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1、<p><b>  客戶關系管理</b></p><p>  摘錄:不管科學家和從業(yè)者有無重要興趣,客戶關系管理 (客戶關系管理) 在保持極大的投資的同時只有少量的利潤回報。直覺上,增加客戶關系的管理應該改良生意表現(xiàn),但是這一種直覺有不一致的經驗或真正的現(xiàn)實支持。 為了要了解這一種情形,這一項以識別預期的客戶關系管理的一個核心團體利益為目的而且調查他們的能力的研究以增加公司的價值公

2、正,商標公正和客戶的成份關系公正就成為必要的事情。十個建議探究這些驅動因素預期的效果而且要為未來的研究形成一個議程。 這些建議包括建立一個測量客戶關系管理而且支持在客戶關系管理和表現(xiàn)之間的聯(lián)編的架構。</p><p>  2. 核心客戶關系管理利益</p><p>  早期的客戶關系管理研究員已經假定每一個客戶關系管理的利益都被由客戶關系管理對特定的工業(yè)結構所縫制,如程序和技術聯(lián)合的工業(yè)改

3、變。(銹,檸檬 , Zeithaml,2001) 然而,最近的crosscultural的調查結果顯示,, 如同已經更早地被設想的那樣,并被Reinartzetal做的客戶關系管理的多工業(yè)研究(2004)所支持,證明需要以客戶關系管理利益的觀念為根據(jù)而放棄以前那種認為的能夠極大的改變工業(yè)或國家的想法。 這一個較遲的發(fā)現(xiàn)給那些將核心利益和客戶關系管理率先聯(lián)合的利益存在過不同意見的主意增添了支持。它讓我們將會識別而且建立使用我們的模型把客戶


5、lt;/p><p>  1) 提高對有利潤的客戶的改良能力;</p><p>  2) 提供整合渠道的能力;</p><p>  3) 提高銷售力量的效率和效力;</p><p>  4) 個別化銷售信息;</p><p>  5) 根據(jù)客戶需要修改產品和服務;</p><p>  6) 提高對客戶

6、的服務效率和效力;</p><p><b>  7) 改良訂價。</b></p><p>  在確認這些利益的時候,要通過仔細注意文章中被支付的新奇的和通常的利益。舉例來說,在被講到的客戶關系管理中有提高銷售力量效率和效力,但是有銷售力量的自動化(SFA) 是客戶關系管理的一個子集這一觀點在長期的研究中較少被列出(Jones,Sundaram&Chin,200

7、2)。一個潛在性的客戶關系管理不包括提高職員動機的利益(Rigbyetal,2002)。這些利益只在唯一的研究中被提到并因此為達成包含一系列的核心/基本利益而失敗。我們的目標是在創(chuàng)造這一本目錄方面時要捕獲核心以表現(xiàn)客戶關系管理利益來公平地以包羅萬象的方式使兩者都獲得穩(wěn)定的收入是客戶關系管理率先要求的利益(舉例來說,提高銷售的表現(xiàn))和節(jié)省費用(舉例來說, 整合引導),由于客戶關系的投資而時常聯(lián)合被嘗試。給客戶關系管理以接近概念上的對準和C

8、E票據(jù)的上方,我們將會使用這些核心,如對價值經理的雇用,以通過產生CE使他們的客戶關系的創(chuàng)造者有益。</p><p>  4. 用利益測量客戶關系管理</p><p>  最初在這一項研究中承認較清楚的是需要關于客戶關系管理的定義和確認核心客戶關系管理來有益創(chuàng)造CE。無論是策略的還是操作的,客戶關系管理的定義一定要提供較清楚的指導方針來給它測量。在這上下文中,一種二元的定義被支持, 包括客

9、戶關系管理的程序和策略元素在內同時被考慮提供程序,技術和被講到的率先對客戶關系管理進行投資的策略的一個全面的評估。</p><p>  除了客戶關系管理的定義,這一項研究也提供一個摘要和預期,核心與利益有關的這些客戶關系管理的投資。這些利益被放置,如一連串的許多客戶關系管理投資將會忙于被評估為如CE的創(chuàng)造者的普遍預期的利益。每一個這些建議需要建立在以經驗為主地評估,從而使他們兩者了解客戶關系管理投資的結果而且預知

