已閱讀1頁,還剩16頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、<p>  畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計(論 文) 英 文 翻 譯</p><p>  學(xué) 院: 信息技術(shù)學(xué)院 </p><p>  專 業(yè): 計算機科學(xué)與技術(shù) </p><p><b> ?。ㄖ形奈墨I)</b></p><p&g

2、t;  MicrosoftActiveServerPages即我們所稱的ASP,其實是一套微軟開發(fā)的服務(wù)器端腳本環(huán)境,ASP內(nèi)含于IIS3.0和4.0之中,通過ASP我們可以結(jié)合HTML網(wǎng)頁、ASP指令和ActiveX元件建立動態(tài)、交互且高效的WEB服務(wù)器應(yīng)用程序。有了ASP你就不必擔(dān)心客戶的瀏覽器是否能運行你所編寫的代碼,因為所有的程序都將在服務(wù)器端執(zhí)行,包括所有嵌在普通HTML中的腳本程序。當(dāng)程序執(zhí)行完畢后,服務(wù)器僅將執(zhí)行的結(jié)果返回

3、給客戶瀏覽器,這樣也就減輕了客戶端瀏覽器的負擔(dān),大大提高了交互的速度。以下羅列了ActiveServerPages所獨具的一些特點:</p><p>  1.使用VBScript簡單易懂的腳本語言,結(jié)合HTML代碼,即可快速地完成網(wǎng)站的應(yīng)用程序。</p><p>  2.無須compile編譯,容易編寫,可在服務(wù)器端直接執(zhí)行。</p><p>  3.使用普通的文本

4、編輯器,如Windows的記事本,即可進行編輯設(shè)計。</p><p>  4.與瀏覽器無關(guān)(BrowserIndependence),用戶端只要使用可執(zhí)行HTML碼的瀏覽器,即可瀏覽ActiveServerPages所設(shè)計的網(wǎng)頁內(nèi)容。ActiveServerPages所使用的腳本語言(VBScript、Jscript)均在WEB服務(wù)器端執(zhí)行,用戶端的瀏覽器不需要能夠執(zhí)行這些腳本語言。</p><

5、;p>  5.ActiveServerPages能與任何ActiveXscripting語言相容。除了可使用VBScript或JScript語言來設(shè)計外,還通過plug-in的方式,使用由第三方所提供的其他腳本語言,譬如REXX、Perl、Tcl等。腳本引擎是處理腳本程序的COM(ComponentObjectModel)物件。</p><p>  6.ActiveServerPages的源程序,不會被傳到

6、客戶瀏覽器,因而可以避免所寫的源程序被他人剽竊,也提高了程序的安全性。</p><p>  7.可使用服務(wù)器端的腳本來產(chǎn)生客戶端的腳本。</p><p>  8.物件導(dǎo)向(Object-oriented)。</p><p>  9.ActiveXServerComponents(ActiveX服務(wù)器元件)具有無限可擴充性??梢允褂肰isualBasic、Java、V

7、isualC++、COBOL等編程語言來編寫你所需要的ActiveXServerComponent。ASP的奇妙之處真是不勝枚舉,下面就請各位系好安全帶,我將帶領(lǐng)大家進入ASP的夢幻世界。</p><p><b>  ASP運行環(huán)境:</b></p><p>  MicrosoftInternetInformationServerversion3.0/4.0onWin

8、dowsNTServer</p><p>  MicrosoftPeerWebServicesVersion3.0onWindowsNTWorkstation</p><p>  MicrosoftPersonalWebServeronWindows95/98</p><p>  正如前文所述,與一般的程序不同,.asp程序無須編譯,ASP程序的控制部份,是使用VB


10、統(tǒng)默認的腳本語言。你也可以根據(jù)自己的喜好改變系統(tǒng)默認的腳本語言。</p><p>  ASP本身并不是一種腳本語言,它只是提供了一種使鑲嵌在HTML頁面中的腳本程序得以運行的環(huán)境。但是,要學(xué)好ASP又必須掌握它的語法和規(guī)則。現(xiàn)在就讓我們開始一步一步地認識并學(xué)習(xí)ActiveServerPages。</p><p>  ASP程序其實是以擴展名為.asp的純文本形式存在于WEB服務(wù)器上的,你可



13、在同一個.asp文件中使用不同的腳本語言,你都</p><p><b>  <BODY></b></p><p><b>  <TABLE></b></p><p>  <%CallCallme%></p><p><b>  </TABLE>

