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1、<p><b>  畢業(yè)設計(論文)</b></p><p><b>  外文翻譯</b></p><p>  專 業(yè):電氣工程及其自動化</p><p>  姓 名:曲雪 </p><p>  班 級:電自0841 </p><p>  學

2、 號:10號 </p><p>  指導教師: 劉君義 </p><p>  職 稱:教授 </p><p>  2012 年 5 月</p><p>  Infrared Remote And Chips Are Introduced</p><p>  People's eyes ca

3、n see the visible wavelength from long to short according to the arrangement, in order to red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, violet. One of the red wavelengths for 0.62 ~ 0.76 mount, Purple is 0.38 wavelength range

4、 ~ mount. Purple is shorter than the wavelength of light called ultraviolet ray, red wavelengths of light is longer than that of infrared light. Infrared remote control is to use wavelength for 0.76 ~ 1.5 mount between t

5、he near infrared to transfer control signal.</p><p>  Commonly used infrared remote control system of general points transmit and receive two parts. The main component part for the launch of infrared light e

6、mitting diode. It is actually a special light emitting diode, due to its internal material differs from ordinary light emitting diode, resulting in its ends on certain voltage, it is a rather infrared light. Use of infra

7、red light emitting diode the infrared wavelengths, for 940nm appearance and ordinary, just the same light emitting diode five d</p><p>  In actual application of it receiving diode to reverse bias, it can wo

8、rk normally, i.e., the infrared receiving circuit application in diode is used to reverse, higher sensitivity. Infrared receiving diode usually have two round and rectangular. Due to the power of infrared light emitting

9、diode (or less commonly 100mW), so ir receiving diode received signals is weak, so will increase high-gain ones.the amplifier circuit.</p><p>  In common CX20106A, etc. PC1373H moon infrared receiving specia

10、l amplifier circuit. In recent years both amateur or formal products, mostly using infrared receiving head finished. The head of infrared receiving product packages generally has two kinds: one kind USES sheet shielding,

11、 A kind of plastic packaging. There are three pin, namely the power is (VDD), power negative (GND) and data output (VO or OUT). Infrared receiving head foot arrangement for types varied, manufacturer's instructions.

12、F</p><p>  Infrared remote common carrier frequency for 38kHz, this is transmitted by using 455kHz Tao Zhen to decide. At the launch of crystals were integer frequency, frequency coefficients, so commonly 12

13、, so 455kHz ÷ 12 hundredth kHz 38kHz hundredth 379,000. Some remote control system adopts 36kHz, 56kHz, etc. general 40kHz launched by the crystals of oscillation frequency to decide.</p><p>  Infrared

14、remote characteristic is not influence the surrounding environment and does not interfere with other electric equipment. Due to its cannot penetrate walls, so the room can use common household appliance of remote control

15、 without mutual interference, Circuit testing is simple, as long as given circuit connection, generally does not need any commissioning can work, Decoding easily, can undertake multiple remote control. Because each manuf

16、acturer produces a great deal of infrared remote ap</p><p>  Multiple infrared remote control system of infrared emission control buttons, there are many parts general representative of different control fun

17、ction. When pressed a button, correspondingly in the receiver with different output.</p><p>  Receiving the output state can be roughly divided into pulse, level, self-locking and interlock, data five forms.

18、 "The pulse output is according to launch" when the button, the receiver output terminals output corresponding "effective", a pulse width 100ms in general. "Level" refers to the output launc

19、h press button, the receiver output corresponding output level ", "effective transmit to loosen the receiver" level "disappears. This "effective pulse" and "effective", may be of h

20、igh level is low,</p><p>  "Data" refers to launch the output some key, use a few output form a binary number, to represent different keystroke.</p><p>  Normally, the receiver except

21、a few data output, but also a "valid" output data, so the timely to collect data. This output form with single-chip microcomputer or are commonly used interface. In addition to the above output form outside, st

22、ill have a "latch" and "temporary" two forms. The so-called "latch" refers to launch the output signal of each hair, the receiver output corresponding ", "new store until you recei

23、ve signals. "Temporary" output and the introduction of "level" output is similar</p><p>  Remote distance (Remote Control effect of RF Remote Control distance) are the major factors as fo

