condenser. Dropping multiplici

27、ty.it tower and condenser b</p><p><b>  5.2 DMF</b></p><p>  DMF method (DMF) and GPB method, by Japanese creon company in 1965 and industrial production, a set of 4.5 million tons/y

28、ear production equipment. The production process, including four processes</p><p>  The first extraction distillation process, the second extraction distillation process, distillation process and the solvent

29、 recovery process. Who first lifo vaporization raw c extraction solvent distillation tower. The upper joined by DMF. The solubility of small, dinitramine, c, butane butadiene makes the relative volatility increases, and

30、from the tower, and GuiTing butadiene, etc and solvent is derived from the bottom, enter first desorption tower was completely, cooling and desorption by scr</p><p>  Acrylic. Recovery tower top fractions of

31、 a second and a few impurity butadiene extraction tower before the return, tower kettle including compressor population GuiTing solvent to second from the tower, desorption tower top gives vinyl acetylene, diluted used f

32、or fuel, boiler, circular back extraction solvent distillation. The two butadiene extraction distillation crude distillation remove impurities by ordinary. The larger than butadiene volatility, moisture, c, the tower in

33、light and small vola</p><p>  The method is characteristic of DMF: (1) the adaptability of raw materials, c butadiene content within the scope of 15-60 can produce qualified products; butadiene 2 large produ

34、ction capacity, low cost, mature technology, Ann</p><p>  All good energy saving effect, good products, by-products recovery reaches as high as 97%, Because of the butadiene DMF) of dissolved and selective t

35、han other solvents, so smaller cycles, solvent solvent consumption is low, 4 no water and no proportion of DMF mutually dissolved, thus avoiding c aromatics extraction tower statified phenomenon, 5 any c distillate with

36、DMF are not formed azeotrope, be helpful for hydrocarbon and solvent separation, but due to its high boiling point solvents, loss, </p><p>  5.3 N a methyl pyrrole method</p><p>  N a methyl pyr

37、role method (NMP) by BASF company in Germany, and the successful development of industrial production in 1968. Built a set of 7.5 million tons/year production equipment. The production process including extraction distil

38、lation, degassing and distillation and solvent regeneration process. Thick c fractions gasification lifo drawn, capturing washing water containing 8% of N a methyl pyrrole extraction column by entering, butadiene and eas


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