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1、<p>  沈陽(yáng)航空航天大學(xué)畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)</p><p><b>  外文翻譯</b></p><p><b>  沈陽(yáng)航空航天大學(xué)</b></p><p><b>  2012年6月</b></p><p> 學(xué) 院自動(dòng)化學(xué)院</p><p&g

2、t; 專 業(yè)自動(dòng)化</p><p> 班 級(jí)</p><p> 學(xué) 號(hào)</p><p> 姓 名田曜華</p><p> 指導(dǎo)教師</p><p> 負(fù)責(zé)教師</p><p>  Property Management Functions </p><

3、p>  Property management is the process of overseeing the operation and maintenance of real property to achieve the objectives of the property owner.Sometimes owners manage their own property,particularly small propert

4、ies and particularly when they themselves occupy part of the space.But for larger properties or those whose owners live at a distance,management is usually performed by a paid property manager, either an individual build

5、ings on long-term leases,where tenants maintain the building, pay t</p><p>  Property management has long been an underrated function in the real estate industry.The need for professional management did not

6、become apparent until the depression of the 1930s,when numerous foreclosures revealed a pattern of management deficiencies.This oversight might seem strange,since running a large commercial or residential project in whic

7、h hundreds or thousands of people reside or work is a highly challenging task,calling for training,good judgment,variety of technical skills.Tradition</p><p>  This concept of property management has changed

8、 substantially in the past decade.In an era of rising costs,it has dawned on owners that good property management is the major controllable influence on residual cash flow (i.e.,the number of dollars that end up in the o

9、wner's pocket).It is true that both rent rates and operating expenses are largely shaped by market forces beyond the control of any one property owner (witness the very sharp rise in energy costs in the 1970s). But it is

10、 also true th</p><p>  The classic mistake of the stock and bond investor moving into real estate involves underestimating the importance of management.Some investors have the feeling that real estate manage

11、s itself.</p><p>  There is a story about the importance of property management. A San Francisco real estate broker recently noticed a project that was on the market for $1 million. He knew how the property

12、had been managed in the past and that the million dollar valuation was based on a capitalization of historic income figure. He borrowed money to buy the property,renegotiated certain leases, and established more efficien

13、t operating procedures.In six months he sold the property for $1.4 million based on the capi</p><p>  The level of management a property needs increases with the level of services and with the frequency that

14、 tenants turn over.Some examples of ddifferent managerial responsibilities and problems follow,organized by type of space.To the extent that property management involves tenant relations,residential properties present th

15、e greatest challenge.The space leased by the residential tenant is "home",where the tenant and other family members spend a substantial amount of their free time and the rent </p><p>  The relatively short t

16、erm of a residential lease means that the property manager is under continual pressure to maintain a high renewal rate in order to avoid vacated units that must be repainted,repaired,and re-leased in as short a time as p

17、ossible.A property that is theoretically fully rented may,nevertheless,lose a substantial amount of rental income if turnover is very high and more than a few weeks elapse before each new tenant moves in.</p><

18、p>  Among the types of residential properties are apartments,condominiums and cooperatives,and single-family homes.</p><p>  The personal relationship between manager and tenant can be crucial to maintain

19、ing high occupancy.Turnover of tenants results in higher operating expenses and lower rentals collected.Asking fair rents and responding to tenants' needs(e. g., maintenance and repairs)are often the most important v

20、ariables in successful apartment management.</p><p>  The least involved homes.The owner may have moved rental of single-family homes.The owner may have moved away for business or other reasons with the inte

21、ntion of returning at a later date to occupy the house or may be holding the property as an investments.In either case,the owner retains a local agent to collect rent,pay real estate taxes and debt service,and handle any

22、 problems that may arise.This type of management is frequently performed by real estate brokers,who charge a fee equal to a per</p><p>  The property manager of an office building must be familiar with more

23、complex lease provisions than those used for residential properties. For example,the office building tenant is very much aware of paying a rent rate measured by the square foot, and so the measurement of space becomes an