24、llows:</p><p>  1.launched in power transmission power: while distance, but great power consumption, easy to generate interference.</p><p>  2.and receiving the receiver sensitivity, receiving,

25、remote distance increased sensitivity to improve, but easy to cause disturbance maloperation or abuse.</p><p>  3.antenna, using linear antenna, and parallel, remote distance, but occupies a large space, in

26、use the antenna spin, pull can increase the remote distance.</p><p>  4.and the higher height: antenna, remote farther, but by objective conditions.</p><p>  5.and stop: current use of wireless

27、remote use of UHF band stipulated by the state, the propagation characteristics of approximate linear transmission, light, small, transmitters and receivers diffraction between such as walls are blocking will greatly dis

28、counted remote distance, if is reinforced concrete walls, due to the absorption effect conductor, radio waves.</p><p>  Considering the design of hardware volume small to be embedded in the remote control, s

29、o we chose 20 foot single-chip chip AT89C2051. Below is the introduction of the function.</p><p> ?。?)AT89C2051 internal structure and performance</p><p>  AT89C2051 is a byte flash 2K with prog

30、rammable read-only memory can be erased EEPROM (low voltage, high performance of eight CMOS microcomputer. It adopts ATMEL of high-density non-volatile storage technology manufacturing and industrial standard MCS - 51 in

31、struction set and lead. Through the combination of single chip in general CPL1 and flash memory, is a strong ATMEL AT89C2051 microcomputer, its application in many embedded control provides a highly flexible and low cost

32、 solutions. The compat</p><p>  5.CUP, 2KB Flash memory,</p><p>  Working voltage range 2.7-6V, 128KB data storage.The static working way: 0-24MHz, 15 root input/output line.</p><p>

33、;  A programmable serial, 2 a 16-bit timing/counters.There is a slice of inside precision simulation comparator, 5 the interrupt sources, 2 priority.</p><p>  Programmable serial UART channel, Directly LED d

34、river output,The internal structure of AT89C2051 is shown in figure 1.</p><p>  Figure 1 AT89C2051 interior structure</p><p> ?。?)AT89C2051 chip pin and function</p><p>  In order t

35、o adapt to the requirement of intelligent instrument, embedded in the chip foot AT89C2051 simplified configuration, as shown in figure b. The major changes to: (1) the lead foot from 20 to 40 wires, (2) increased a simul

36、ated comparator.=Diagram b AT89C2051 foot figure.</p><p>  AT89C2051 pin function:</p><p>  1.the VCC: voltage.</p><p>  2. to GND.</p><p>  3.P1 mouth: P1 mouth is an

37、8-bit two-way I/O port. P1.2 ~ P1.7 mouth pin the internal resistance provides. P1.0 and P1.1 requirements on the external pull-up resistors. P1.0 and P1.1 also separately as piece inside precision simulation comparator

38、with input (AIN0) and reversed-phase input (AIN1). Output buffer can absorb the P1 mouth 20mA current and can directly LED display driver. When P1 mouth pin into a "1", can make its input. When the pin P1.2 ~ P

39、1.7 as input and external down, they will b</p><p>  4.P3: the P3.0 ~ P3.5 P3, P3.7 is the internal resistance with seven two-way I / 0 lead. P3.6 for fixed inputs piece inside the comparator output signal a

40、nd it as a general I/O foot and inaccessible. P3 mouth buffer can absorb 20mA current. When P3 mouth pin into "1", they are the internal resistance can push and input. As input, and the low external P3 mouth pi

41、n pull-up resistors and will use current (IIL) outflow. P3 mouth still used to implement the various functions, such as AT89C2051 shown </p><p>  5.RST: reset input. RST once, all into high level I/O foot wi

42、ll reset to "1". When the oscillator is running, continuous gives RST pin two machine cycle of high level can finish reset. Each machine cycle to 12 oscillator or clock cycle.</p><p>  6.XTAL1: as

43、the oscillator amplifier input and inverse internal clock generator input.</p><p>  7.XTAL2: as the oscillator reversed-phase the amplifier's output.P3 mouth function as is shown in table 1.</p>&

44、lt;p><b>  Table 1</b></p><p> ?。?)the software and hardware constraints. AT89C2051</p><p>  Due to the foot of the chip AT89C2051, no set limits of external storage interface, so,