14、;</b></p><p>  <%CallViewDate%></p><p><b>  </BODY></b></p><p><b>  </HTML></b></p><p>  <SCRIPTLANGUAGE=VBScriptRUNA

15、T=Server></p><p><b>  SubCallme</b></p><p>  Response.Write"<TR><TD>Call</TD><TD>Me</TD></TR>"</p><p><b>  EndSub&

16、lt;/b></p><p><b>  </SCRIPT></b></p><p>  <SCRIPTLANGUAGE=JScriptRUNAT=Server></p><p>  functionViewDate()</p><p><b>  {</b></

17、p><p><b>  varx</b></p><p>  x=newDate()</p><p>  Response.Write(x.toString())</p><p><b>  }</b></p><p><b>  </SCRIPT><

18、/b></p><p>  這是各位在本文中接觸的第一個真正的ASP程序,千萬不要被“<%%>”符號搞糊涂,這其實是標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的ASP定界符,而“<SCRIPT></SCRIPT>”之間的就是腳本語言。ASP不同于腳本語言,它有自己特定的語法,所有的ASP命令都必須包含在<%和%>之內(nèi),如:<%test="English"%>,ASP

19、通過包含在<%和%>中的表達式將執(zhí)行結(jié)果輸出到客戶瀏覽器,如:<%=test%>就是將前面賦給變量test的值English發(fā)送到客戶瀏覽器中,而當(dāng)變量test的值為Mathematics時,以下程序:</p><p>  Thisweekendwewilltest<%=test%>.</p><p>  在客戶瀏覽器中則顯示為:</p>

20、<p>  ThisweekendwewilltestMathematics.</p><p>  學(xué)習(xí)ASP最好的方法莫過于親自動手編寫,為了在最短的時間內(nèi)使各位掌握ASP的程序設(shè)計技巧,本文將采取實例分析法,通過一系列的實例讓各位在實踐中學(xué)習(xí)ASP。建立一個ASP頁面,你所需的只是打開一個文本編輯器,如:Notepad,然后跟我開始動手編寫第一個ASP程序。下面我們將建立一個自動監(jiān)測瀏覽時間并根據(jù)不

21、同時段動態(tài)顯示不同頁面內(nèi)容的ASP程序,請將以下代碼剪貼到你的文本編輯器中,并存為test1.asp:<html></p><p><b>  <body></b></p><p>  <FONTCOLOR="Green"></p><p>  <%IfTime<#12:00:

22、00#AndTime>=#00:00:00#Then%></p><p>  早上好,今天天氣不賴啊!</p><p>  <%ElseIfTime<#19:00:00#AndTime>=#12:00:00#Then%></p><p><b>  下午好!</b></p><p>&

23、lt;b>  <%Else%></b></p><p>  哈嘍!今晚你有沒有去IRC聊天!</p><p><b>  <%EndIf%></b></p><p><b>  </body></b></p><p><b>  <

24、;/html></b></p><p>  將test1.asp保存在WEB服務(wù)器的虛擬目錄(如:aspsamp/)下,并在瀏覽</p><p>  器中用HTTP的方式進行瀏覽:http://yourcomputername/aspsamp/test1.asp,你將會新奇地發(fā)現(xiàn),你的頁面真的活起來了。雖然,這只是一個非常簡單的實例,而且這一功能完全可以通過JavaScr


26、="<%=bgc%>”即變?yōu)?lt;bodybgcolor="<%=bgc%>">,并在<body>標(biāo)記前添加如下語句:</p><p>  <%IfTime<#12:00:00#AndTime>=#00:00:00#Then</p><p>  bgc="silver"</

27、p><p>  ElseIfTime<#19:00:00#AndTime>=#12:00:00#Then</p><p>  bgc="navy"</p><p><b>  Else</b></p><p><b>  bgc="red"</b>&l

28、t;/p><p><b>  EndIf</b></p><p><b>  %></b></p><p>  如此一來,當(dāng)用戶在不同的時段訪問你的頁面時,他們將會看到不同的頁面背景色。我們可以做的事情還有很多,譬如你想知道在凌晨至十二點之間瀏覽你頁面的客戶的姓名,并向他或她問好,那么下面的這段程序?qū)⒛苤氵_成心愿。首先