24、 important consideration.One frequently used measure is rentable area or rentable space.The manager must understand how to compute it. For example,are the bathrooms and hallways an added"load factor", with the </p>

25、<p>  When leasing space,the property manager should bear in mind that the value of an office building is directly related to three interlocking elements:</p><p> ?。?)the rate per square foot,(2)the q

26、uality on the tenancies,and(3)the length of the leases.The higher the rental rate,the higher the gross income.The more creditworthy the tenant,the more assured the owner may be that rents will be paid. Finally,the longer

27、 the lease term,the lower the risk of vacancies and turnover problems in the future.With longer term leases,it is more important to have appropriate escalation clauses or expense pass-through provisions,for the opportuni

28、ties to increase base re</p><p>  In office building management,service is particularly important.The property manager is responsible for making sure the premises are kept clean and secure,that elevator run

29、reliably,that utilities work,and that the structure looks(and is)well maintained.To many office tenants,the amount of rent is secondary to the efficient provision of these services.</p><p>  Today's larg

30、er buildings are getting"smarter".They have computerized controls to handle heating and air conditioning loads to minimize energy consumption. Elevators are programmed to meet peak loads.The fire system is tied to the pu

31、blic-address warning system,sprinklers,and air pressure.Infrared sensors may turn lights on and off as they sense people entering and leaving rooms.Telecommunications using fiber optics can create data highways between d

32、istant locations either in concert with public t</p><p>  Retail complexes</p><p>  For large retail complexes and particularly for shopping centers,competent property management is extremely im

33、portant.</p><p>  First,maintenance of the property itself requires substantial work.Each day large numbers of shoppers visit the premises,generating a great deal of rubbish and inflicting wear and tear on t

34、he improvements.Besides maintenance,daily security is an essential service.</p><p>  Second,the property manager must keep alert to possibilities of making the premises more attractive and to the need to ren

35、ovate and modernize selling areas. Fierce competition for retail business means constant efforts must be made to have customers return as often as possible.In addition,whenever new tenants lease space,renovation is requi

36、red to suit the premises to the new user.</p><p>  Third,the property manager performs an important function in obtaining a proper tenant mix for the retail complex.Too much competition among similar uses ma

37、y mean business failures for the tenants and a negative cash flow for the landlord. Ideally,the various tenants should complement each other so that a shopper coming to one store will find related products or services in

38、 adjacent stores.</p><p>  Finally,retail leases frequently contain percentage rent provisions by which the landlord is entitled to additional rent based on a percentage of gross sales over a specified minim

39、um.The property owner must be prepared to negotiate the most favorable terms for the owner and also to ensure that percentage rents are correctly computed and paid as they come due. Estimated rental income is derived as

40、from the historical experience of the building as well as from market trends discerned by the proper</p><p>  A more specialized type of management is involved with industrial property-that is,buildings that

41、 are used primarily for manufacturing or warehousing,and that may also include a limited amount of office space.Much industrial property is either built or altered to meet the specific needs of a tenant who normally will

42、 sign a long-term lease (e. g.,10 to 20 years),enabling the landlord to recover the special costs involved.Such special-purpose buildings usually require only a minimal amount of mana</p><p>  On the other h

43、and,some types of warehouse space are let on relatively short terms to more than one tenant.In this type of situation,the landlord may be responsible for maintenance and repair and must also anticipate the need to market

44、 the space at frequent intervals.One of the most important cash flow items of the late 1980s was the increasing cost of tenant alterations necessitated by tenant rollovers.In the 1990s,a critical property management func

45、tion will be to service existing tenants and f</p><p>  In the hospitality industry,service is crucial. This and the frequent turn-over of guests(often daily)mean that hotels and motels require more constant

46、 management than any other category of space we have considered.In many cases,convention business is major source of revenue. As a result,hotel and motel management includes food service and entertainment as well as the

47、typical property management functions.Marketing is first in importance.The lease period is so short-one night-that management mus</p><p>  For the hospitality industry,maintaining security is an allencompass

48、ing endeavor,not limited to property managers.Matters relating to the physical plant, staff,and operation in general affect the protection of the property's assets and its guests and employees.Anything less than a pr