45、 for external memory read/write instructions as MOVX etc.</p><p>  Due to 2KB ROM, so, the space to jump instruction should pay attention to the destination address range (transfer 000H - 7FFH), beyond the r

46、ange of addresses, will not meet wrong results. The scope of data storage is 00H (7FH -- when stack manipulation), also should be noticed.</p><p>  The input signal is simulated by the original P3.6 foot int

47、o the microcontroller, so the original P3.6 foot.</p><p>  Unable to external use. Simulation comparator can compare two simulation, if the size of the voltage external A D/A converter and its output as A co

48、mparator analog input, and by simulating the comparator another input voltage to be measured, through the introduction of the software method can realize the A/D conversion.</p><p>  8.the Flash memory AT89C

49、2051)</p><p>  Provide a 2KB of single-chip AT89C2051 in Flash memory chips, which allows the online program to modify or use special programming programming.</p><p>  (1)Flash memory encryption

50、</p><p>  AT89C2051 SCM has 2 encryption, can programming (P) or programming (U) to obtain different encryption functionality. Encryption functionality table as shown in table 1-1.</p><p><b&

51、gt;  Table 1-1</b></p><p>  Encrypt a content erased only through chips to erase operation.</p><p>  (2)Flash memory programming and procedures,the piece inside chip AT89C2051 Flash memory

52、 programming.</p><p><b>  Note:</b></p><p>  1.the counters RESET at an EPROM inside the rising edge, and 000H RESET to XTAL1 by foot is executed, pulse count.</p><p>  

53、2.pieces of 10ms to erase PROG pulse.</p><p>  3.during the programming P3.1 pulled low RDY/BSY instructions.</p><p>  (3).A T89C2051 SCM in Flash memory chips programming steps are as follows:&

54、lt;/p><p>  1.in the sequence is the VCC GND pin, add working voltage, XTAL1 pin RESET, receiving GND pin, other than the above time, waiting for 10ms.</p><p>  2.In P3.2 pin RESET, heightening lev

55、el.</p><p>  3.In P3.3, P3.4, P3.5, P3.7 pin; add model multilevel.</p><p>  4.P1.0 P1.7 -- for the 000H unit add data bytes.</p><p>  5.RESET to increase the 12V activation program

56、ming.</p><p>  6.P3.2 jump to a one byte programming or encryption.</p><p>  7.calibration has been programming, data from 12V to RESET logic level "H" and set P3.3 P3.7 -- for the cor

57、rect level, and can output data in P1 mouth.</p><p>  8.For the next addresses) in the unit XTAL1 byte programming, a pulse, make address counter add 1, in mouth add programming data. </p><p>  

58、9.programming and calibration circuit figure c, d.Figure c programming circuit Figure d calibration circuit Explanation:</p><p>  (1) P3.1 during programming instructions to be low RDY/BSY,</p><p&

59、gt;  (2) single erasing the PROG 10ms need,</p><p>  (3) internal EEPROM address counter on the rising edge RESET, and 000H RESET to XTAL1 by foot pulses are executed.</p><p>  Along with the ra

60、pid development of science and technology, human society has undergone earth-shaking changes. Make our life more colorful. In these changes, the remote control technology has been widely permeates TV, aerospace, military

61、, sports and other production, all aspects of life. From the broad sense, all equipped with electric locomotive facility or electrical switches, if feel some necessary, can consider to improve existing with remote contro

62、l device, the operation fixed switch to rea</p><p>  switch, for example, can be used to control the electric control switch the light switch, We design the infrared remote control system to realize the oppo

63、nent switch quantity control. Infrared remote characteristic is not influence the surrounding environment and does not interfere with other electric equipment. Due to its cannot penetrate walls, so the room can use commo

64、n household appliance of remote control without mutual interference, Circuit testing is simple, as long as given circuit conne</p><p><b>  紅外遙控</b></p><p>  人的眼睛能看到的可見光按波長從長到短排列,依次為紅



67、  在實際應用中要給紅外接收二極管加反向偏壓,它才能正常工作,亦即紅外接收二極管在電路中應用時是反向運用,這樣才能獲得較高的靈敏度。紅外接收二極管一般有圓形和方形兩種。由于紅外發(fā)光二極管的發(fā)射功率都較小,所以紅外接收二極管接收到的信號比較微弱,因此就要增加高增益放大電路。</p><p>  前些年常用μPC1373H、CX20106A等紅外接收專用放大電路。最近幾年不論是業(yè)余制作還是正式產(chǎn)品,大多都采用成品紅外