29、你需要在頁面中設(shè)置表單,將以下HTML代碼剪貼到“<%IfTime<#12:00:00#AndTime>=#00:00:00#Then%>”之后:</p><p>  歡迎光臨我的主頁,請?zhí)顚懸韵滦畔?<FORMMETHOD="POST"ACTION="test1.asp"></p><p><b>  

30、<P></b></p><p>  FirstName:<INPUTNAME="fname"SIZE="48"></p><p><b>  <P></b></p><p>  LastName:<INPUTNAME="lname"

31、SIZE="48"></p><p><b>  <P></b></p><p>  Title:<INPUTNAME="title"TYPE=RADIOVALUE="mr">Mr.</p><p>  <INPUTNAME="title&

32、quot;TYPE=RADIOVALUE="ms">Ms.</p><p>  <P><INPUTTYPE=SUBMIT><INPUTTYPE=RESET></p><p><b>  </FORM></b></p><p>  然后在以上HTML代碼后面添加如下ASP命

33、令:<%</p><p>  title=request.form("title")</p><p>  iftitle="mr"then</p><p><b>  %></b></p><p>  歡迎您Mr.<%=request.form("fna

34、me")%>。</p><p>  <%elseiftitle="ms"then%></p><p>  歡迎您Ms.<%=request.form("fname")%>。</p><p><b>  <%else%></b></p>&l

35、t;p>  <B><fontcolor=blue>歡迎您<%=request.form("fname")&""&request.form("lname")%>。</font></B></p><p><b>  <%endif%></b>&

36、lt;/p><p>  保存文件test1.asp,并在瀏覽器中以HTTP方式進行瀏覽,如果此時的系統(tǒng)時間在凌晨0:00:00和中午12:00:00之間的話,瀏覽器將顯示如下畫面:</p><p>  這其實是一個在Internet和Intranet上常見的功能,即當(dāng)用戶在瀏覽器端填寫完表單后,通過調(diào)用一個通用網(wǎng)關(guān)程序?qū)⒂脩魯?shù)據(jù)傳送到服務(wù)器,由服務(wù)器進行處理后再將結(jié)果返還給客戶瀏覽器。過去為了

37、實現(xiàn)這樣的功能必須編寫一個獨立于HTML之外的CGI程序,并通過HTML進行調(diào)用,撇開CGI編寫復(fù)雜等缺點不談,CGI的執(zhí)行效率也是一個大問題,每一個表單(form)均須執(zhí)行一個可執(zhí)行文檔,當(dāng)多人同時上線使用時,多個文檔同時執(zhí)行,將大大降低WEB服務(wù)器的執(zhí)行速度,如今ASP提供了與HTML完全相融的編程環(huán)境,顯然要比使用CGI便捷得多。</p><p>  在本期的最后讓我們再來看看ASP的循環(huán)功能,譬如你希望當(dāng)

38、客戶在晚間7:00至凌晨0:00:00瀏覽你的頁面時,在頁面中央顯示6個笑臉表示問候,那么你只需要將以下命令剪貼到“GoodEvening!”后面即可:<%fori=1to6%></p><p>  <p><center><imgsrc="smile.gif"width="32"height="32"alt=&q

39、uot;晚上好"></p></p><p><b>  <%next%></b></p><p>  這是一個最最基本的循環(huán)語句,它將一個笑臉圖片重復(fù)調(diào)用六次并顯示在頁面上。當(dāng)然此例的效果完全可以用HTML做到,但是不難發(fā)現(xiàn)使用ASP大大縮短了代碼的重復(fù)編寫,使得程序具有良好的可閱讀性。另外,當(dāng)你制作一個諸如根據(jù)用戶投票來給所評

40、測的對象評定星級的評測站點時,使用此法,你就完全不需要為每一個星級制作一幅圖片。如果一個對象被評為4星級,那只需將一顆星的圖片循環(huán)顯示4次,類推即可。</p><p>  ----摘自《ASP語言知識介紹》 作者:Johnson</p><p><b>  (外文翻譯)</b></p><p>  Microsoft Active Serve

41、r Pages namely I an ASP for calling, its solid is a set of tiny and soft open a machine of the hair carry feet this wreath , the inside of ASP is contained in IIS 3.0 with 4.0 it is inside, over ASP I can match with th

42、e knot the HTML net page, ASP point the ream to should use the distance preface with the ActiveX a WEB for setting up moving , handing over with each other and high effect a machine. There is ASP you not necessarily a he