49、operty-wide view of security and the resolution and disposition of security problems leads to inefficiency,needless expense,and great potential for harm to employer and guests.</p><p>  Having looked at how

50、requirements for management vary by property type,we will now examine a manager's day-to-day duties in more detail.Like many working people,a property manager wakes up in the morning,dresses for work,eats breakfast,a

51、nd drives to an office(either on or off the managed premises).Once there,what does he or she do?We will first list all of the functions and then cover the most important ones in greater detail.</p><p>  MAKI

52、NG A MANAGEMENT PLAN</p><p>  As the agent of the property owner,the property manager is bound to carry out the owner's objectives.Making explicit those objectives is the first step in creating a managem

53、ent plan.</p><p>  As we have seen,properties under paid management may be very small,or they may be multimillion-dollar complexes. A management plan can be equally simple or elaborate,as suits the scope of

54、management and the market area of a property. Regardless on size,it is important to make a plan(which could range from a handwritten half page to 50 pages typed and bound,depending on the project…).Here we should note th

55、at a management plan for any size property contains three points:(1)an analysis of the compe</p><p>  MAKING A BUDGET</p><p>  A manager collects money,pays the bills,and sends what is left to t

56、he owner-in millions or hundreds. A budget is essential for two reasons:(1)to regulate cash flow-that is,to make sure sufficient cash is on hand to meet obligations like taxes,mortgage payments,operating expenses,and spe

57、cial capital improvements(e. g., new roof)when needed;and(2)to measure performance-to act as a standard for measuring the manager's success in meeting objectives.</p><p>  PAYING EXPENSES;KEEPING BOOKS A

58、ND RECORDS</p><p>  The property manager must see to it that operating expenses,real estate taxes, insurance premiums,and mortgage payments are paid when due.Depending on the arrangement,a manager may be aut

59、horized to sign checks or may only prepare a list of payments for the owner's attention.The manager also keeps records of income and outlays and works with the owner's accountant in preparing annual financial sta

60、tements and tax returns.The manager may also be responsible for reports required by government author</p><p>  Showing and renting space</p><p>  Although marketing real estate is a function dis

61、tinct from managing it,the two are often combined in the hands of the property manager or management firm.In the case of apartment buildings,the manager actually on the site(the resident manager) usually shows vacant apa

62、rtments and may handle lease negotiations as well. In the case of commercial or office space,leasing is often performed by specialists within a property management firm or may be handled by a separate brokerage firm.<

63、/p><p>  Because of the importance of leasing and the expertise and special effort required to do it well,a property manager who handles the lease function often receives a commission over and above his regular

64、 management fee. The leasing function can be classified into three steps,all or some of which may be performed by the property manager or management firm.</p><p>  SETTING RENTAL LEVELS.</p><p>

65、  A rent schedule should be established with the objective of maximizing future rental income from the property.Setting rents is far from an exact science:it calls for the exercise of good judgment based on a knowledge o

66、f rent rates and available space in comparable buildings as well as the features,functions,and benefits of both the subject property and competing space.A technique used by many professional property managers is the base

67、-unit-rate approach.This involves choosing a standard unit in </p><p>  SOLICITING PROSPECTS.</p><p>  The second step in the leasing process is to advertise space in appropriate media(whether b

68、illboards,newspapers,radio,or television)and show in a perfunctory way, this task should properly be regarded as the time for intensive personal selling on the part of the leasing agent.To sell space effectively,the leas

69、ing agent must not only be familiar with every detail of the property being shown,but also should ascertain the precise needs and desires of the prospect.</p><p>  NEGOTIATING AND EXECUTING LEASES.</p>

70、<p>  Finally,the property manager will be involved,to a greater or lesser extent,in the negotiation and execution of the lease.In the case of an apartment project,where standard form leases are used and little ne

71、gotiation normally occurs,the manager may perform the entire process.On the other hand,a long-term lease of several floors in a major office building will require the efforts of both legal counsel and the owner.Even here