68、接收頭。成品紅外接收頭的封裝大致有兩種:一種采用鐵皮屏蔽;一種是塑料封裝。均有三只引腳,即電源正、電源負和數(shù)據(jù)輸出(VO或OUT)。紅外接收頭的引腳排列因型號不同而不盡相同,可參考廠家的使用說明。成品紅外接頭的優(yōu)點是不需要復雜的調(diào)試和外殼屏蔽,使用外殼屏蔽,使用起來如同一只三極管,非常方便。但在使用時注意成品紅外接收頭的載波頻率。</p><p>  紅外遙控常用的載波頻率為38kHz,這是由發(fā)射端所使用的455

69、kHz陶振來決定的。在發(fā)射端要對晶振進行整數(shù)分頻系數(shù)一般取12,所455kHz÷12≈37.9kHz≈38kHz。也有一些遙控系統(tǒng)采用36kHz、40kHz、56kHz等,一般由發(fā)射端晶振的振蕩頻率來決定。</p><p>  紅外遙控的特點是不影響周邊環(huán)境、不干擾其它電器設備。由于其無法穿透墻壁,故不同房間的家用電器可使用通用的遙控器而不會產(chǎn)生相互干擾;電路調(diào)試簡單,只要按給定電路連接無誤,一般不需任

70、何調(diào)試即可投入工作;編解碼容易,可進行多路遙控。由于各生產(chǎn)廠家生產(chǎn)了大量紅外遙控專用集成電路,需要時按圖索驥即可。因此,現(xiàn)在紅外遙控在家用電器、室內(nèi)近距離(小于10米)遙控中得到了廣泛的應用。</p><p>  多路控制的紅外遙控系統(tǒng) 多路控制的紅外發(fā)射部分一般有許多按鍵,代表不同的控制功能。當發(fā)射端按下某一按鍵時,相應地在接收端有不同的輸出狀態(tài)。</p><p>  接收端的輸出狀態(tài)大


72、每按一次某一個鍵,接收端對應輸出端改變一次狀態(tài),即原來為高電平變?yōu)榈碗娖?,原來為低電平變?yōu)楦唠娖?。此種輸出適合用作電源開關、靜音控制等。有時亦稱這種輸出形式為“反相”?!盎ユi”輸出是指多個輸出互相清除,在同一時間內(nèi)只有一個輸出有效。電視機的選臺就屬此種情況,其它如調(diào)光、調(diào)速、音響的輸入選擇等。“數(shù)據(jù)”輸出是指把一些發(fā)射鍵編上號碼,利用接收端的幾個輸出形成一個二進制數(shù),來代表不同的按鍵輸入。</p><p>  一

73、般情況下,接收端除了幾位數(shù)據(jù)輸出外,還應有一位“數(shù)據(jù)有效”輸出端,以便后級適時地來取數(shù)據(jù)。這種輸出形式一般用于與單片機或微機接口。 除以上輸出形式外,還有“鎖存”和“暫存”兩種形式。所謂“鎖存”輸出是指對發(fā)射端每次發(fā)的信號,接收端對應輸出予以“儲存”,直至收到新的信號為止;“暫存”輸出與上述介紹的“電平”輸出類似。</p><p>  影響遙控器遙控距離(Remote distance of RF Remote

74、Control)的因素主要有如下幾點:</p><p>  1、發(fā)射功率:發(fā)射功率大則距離遠,但耗電大,容易產(chǎn)生干擾;</p><p>  2、接收靈敏度:接收器的接收靈敏度提高,遙控距離增大,但容易受干擾造成誤動或失控;</p><p>  3、天線:采用直線型天線,并且相互平行,遙控距離遠,但占據(jù)空間大,在使用中把天線拉長、拉直可增加遙控距離;</p>

75、;<p>  4、高度:天線越高,遙控距離越遠,但受客觀條件限制;</p><p>  5、阻擋:目前使用的無線遙控器使用國家規(guī)定的UHF頻段,其傳播特性和光近似,直線傳播,繞射較小,發(fā)射器和接收器之間如有墻壁阻擋將大大打折遙控距離,如果是鋼筋混泥土的墻壁,由于導體對電波的吸收作用,影響更甚。</p><p>  考慮到本次設計的硬件體積應偏小以便嵌入遙控器中,因此我們選擇了