10、客戶關系管理對CE的沖擊作用。在被講到定義和測量客戶關系管理的早先困難時,是沒有測量嘗試他們的標準的。與測量客戶關系管理有關的事實是,即使是當時最好的定義,它包含了周圍的殘留的混合物質也使它變成困難的評估。然而,利益和方式的聯(lián)合在這一份手稿中有概略的說明。首先,這種方式提供基于評估程序和技術開支測量的較寬廣的視野和驅使下一個決策的策略。寬廣的測量方式被很好地推廣到適合它的所有的領域,如客戶關系管理。其次, 雇用CE如一個測量工具那樣提供

11、財政的責任給客戶關系管理投資。許多行銷兩者的公司都率先評估產生那些利益的費用并根據(jù)測量決定下一步策略(舉例來說,市場占有率,客戶滿足)。這些中間的措施為銷售主管所必需的基金競爭支援客戶關系管理產生困難。對于CE的價值,是率先為客戶關系管理提供商標和關系公正的客戶知覺以及為他們后來</p><p><b>  5. 未來研究方向</b></p><p>  當為未來研究

12、這一個大綱所追求目標的時候,它是我們的希望,研究領域將會接近到了解客戶關系管理能力的投資沖擊。當學者開始追求研究這一領域的風潮的時候,一些研究考慮應該被記錄。它是清楚從這個研究的性質到那些大學生和生意社區(qū)都在進行的合作來測試這些建議的。首先,對核心價值創(chuàng)造者所講的附加值研究將會是必需被當作完全根據(jù)經驗的分析而發(fā)展出來的測量,收集來自特定的公司和工業(yè)的數(shù)據(jù)性質, 理論上這些測量構造積極參與到在那模型將會必須被修正以適應個別項目樣品工業(yè)的語

13、言中去。其次,對這些建議測試的必需的數(shù)據(jù)將會來自公司對買主和賣方的記錄以及調查,甚至由于改良的客戶關系管理技術在適當?shù)奈恢?,它可以保持挑?zhàn)收集的這些數(shù)據(jù)的類型,由于來自多樣的公司數(shù)據(jù),所以一定要在研究程序中合作。第三, 決定收益性,一定要重點考慮那些將會在公司里面需要多樣功能合作的客戶關系管理的費用和利益。這些問題應該全部解決,但是當他們尋求客戶關系管理的測量時,將給學者提供獨特的挑戰(zhàn)。超過專家和從業(yè)者的協(xié)調,附加的工作將會使得這些建議

14、變成可測試的假定。在個別項目的努力中將會為需要搜尋節(jié)制情況而插入被提議的關系。舉例來說,我們的教育,當它與客</p><p>  Customer relationship management: Finding value drivers</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  Despite signifi

15、cant interest from both academicians and practitioners, customer relationship management (CRM) remains a huge investment with little measured payback. Intuition suggests that increased management of customer relationship

16、s should improve business performance, but this intuition has only inconsistent empirical or real world support. To remedy this situation, this study identifies a core group of expected CRM benefits and examines their ab

17、ility to increase a firm's value equity, bran</p><p>  2. Core CRM benefits</p><p>  Early CRM researchers had hypothesized that CRM benefits varied by industry as the processes and technolo

18、gies associated with CRM were tailored to specific industry structures (Rust, Lemon, Zeithaml, 2001). However, findings in a recent cross cultural,</p><p>  multi-industry study of CRM done by Reinartz et al

19、. (2004) support the notion that desired CRM benefits do not vary greatly across industries or countries, as had earlier been thought. This later finding lends support to the idea that core benefits associated with CRM i

20、nitiatives exist across contexts. It is this set of core benefits that we will identify and use to build our model linking CRM benefits to the three components of CE:</p><p>  relationship, value and brand e