72、,however,the property manager plays an important preliminary role because</p><p><b>  物業(yè)管理</b></p><p>  物業(yè)管理就是一個(gè)對(duì)實(shí)際物業(yè)操作和維護(hù)的預(yù)見(jiàn)并達(dá)成業(yè)主目的過(guò)程。有時(shí)候業(yè)主自己管理自己的物業(yè),尤其是小的物業(yè)或是當(dāng)業(yè)主本身也部分占有物業(yè)時(shí)。 </p&g

73、t;<p>  但是對(duì)大型物業(yè)或是業(yè)主與物業(yè)相距較遠(yuǎn)的情況下,這種管理通常通過(guò)雇傭的物管經(jīng)理來(lái)完成,無(wú)論是長(zhǎng)期租賃的,租賃方維護(hù),交納稅款和保險(xiǎn)并按月付給房東支票的個(gè)人建筑。但大多數(shù)的住宅,辦公,零售以及許多工業(yè)化的物業(yè)都在超時(shí)的提供場(chǎng)地和服務(wù)。物業(yè)管理在房地產(chǎn)業(yè)中是一項(xiàng)被長(zhǎng)期忽視的功能。</p><p>  直到20世紀(jì)的30年代,當(dāng)無(wú)數(shù)的房地產(chǎn)業(yè)被迫關(guān)停并顯示出管理不足時(shí),對(duì)專業(yè)化物業(yè)管理的需要


75、t;  這種物業(yè)管理的概念在過(guò)去的十年里有了巨大的改變。在一個(gè)成本不斷上漲的時(shí)代,對(duì)業(yè)主來(lái)說(shuō)好的物業(yè)管理是對(duì)剩余現(xiàn)金流(例如,純收入)的主要可控制影響。實(shí)際上租金和管理費(fèi)用都會(huì)受到任何業(yè)主都無(wú)法控制的時(shí)常力量的影響(例如20世紀(jì)70年代能源成本的劇烈上漲)但是,同地域內(nèi)的可比性的物業(yè)常常會(huì)顯示出在租賃收入和管理成本方面的差異,為什么呢?近距離的觀察顯示“高于平均”的管理費(fèi)用和“低于平均”的租金水平都是由于物管的不足引起的。股票和證券投資

76、者的經(jīng)典性的誤區(qū)轉(zhuǎn)移到了地產(chǎn)業(yè),包括對(duì)管理的低估。有的投資者有這樣的感覺(jué),那就是地產(chǎn)會(huì)自己管理自己。</p><p>  這是一個(gè)有關(guān)于物業(yè)管理的重要性的故事。近日舊金山一家房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀(jì)人發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)在市場(chǎng)上價(jià)值為100萬(wàn)美元的項(xiàng)目,他知道在過(guò)去,那個(gè)百萬(wàn)美元的估值是基于資本化收益的歷史背景的。他借了錢來(lái)購(gòu)買該地產(chǎn),重新建立了一個(gè)更有效率的租賃運(yùn)作程序。在六個(gè)月的時(shí)間里,他賣了140萬(wàn)美元,使他在原有的財(cái)產(chǎn)上可以擁有更

77、高的凈收入,這為更多的管理人員提供了專業(yè)性的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。</p><p>  提高物業(yè)管理水平需要增加服務(wù)水平和客房翻新頻率。一些管理和職責(zé)問(wèn)題,組織類型空間的問(wèn)題,在某種程度上包括租物業(yè)管理的關(guān)系,是目前住宅物業(yè)的最大挑戰(zhàn)。業(yè)主租用所謂的“家”,需要本身和其他家庭成員花大量的時(shí)間和租金來(lái)完成,這是他們最大的財(cái)務(wù)責(zé),因此,租戶業(yè)主希望有一個(gè)物業(yè)費(fèi)和保證金盡可能低的物業(yè) (還有其他的原因,因?yàn)榉孔獠簧暾?qǐng)扣減稅項(xiàng)作為商業(yè)租