76、20個引腳的單片機芯片AT89C2051。下面即介紹此芯片的功能。</p><p>  (1). AT89C2051的內(nèi)部結構及性能</p><p>  AT89C2051是一帶有2K字節(jié)閃速可編程可擦除只讀存儲體(EEPROM)的低電壓,高性能8位CMOS微型計算機。它采用ATMEL的高密非易失存儲技術制造并和工業(yè)標準MCS—51指令集和引腳結構兼容。通過在單塊芯片上組合通用的CPL1和

77、閃速存儲器,ATMEL AT89C2051是一強勁的微型計算機,它對許多嵌入式控制應用提供一高度靈活和成本低的解決辦法。AT89C2051是與8051兼容的CHMOS微控制器,其Flash存儲器容量為2KB。與CHMOS工藝的80C51一樣,具有空閑和掉電兩種節(jié)電運行方式。其性能如下:</p><p>  8位CUP; 2KB的Flash存器;</p>&

78、lt;p>  工作電壓范圍2.7—6V; 128KB的數(shù)據(jù)存儲器;</p><p>  全靜態(tài)工作方式:0—24MHz; 15根輸入/輸出線;</p><p>  一個可編程串行口; 2個16位定時/計數(shù)器;</p><p>  有片內(nèi)精密模擬比較器; 5個中斷源,2個優(yōu)先級;

79、 可編程串行UART通道; 直接LED驅(qū)動輸出。</p><p>  為適應智能儀表的嵌入要求,AT89C2051在芯片的引腳配置上進行了簡化,如圖b所示。主要變化為:</p><p>  (1)引腳由40根減為20根;</p><p>  (2)增加了一個模擬比較器。</p><p>  AT89C2051

80、引腳功能:</p><p>  1. Vcc:電源電壓。 </p><p>  2. GND:地。 </p><p>  3. P1口:P1口是一8位雙向I/O口??谝_P1.2~P1.7提供內(nèi)部上拉電阻。P1.0和P1.1要求外部上拉電阻。P1.0和P1.1還分別作為片內(nèi)精密模擬比較器的同相輸入(AIN0)和反相輸入(AIN1)。P1口輸出緩沖器可吸收20mA電

81、流并能直接驅(qū)動LED顯示。當P1口引腳寫入“1”時,其可用作輸入端。當引腳P1.2~P1.7用作輸入并被外部拉低時,它們將因內(nèi)部的上拉電阻而流出電流(IIL)。P1口還在閃速編程和程序校驗期間接收代碼數(shù)據(jù)。</p><p>  4. P3口:P3口的P3.0~P3.5、P3.7是帶有內(nèi)部上拉電阻的七個雙向I/0引腳。P3.6用于固定輸入片內(nèi)比較器的輸出信號并且它作為一通用I/O引腳而不可訪問。P3口緩沖器可吸收2

82、0mA電流。當P3口引腳寫入“1”時,它們被內(nèi)部上拉電阻拉高并可用作輸入端。用作輸入時,被外部拉低的 P3口引腳將用上拉電阻而流出電流(IIL)。P3口還用于實現(xiàn)AT89C2051的各種功能,如下表1所示。 P3口還接收一些用于閃速存儲器編程和程序校驗的控制信號。</p><p>  5. RST:復位輸入。RST一旦變成高電平,所有的I/O引腳就復位到“1”。當振蕩器正在運行時,持續(xù)給出RST引腳兩個機器周期的

83、高電平便可完成復位。每一個機器周期需12個振蕩器或時鐘周期。</p><p>  6. XTAL1:作為振蕩器反相放大器的輸入和內(nèi)部時鐘發(fā)生器的輸入。</p><p>  7. XTAL2:作為振蕩器反相放大器的輸出。</p><p>  P3口的功能如表1所示。</p><p>  (3). AT89C2051的軟硬件約束</p>

84、;<p>  AT89C2051單片機由于引腳的限制,沒有設置外部存儲器的接口,所以,對于外部存儲器的讀/寫指令如MOVX等不起作用。</p><p>  由于ROM空間為2KB,所以,對于跳轉指令要注意轉移的目的地址范圍(000H—7FFH),超出地址范圍時,將產(chǎn)生不可遇見的錯誤結果。數(shù)據(jù)存儲的范圍是(00H—7FH),堆棧操作時亦應加以注意。</p><p>  模擬比較

