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1、<p>  附件3:外文文獻原文</p><p>  PLC Application in the Control of CIAE-30 Cyclotron</p><p>  此文選自: PLC&FA 作者:Li Zhenguo</p><p>  1 Overview </p><p>  A PLC

2、 consists of a Central Processing Unit (CPU) containing an application program and Input and Output Interface modules, which is directly connected to the field I/O devices. The program controls the PLC so that when an in

3、put signal from an input device turns ON, the appropriate response is made. The response normally involves turning ON an output signal to some sort of output devices.</p><p>  In an automated system, the PLC

4、 is commonly regarded as the heart of the control system. With a control application program (stored within the PLC memory) In execution, the PLC constantly monitors the state of the system through the field input devic

5、es’ feedback signal. It will then based on the program logic to determine the course of action to be carried out at the field output devices. The PLC may be used to control a simple and repetitive task, or a few of them

6、may be interconnected togethe</p><p>  In general, a Control System is a collection of electronic devices and equipment which are in place to ensure the stability, accuracy and smooth transition of a process

7、 or a manufacturing activity. It takes any form and varies in scale of implementation, from a power plant to a semi-conductor machine. As a result of rapid advancement of technology, complicated control tasks accomplishe

8、d with a highly automated control system, which may be in the field devices (such as operator panel, motors, sen</p><p>  A typical PLC control system consists of the hardware, software and network component

9、s, together with the controlled functions and associated documentation. The PLC hardware can include a rack, power supply, CPU, network interface card, digital or analog I/O cards, and other special purpose cards such as

10、 high-speed counter, motion control, pulse input and others. The software portion of a PLC control system involves firmware – which is the operating system in the PLC world, and programming softw</p><p>  2

11、 PLC application——PLC-controlled mini-cyclotron</p><p>  CIAE-30 compact cyclotron is a new kind of accelerator dedicated to medical radio-isotope production. Its main features are compact structure, low pow

12、er consumption, high beam intensity and easy change of energy. It consists of complex equipment, e.g. external ion source, magnet, R.F. generator, stripper, vacuum, water cooling, pneumatic activator, transportation line

13、, beam diagnostics, targetry and various power supplies. The whole production process includes H- beam production, acceleration, e</p><p>  control, radioisotope analyses and sampling. Fig.1 shows the main b

14、ody of CIAE-30 cyclotron.</p><p>  The control hardware consists of two parts: PLC modules and operation console. PLC modules include: three CPUs (922R), one coordinator (923C), a number of analog and logica

15、l I/Os, one communication processor (CP527), one intelligent processor(IP241), special bus and internal supplies. Operation console includes: a keyboard, a large high resolution colour monitor, two encoders, beam diagnos

16、is and a printer. PLC communicates with the cyclotron equipment through the logical and analog I/Os, which t</p><p>  The cyclotron status can be clearly graphically displayed on the monitor screen. These sc

17、reens are called 'page's. Every page not only displays the key parts of the different systems, but also gives the real time dynamic messages by changing colour or positions. Different pages also assign different

18、meanings to the function keys, according which the operator can choose appropriate instructions to the PLC. Fig.3 shows the page structure of the operation synopsis. Two encoders can be assigned to a</p><p>

19、  The PLC can operate in two modes: full automation or half automation. In the mode of full automation, the cyclotron can automatically start-up by pushing one function key. In the mode of half automation, the PLC divide

20、s the whole sequence into different sections. At end of every section, operator interventions are required but, the operation sequence and safety interlock are also managed by the PLC. The CIAE-30 cyclotron and its PLC c

21、ontrol system have been commissioned since 1995. More than two</p><p>  附件2:外文文獻譯文</p><p>  PLC在回旋加速器控制上的應(yīng)用</p><p><b>  1 概述</b></p><p>  可編程控制器是由里面包含有應(yīng)用程序的

22、一個中央處理單元(CPU),輸入接口模塊和輸出接口模塊,然后將它們直接連接到現(xiàn)場輸入輸出設(shè)備中。當(dāng)一個開的輸入信號從輸入設(shè)備發(fā)出,那么中央處理單元內(nèi)的程序?qū)⒖刂芇LC作出適當(dāng)?shù)姆磻?yīng)。這個適當(dāng)?shù)姆磻?yīng)通常是將一個開的信號傳到一些輸出設(shè)備上。</p><p>  在一個自動化系統(tǒng)中,PLC通常視為控制系統(tǒng)的核心。隨著應(yīng)用程序(存儲在PLC內(nèi)存)的執(zhí)行,PLC不斷監(jiān)控那些設(shè)備反饋回來的信號,以便程序的調(diào)整。然后它根據(jù)儲存

23、在PLC內(nèi)存中的程序,用來確定下一步應(yīng)進行什么操作,然后通過輸出端輸出到設(shè)備中。PLC可用于一個控制簡單且需要重復(fù)操作的任務(wù),或其他有些是通過通信網(wǎng)絡(luò)與其他類型的主控制器或主機電腦相互聯(lián)系在一起的任務(wù),這樣可以方便的控制一個復(fù)雜任務(wù)。</p><p>  在一般情況下,控制系統(tǒng)是一種確保電子裝置和設(shè)備穩(wěn)定運行,準確,平穩(wěn)和順利工作的集成。它采取不同形式用來執(zhí)行不同規(guī)模的任務(wù)。由于科學(xué)技術(shù)的迅速進步,高度自動化控制