78、賃)。凡事都有例外,壞租戶也可能是物業(yè)經(jīng)理和其他住戶長(zhǎng)期煩惱的來(lái)源。</p><p>  短期的住宅租賃意味著物業(yè)經(jīng)理保持對(duì)客房的更新速度,必須重新粉刷,修理,而且時(shí)間上要盡可能短。在營(yíng)業(yè)額非常高時(shí),短期租戶比長(zhǎng)期租戶理論上所創(chuàng)造的價(jià)值更高。</p><p>  有這樣一個(gè)擁有公寓、合作社和單一家庭住宅的住宅公寓。</p><p>  經(jīng)理與業(yè)主的個(gè)人關(guān)系是維持高入

79、住率的重要因素。更高的銷售量與低租金、低營(yíng)業(yè)費(fèi)是成正比的。合理的租金和及時(shí)應(yīng)對(duì)租戶的需求(如維護(hù)和修理)往往是成功的物業(yè)管理所必備的要素。</p><p>  如果業(yè)主很少在家,他要繳納的租金就越多。業(yè)主可能因?yàn)槊β祷蚱渌蚨鴷簳r(shí)搬走,日后回來(lái),將為他所占據(jù)的房子繳納更多的費(fèi)用。另一方面,業(yè)主都需要雇傭當(dāng)?shù)氐拇韥?lái)繳納租金、房地產(chǎn)稅、還貸款或處理任何可能出現(xiàn)的問(wèn)題。這種類型的管理,房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀(jì)人經(jīng)常進(jìn)行收取一定數(shù)

80、額的月租金率。</p><p>  在辦公樓,物業(yè)管理人員必須熟悉這些復(fù)雜的住宅物業(yè)的使用租賃條款。舉例來(lái)說(shuō),寫字樓租戶非常了解由平方英尺計(jì)算支付的租金率,所以測(cè)量的空間成為一個(gè)重要的考慮因素。一個(gè)管理者必須了解如何計(jì)算可出租面積或租用面積的推銷措施。例如,浴室和走廊的“利用率”,與她的個(gè)人空間,加上她的“公共使用面積”支付租金。是否計(jì)算墻內(nèi)和墻外的范圍?此外,生活的舒適度,辦公樓共同費(fèi)用,是否經(jīng)常與每個(gè)住戶進(jìn)行

81、溝通,也是重要因素。物業(yè)經(jīng)理必須具有足夠的律師和足夠的工程師、足夠的營(yíng)銷人員才能確保所承諾的服務(wù)工作(如電梯),對(duì)他提供高質(zhì)量的服務(wù),及時(shí)給租客展示財(cái)務(wù)會(huì)計(jì)的報(bào)告。</p><p>  當(dāng)租賃的空間較少時(shí),物業(yè)經(jīng)理應(yīng)該牢記與辦公大樓的價(jià)值有直接關(guān)系的三個(gè)相關(guān)要素:</p><p>  (1)每平方英尺的更新速度;(2)租戶的品質(zhì),(3)租賃的時(shí)間。租金率越高,收入總額越高。房客的信譽(yù)越好,

82、 向支付的租金就更合理。最后,租賃期越長(zhǎng),營(yíng)業(yè)額的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)問(wèn)題就越低。長(zhǎng)期租賃時(shí),更重要的是要有適當(dāng)?shù)纳?jí)條款和規(guī)定,費(fèi)用機(jī)制,有機(jī)會(huì)增加租金并較少基礎(chǔ)運(yùn)營(yíng)成本。</p><p>  辦公大樓管理,服務(wù)是特別重要的。物業(yè)經(jīng)理負(fù)責(zé)確保房屋的保持清潔、安全、可靠運(yùn)行,電梯,公用事業(yè)工作和建筑的外觀良好。辦公室的租金租客多少是次要的,高效的服務(wù)條款才是最主要的。</p><p>  如今,更多的樓房