85、器的輸入信號經(jīng)原來的P3.6引腳引入到單片機內(nèi),所以原來的P3.6腳已無法再外部使用。模擬比較器可以方便的比較兩個模擬電壓的大小,若外接一個D/A轉換器并將其輸出作為模擬比較器的一個輸入,而由模擬比較器的另一個輸入端引入被測電壓,通過軟件的方法也可以實現(xiàn)A/D轉換。</p><p> ?。?).AT89C2051的Flash存儲器編程</p><p>  AT89C2051單片機提供有2K

86、B的片內(nèi)Flash程序存儲器,它允許在線修改或使用專用編程器編程。</p><p>  Flash存儲器加密位</p><p>  AT89C2051單片機有2個加密位,可以編程(P)或不編程(U)以獲得不同的加密功能。加密位內(nèi)容的擦除只能通過片擦除操作來完成。Flash存儲器的編程和程序校驗</p><p>  1.AT89C2051單片機的片內(nèi)Flash存儲器編

87、程模式。</p><p>  注:①內(nèi)部EPROM的計數(shù)器在RESET的上升沿復位到000H,并由XTAL1,引腳正脈沖執(zhí)行計數(shù);</p><p> ?、谄脸枰?0ms的PROG脈沖;</p><p> ?、劬幊唐陂gP3.1被拉低來指示RDY/BSY.</p><p>  2.AT89C2051單片機的片內(nèi)Flash存儲器編程步驟如下:&

88、lt;/p><p> ?、偕想姶涡蚴窃赩CC、GND引腳加工作電壓,RESET、XTAL1引腳接到GND,懸浮其它引腳,等待大于10ms以上時間;</p><p> ?、谠赗ESET、P3.2引腳加高電平;</p><p> ?、墼赑3.3、P3.4、P3.5、P3.7引腳加模式電平;</p><p> ?、芙?jīng)P1.0—P1.7對000H單元加入

89、數(shù)據(jù)字節(jié);</p><p> ?、萆逺ESET到12V激活編程;</p><p> ?、奘筆3.2跳變一次,編程一個字節(jié)或加密位;</p><p> ?、咝r炓驯痪幊虜?shù)據(jù),使RESET從12V降到邏輯電平“H”并設置P3.3—P3.7為正確的電平,可以在P1口輸出數(shù)據(jù);</p><p>  ⑧進行下一地址單元的字節(jié)編程,在XTAL1加一脈沖

90、,使地址計數(shù)器加1,在P1口加入編程數(shù)據(jù)。</p><p>  重復步驟①—⑧,完成整個2KB的編程。</p><p>  下電次序為:設置XTAL1、RESET為“L”,浮空其它I/O引腳,關閉VCC電源。</p><p><b>  說明幾點:</b></p><p>  (1)編程期間P3.1被拉低來指示RDY/B

91、SY;</p><p>  (2)單片擦除需要10ms的PROG;</p><p>  (3)內(nèi)部EEPROM地址計數(shù)器在RESET的上升沿復位到000H,并由XTAL1引腳正脈沖執(zhí)行計數(shù)。</p><p>  隨著科學技術的迅速發(fā)展,人類社會發(fā)生了翻天覆地的變化。使我們的生產(chǎn)生活更加豐富多彩。在這些變化中,遙控技術已經(jīng)廣泛地滲透到電視、航天、軍事、體育等生產(chǎn)、生活

92、各方面。從最廣泛的意義上來,一切裝有電動運轉設備或電氣開關的場所,如果感覺有某種必要,都可考慮加裝遙控設備來改善現(xiàn)有定點開關的操作,即用遙控器的操作來實現(xiàn)原有設備的開、停、變向、變速等功能。</p><p>  目前,人們使用的開關大多是手動操作控制,十分不便。很多人都有這樣的想法:躺在床上不愿去關燈,坐在沙發(fā)上不愿意起來切換燈開光等:此課題的創(chuàng)新性就在于使用遙控的方式來實現(xiàn)燈的關閉,滿足人的需求,目前市場還沒有



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