21、quity. We will position each desired benefit as a value driver for CRM. These value drivers represent the activities associated with the goal of improving customer relationships. The following lists of desired CRM benefi

22、ts were collected and summarized from an extensive survey of recent CRM studies. Each benefit was selected based on two criteria. First, for a benefit to be considered a core benefit it must be cited multiple times by di

23、fferent authors. This suggest</p><p>  link between CRM initiatives and the development of CE. These core benefits of CRM will be linked theoretically to the three types of equity (relationship, value and br

24、and) and</p><p>  ultimately to CE. Seven core benefits were identified to serve as value drivers in the model:</p><p>  1) improved ability to target profitable customers;</p><p> 

25、 2) integrated offerings across channels;</p><p>  3) improved sales force efficiency and effectiveness;</p><p>  4) individualized marketing messages;</p><p>  5) customized produc

26、ts and services;</p><p>  6) improved customer service efficiency and effectiveness; and</p><p>  7) improved pricing.</p><p>  During the identification of these benefits, careful

27、attention was paid to both novel and common benefits across the literature. For example, improving sales force efficiency and</p><p>  effectiveness is listed in fewer studies related to CRM, but has strong

28、connections in sales force automation (SFA) studies which is a subset of CRM (Jones, Sundaram, & Chin, 2002). One potential CRM benefit that did not make the list includes improved employee motivation (Rigby et al.,

29、2002). This benefit was mentioned in only one study and therefore fails to achieve critical mass for inclusion in a list of core/foundational benefits. Our goal in creating this list was to capture the core benef</p&g

30、t;<p>  4. Benefits of this approach to measuring CRM</p><p>  Foremost in this study is the recognition that greater clarity is needed regarding the definition of CRM and the identification of core C

31、RM benefits that drive CE. Whether strategic or operational, definitions of CRM must provide clearer guidelines for its measurement. In this context, a dualistic definition is supported, where both process and strategy e

32、lements of CRM are considered simultaneously to provide an overall assessment of a company's investment in process, technology and strategic in</p><p>  In addition to the definition of CRM, this study a

33、lso provides a summary of the anticipated, core benefits associated with these CRM investments. These benefits are positioned as a list of commonly expected benefits that many CRM investments will address and are evaluat

34、ed as drivers of CE. Each of these propositions needs to be evaluated empirically to establish their usefulness for both understanding the outcomes of CRM investments and predicting the impact of CRM on CE. Given the pre

35、vious diff</p><p>  when well defined, it remains complex and all encompassing, which makes it difficult to evaluate. However, there are advantages associated with the approach outlined in this manuscript. F

36、irst, this approach provides a broader view of measurement based on evaluating process and technology expenditures as well as the strategic initiatives that drive decision making. A broad measurement approach is well sui

37、ted to an all encompassing initiative such as CRM. Second, employing CE as a measurement tool</p><p>  5. Directions for future research</p><p>  It is our hope that as this outline for future r

38、esearch is pursued, the field will draw nearer to understanding the impact of investments in CRM capabilities. Several research considerations should be noted as scholars begin to pursue this stream of research. It is cl

39、ear from the nature of this research that the cooperation of both the academic and business communities is required to test these propositions. First, additional qualitative</p><p>  research related to the

40、core value drivers will be necessary as measurements are developed for empirical analysis. Given the nature of collecting data from specific companies and industries, the measurement of the theoretical constructs involve

41、d in the</p><p>  model will have to be modified to accommodate the particular language of the sample industry. Second, data required to test these propositions will come from company records and surveys of

42、both buyers and sellers. Even with improved CRM technology in place, it remains a challenge to collect these types of data because parties from multiple companies must cooperate in the research process. Third, to determi

43、ne profitability, consideration must be given to the costs and benefits of these CRM initia</p><p>  moderate proposition three as it relates to CRM technology impacting salesperson performance (Ahearne et a

44、l., 2005). Training as a moderator may also impact customer service people as well. In addition, a customer's value emphasis, the extent to which quality, price and convenience are prioritized by the customer, may al


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