83、越來(lái)越“聰明”。他們用計(jì)算機(jī)來(lái)控制暖氣和空調(diào)的負(fù)荷已達(dá)到最小能源消耗的目的,控制電梯來(lái)滿足峰值負(fù)載調(diào)節(jié),控制消防系統(tǒng)中的預(yù)警系統(tǒng)、感知噴嘴處的空氣壓力。當(dāng)感覺(jué)人們進(jìn)入和離開(kāi)房間時(shí),紅外線感應(yīng)器可觸發(fā),利用光纖通信能與在異地的獨(dú)立或公共電話系統(tǒng)建立聯(lián)系。電信選項(xiàng)是昂貴的,這就需要營(yíng)運(yùn)管理者保證他們能合理充分利用房客的資源。</p><p><b>  零售處</b></p>&l

84、t;p>  對(duì)于大型零售處,特別購(gòu)物中心對(duì)物業(yè)管理來(lái)說(shuō)是非常重要的。</p><p>  一、維護(hù)自身的性能是實(shí)質(zhì)性工作。每天大量購(gòu)物游覽場(chǎng)所,產(chǎn)生大量的垃圾和造成的磨損,除了保養(yǎng),日常安全也是一個(gè)至關(guān)重要的服務(wù)。</p><p>  二、物業(yè)經(jīng)理必須時(shí)刻保持警惕,及時(shí)更新現(xiàn)代化銷售區(qū)域,使房屋更具吸引力。激烈的零售業(yè)務(wù)意味著不斷的努力才有盡可能多用戶回報(bào)。此外,還要更新可用租戶租賃

85、的空間,改造新用戶所需的條件。</p><p>  三、物業(yè)經(jīng)理執(zhí)行中復(fù)雜混合的零售方案是獲得適當(dāng)?shù)姆靠椭匾δ堋L嗟谋荣愔惺褂每赡芤馕吨髽I(yè)倒閉的租戶及負(fù)面的現(xiàn)金流為宜。最理想的情況是,各租戶應(yīng)該是相輔相成的,來(lái)到一家在相鄰的商店中購(gòu)物者會(huì)找到相關(guān)產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)。</p><p>  最后,零售租約租金規(guī)定比例經(jīng)常含有的房東有權(quán)獲得額外的租金是基于銷售總額的一定比例超過(guò)規(guī)定的最低。業(yè)主必須

86、準(zhǔn)備商談的最優(yōu)惠的條件,并確保業(yè)主百分比計(jì)算繳納租金是正確的。預(yù)計(jì)租金收入是衍生自建設(shè)的歷史經(jīng)驗(yàn),以及從市場(chǎng)趨勢(shì)的物業(yè)經(jīng)理涵在大型零售和購(gòu)物中心。舉例來(lái)說(shuō),如果當(dāng)前市場(chǎng)租金上升了以上之空間的合同目前被指控在現(xiàn)行租金租賃、物業(yè)經(jīng)理會(huì)增加租金收入作為租賃合同到期,物業(yè)經(jīng)理預(yù)計(jì)租金水平上保持現(xiàn)有收費(fèi)相當(dāng)空間。(注: 位優(yōu)秀的物業(yè)經(jīng)理,應(yīng)用他或她的專長(zhǎng)提供足夠的信息,使購(gòu)買者能為未來(lái)的投資買單。)</p><p>  通

87、常建立一個(gè)更加專業(yè)化的管理與主要用于制造、倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)的工業(yè)商業(yè)建筑物,可使更多的工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)或者房客簽署一個(gè)長(zhǎng)期的租賃合同(例如,10到20年),使業(yè)主能收回的額外的費(fèi)用。這樣的專用建筑物通常只需要最短的管理,因?yàn)槭窃诰W(wǎng)絡(luò)的基礎(chǔ)上完成的交易,降低了營(yíng)業(yè)費(fèi)用,包括地產(chǎn)稅和保險(xiǎn)。</p><p>  另一方面, 在相對(duì)較短的時(shí)間里,一些類型的倉(cāng)庫(kù)空間可能供不應(yīng)求。在這種情況下,業(yè)主可以負(fù)責(zé)維護(hù)和修理,也一定要市場(chǎng)預(yù)期的間隔空間