24、系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)可以完成復(fù)雜的控制任務(wù),他們可以應(yīng)用在不同的設(shè)備上(如如操作面板,電機,傳感器,開關(guān),電磁閥和現(xiàn)場設(shè)備等)。網(wǎng)絡(luò)通信的應(yīng)用除了使分布式控制系統(tǒng)能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)更大的靈活性,也使其能夠大規(guī)模實施和協(xié)調(diào)流程控制。每一個控制系統(tǒng)中的部分都扮演了重要角色,無論其占的比例有多大。</p><p>  一個典型的PLC控制系統(tǒng)包括硬件,軟件和網(wǎng)絡(luò)組件,連同控制功能及其有關(guān)程序。PLC的硬件可以包括機架,電源,CPU,網(wǎng)絡(luò)接口

25、,數(shù)字或模擬數(shù)字I / O接口,和其他特殊用途接口如高速計數(shù)器,運動控制,脈沖輸入等。一個PLC控制系統(tǒng)的軟件部分包括固件 - 這種操作系統(tǒng)是在PLC內(nèi)存內(nèi),編程軟件工具和應(yīng)用軟件通常由系統(tǒng)集成商如EID電子發(fā)展的一個專業(yè)的過程控制程序。根據(jù)不同的目標控制過程中的規(guī)模和任務(wù)要求,PLC控制系統(tǒng)的結(jié)構(gòu)可能有所不同。很多時候,一個監(jiān)督控制和數(shù)據(jù)采集系統(tǒng)的應(yīng)用,這就是人機界面。這種系統(tǒng)包括一個基于控制層面的PLC, 工作層面的屏幕圖形界面和處

26、理服務(wù)器上的處理水平。</p><p>  2 PLC應(yīng)用—PLC控制的小型回旋加速器</p><p>  小型回旋加速器,是一種致力于醫(yī)療放射同位素生產(chǎn)的新型加速器。其主要特點是結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,低功耗,高束流強度高和能量容易改變。它由復(fù)雜的設(shè)備組成,例如:外部離子源,磁鐵,發(fā)電機,汽塔,真空室,水冷室,激活氣動的運輸控制,線束診斷和各種電源。整個生產(chǎn)過程包括H射線的發(fā)射,加速,電子剝離,提取,

27、集中,運輸,目標控制,放射性同位素分析和取樣。圖1顯示在原子能科學(xué)研究院主體- 30回旋加速器。</p><p>  控制小型回旋加速器硬件分為兩部分:PLC控制模塊和操作控制臺。見圖2。PLC的模塊包括:3個CPU(922R),一個協(xié)調(diào)器(923C),一個I / O接口,一個通訊處理器(CP527)一個智能處理器(IP241)。操作控制臺包括:鍵盤,大型分辨率彩色顯示器,兩臺編碼器,光診斷儀器和打印機?;匦铀?/p>

28、器設(shè)備與PLC的通信通過I / O接口,一個能夠轉(zhuǎn)換任務(wù)并接受各種不同的狀態(tài)信息的設(shè)備。PLC與控制臺的通信是通過智能通信接口,它能接受操作指令和傳送處理信號并把它顯示在屏幕上或者打印在紙上,所有的回旋加速器的模擬參數(shù)可以使用兩個編碼器調(diào)節(jié)。傳感器沿著原定的路線,軸向注塑線,加速室,提取室,運輸路線和目標。光束信號預(yù)處理是通過特殊的接口電路,然后傳輸?shù)絇LC中刷新存儲并輸出操作信號。在此期間,信號預(yù)處理傳輸?shù)奖O(jiān)控的控制臺上,并以3種方法

29、同時顯示:數(shù)字,模擬和比例。</p><p>  回旋加速器的回旋狀態(tài)可以清楚地顯示圖形在監(jiān)視器屏幕上。這些屏幕顯示的被稱為網(wǎng)頁。每個網(wǎng)頁不僅顯示了系統(tǒng)不同的關(guān)鍵部件,而且還以改變顏色或形狀給出了實時的動態(tài)信息。不同的頁面還可以定義不同的功能鍵含義,根據(jù)該使用者可以選擇自己的習(xí)慣使PLC作出指示。圖3顯示了頁面結(jié)構(gòu)的組成。兩個編碼器可以分配任何模擬參數(shù)并且隨時調(diào)整。這些參數(shù)直接決定回旋加速器性能,例如光束能源,強

30、度,提取效率和線束在不同目標的分布。</p><p>  不同的參數(shù)設(shè)置可以臨時存儲PLC的內(nèi)存中,它可以包含多達50個設(shè)置并且可以在任何時候調(diào)用它們,這樣大大節(jié)省了設(shè)備調(diào)試時間,提高運作的效率。PLC可以在兩種模式下運行:全自動化或半自動化。在自動化模式下,回旋加速器可以由一個功能鍵自動啟動。在半自動模式下,PLC的將整個程序劃分成不同的部分,在每節(jié)結(jié)束時,操作者是要去重新操作的,但是,它們的操作順序是由PLC


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