88、。其中最重要的現(xiàn)金流的項(xiàng)目成本增加了,20世紀(jì)80年代末,這需要由業(yè)主承擔(dān)。在20世紀(jì)90年代,一個(gè)關(guān)鍵物業(yè)管理功能將成為對(duì)現(xiàn)有的租戶服務(wù)的關(guān)鍵,新房客著眼于價(jià)格降低和業(yè)務(wù)改進(jìn)。在市場(chǎng)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)日益激烈的時(shí)期,空間,辦公室、零售和工業(yè)的租賃通常為顯著改善。物業(yè)通常需要在工業(yè)物業(yè)類型進(jìn)行改進(jìn),業(yè)主支付的改進(jìn)費(fèi)用與年租金要相對(duì)低。因此,降低滾動(dòng)(同時(shí)改進(jìn)租戶的成本)是一個(gè)現(xiàn)金支付業(yè)主的主要目標(biāo)。</p><p>  在酒店

89、行業(yè)中服務(wù)是至關(guān)重要的。我們已經(jīng)考慮到頻繁的客人往來(lái)(通常是日常)意味著酒店和汽車旅館比其他領(lǐng)域更需要不斷的管理。在許多情況下,會(huì)議業(yè)務(wù)是主要的收入來(lái)源,作為這樣一個(gè)結(jié)果,酒店和汽車旅館管理包括餐飲服務(wù)和娛樂(lè)以及典型的物業(yè)管理功能在市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷中是最重要的。租期如此短,管理者必須為房客找到房間,高超的管理技能創(chuàng)造更高的價(jià)值,這是真理。</p><p>  任何非財(cái)產(chǎn)較少的廣泛安全觀和決議和安全問(wèn)題的處置導(dǎo)致效率低下,

90、不必要的開(kāi)支,以及損害雇主和來(lái)賓的巨大潛力。在看到隨物業(yè)類型不同管理要求的變化之后,我們現(xiàn)在詳細(xì)查看一個(gè)物業(yè)經(jīng)理日常職責(zé)。如許多工作的人一樣,物業(yè)經(jīng)理早上起床,穿上職業(yè)裝,吃早飯,然后開(kāi)車去辦公室(在或者不再所管理的物業(yè)內(nèi))。在那里,他或者她又做些什么?我們先列出所有的職能,然后詳述最重要部分。 </p><p><b>  制定管理計(jì)劃 </b></p><p> 

91、 作為業(yè)主的代理人,物業(yè)經(jīng)理有責(zé)任實(shí)現(xiàn)業(yè)主的目標(biāo)。創(chuàng)建管理計(jì)劃的第一步是使這些目標(biāo)清晰化。如我們所看到,付費(fèi)管理的物業(yè)可能很小,或者可能是數(shù)百萬(wàn)美元的建筑群落。管理計(jì)劃可以相等地簡(jiǎn)單或者精細(xì),與物業(yè)的市場(chǎng)區(qū)域和管理的范圍相適應(yīng)。無(wú)所謂大小,重要的是制定計(jì)劃(可能從手寫的半頁(yè)紙到打印且裝訂好的50頁(yè),依項(xiàng)目而定……)。這里我們需注意用于任何大小物業(yè)的管理計(jì)劃包含三點(diǎn):(1)一份競(jìng)爭(zhēng)環(huán)境的分析;(2)一份物業(yè)本身的分析;(3)列舉業(yè)主的目標(biāo)

92、及實(shí)現(xiàn)它們的建議。 </p><p><b>  制定預(yù)算 </b></p><p>  物業(yè)經(jīng)理籌錢,付賬,然后把或多或少的結(jié)余結(jié)算給業(yè)主。預(yù)算是必要的,有兩個(gè)原因:(1)調(diào)節(jié)現(xiàn)金流,用來(lái)確保手頭有充足現(xiàn)金以應(yīng)付必須時(shí)的如稅收,抵押金,運(yùn)營(yíng)費(fèi)用,及特別設(shè)備改建(如,新屋頂)這些負(fù)擔(dān);(2)在會(huì)議目的中做為權(quán)衡表現(xiàn)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)用來(lái)衡量物業(yè)經(jīng)理成功與否。 </p>

93、<p>  支付費(fèi)用、保留記錄 </p><p>  物業(yè)經(jīng)理務(wù)必保證運(yùn)營(yíng)花費(fèi),房地產(chǎn)稅,保險(xiǎn)費(fèi),抵押金到期時(shí)已經(jīng)支付。取決于安排,物業(yè)經(jīng)理可能被授權(quán)簽署支票或者僅僅預(yù)備一張讓業(yè)主留意的費(fèi)用列表。物業(yè)經(jīng)理也要保留收益和費(fèi)用的記錄,和在準(zhǔn)備年度財(cái)政陳述和退稅時(shí)和業(yè)主的會(huì)計(jì)協(xié)同工作。物業(yè)經(jīng)理可能同樣要為官方要求的報(bào)告負(fù)責(zé)。 </p><p><b>  展示和出租空間

94、</b></p><p>  盡管房地產(chǎn)交易是不同于管理的一個(gè)職能,兩者通常合并在一起交由物業(yè)經(jīng)理或者管理公司負(fù)責(zé)。就公寓建筑來(lái)說(shuō),物業(yè)經(jīng)理實(shí)際上在現(xiàn)場(chǎng)(常駐經(jīng)理)通常展示空閑公寓,并且可能還經(jīng)手租約談判。就商業(yè)或者辦公空間來(lái)說(shuō),出租通常由物業(yè)管理公司內(nèi)部的專家來(lái)完成,或者可能交由別的經(jīng)紀(jì)公司。 </p><p>  出于出租的重要性并要把它做好需要特別努力及專家意見(jiàn),經(jīng)手出租

95、的物業(yè)經(jīng)理通常會(huì)收到超過(guò)或者高于正常管理酬金的一份傭金。出租職能可以分為三步,所有的或者某步可能由物業(yè)經(jīng)理或管理公司來(lái)完成。 </p><p><b>  設(shè)置出租等級(jí) </b></p><p>  以最大化物業(yè)未來(lái)的出租收益為目標(biāo)建立出租日程。設(shè)置租金不是一門精密科學(xué):它需要基于可以比較的建筑物的出租費(fèi)用和可用空間,同樣如所屬物業(yè)和競(jìng)爭(zhēng)空間的特色,功能和利益的這些學(xué)

96、問(wèn)的良好判斷力。許多專業(yè)物業(yè)經(jīng)理所采用的一種方法是基本單元等級(jí)逼近。這包括選擇公寓建筑內(nèi)一個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)單元(如,六層的兩臥公寓)或者一個(gè)辦公室的指定平方英尺數(shù)或者得自帶有對(duì)特定物業(yè)和它的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)象的差別的調(diào)整的市場(chǎng)研究。(比如,較新建筑通常要求比較舊建筑更高的對(duì)空間的租金,在其他都相同的情況下。)在特定建筑內(nèi),出租費(fèi)用取決于各單元的相對(duì)優(yōu)點(diǎn)和不足而變化。比如,高層空間通常要由于沒(méi)有街道噪音和更好的風(fēng)景租金更高。 </p><

97、p><b>  征集可能的客戶 </b></p><p>  出租過(guò)程的第二步是為所出租空間在合適媒體登廣告(無(wú)論是廣告牌,報(bào)紙,電臺(tái),電視)。如果只是敷衍了事,這個(gè)任務(wù)可能會(huì)被認(rèn)為出租代理的一次過(guò)分的人員推銷。要有效的出售空間,出租代理要不僅熟悉展示物業(yè)的每個(gè)細(xì)節(jié),也要探知這些可能的客戶的精確需要和期望。 </p><p><b>  談判和執(zhí)行租約


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  • 3. 本站RAR壓縮包中若帶圖紙,網(wǎng)頁(yè)內(nèi)容里面會(huì)有圖紙預(yù)覽,若沒(méi)有圖紙預(yù)覽就沒(méi)有圖紙。
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