43、art a distance for of the machine of i</p><p>  1. Make use VBScript, JScript...etc. Chien single easily feet this language that understand talks, the knot matches the HTML on behalf code, canning be over qu

44、ickly and soon namely the net stands of should use the distance preface. </p><p>  2. Have no must compile the plait translates, permitting the easy plait write, can carry to keep connecting in a machine th

45、e line of . </p><p>  3. Make text this plait machine that use the , if the Windows records the matter this, can enter namely a plait establishes to account. </p><p>  4. Have no pass( Browse

46、r Independence) with the machine of , use a the machine of for carrying want to make use can a HTML code, namely can the Active Server Pages a net for establishing accounting page inside permit. Active Server Pages a f

47、eet for making using this language speech( VBScript, Jscript) all carries in the WEB a machine a the machine of for, using first the door carry does not need to want can enough a this amount's feet this language sp

48、eech. </p><p>  5.Active Server Pages can with term why the ActiveX scripting language speech permits mutually. In addition to canning make establish with VBScript or JScript language speeches to account, re

49、turn the over the plug- in square type, make use from the third an its his feet for lifting providing this language speech,such as REXX, Perl, etc. of Tcl,. Feet this lead is the COM( Component Object Model) thing piece

50、of a reason feet this distance preface. </p><p>  6.Active Server Pages source distance preface, can't were spread a machine, because of and can to avoid to do not need a source for writing distance pref

51、ace drive his person , also lift high the peaceful whole sex of the distance preface. </p><p>  7. Can make use the feet that a machine carry this produce to living a feet for the door carry this. </p>

52、<p>  8. The thing piece leads the direction.( Object- oriented) </p><p>  9.The ActiveX Server Components( ActiveX a machine a piece) have to have no limit can . Can to make to use the Visual Basic,

53、Java, Visual C++, COBOL etc. plait distance language speech weaves to write your an ActiveX for needing wanting Server Component. </p><p>  ASP strange and wonderful a dream for true is not of raising, desce

54、nding pleasing eachly is very peaceful and allly taking, I will taking getting big house entering into ASP a life time boundary. </p><p>  A wreath for first, letting I coming seeing carrying a line ofly the

55、 ASP need : </p><p>  Microsoft Internet Information Server version 3.0/4.0 on Windows NT Server </p><p>  Microsoft Peer Web Services Version 3.0 on Windows NT Workstation </p><p>

56、  Microsoft Personal Web Server on Windows 95/98 </p><p>  It is positive to is not such as the ex- text a distance for saying, with first sort preface together,.The asp distance preface has no and must weav

57、e to translate, the ASP distance preface controls to make a, is to make establish with VBScript, JScript...etc. feet this language speech to account of, be the an ASP distance preface, feet this distance preface will a t

58、he whole set of life ream hair sends to release feet this solution the machine( namely feet this lead the ), being released by feet </p><p>  ASP this body is not a kind of feet this language to talk, its is

59、 a wreath to lifted to provide a kind of making got in HTML page feet in this distance preface to carry line . But is, to learn the good ASP again and necessarily must the language method that hold it is then with the

60、rules. Now at let I open to start a step per step ground recognizes to know to combine to learn the Active Server Pages. </p><p>  ASP distance preface its solid regard exhibition as.Asp pure text this form

61、 type save to can contain with the pack in on the WEB a machine of, you can then use term why text this plait machine beat open it, ASP distance preface the pure text this, HTML mark records with and feet this life mak

62、es. You need only.The asp distance preface puts the in WEB a machine intends eyes record the bottom( that eyes record to must have necessarily can a power limit), can visited to ask the ASP distance pref</p><

63、p><b>  < BODY></b></p><p><b>  < TABLE></b></p><p>  < % Call Callme %></p><p><b>  < /TABLE></b></p><p>

64、  < % Call ViewDate %></p><p><b>  < /BODY></b></p><p><b>  < /HTML></b></p><p>  < SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript RUNAT=Server></p>

65、<p>  Sub Callme</p><p>  Response.Write "< TR>< TD>Call< /TD>< TD>Me< /TD>< /TR>"</p><p><b>  End Sub</b></p><p>  &

66、lt; /SCRIPT> </p><p>  < SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JScript RUNAT=Server></p><p>  function ViewDate()</p><p><b>  {</b></p><p><b>  var x</b><

67、/p><p>  x = new Date()</p><p>  Response.Write(x.toString())</p><p><b>  }</b></p><p>  < /SCRIPT> </p><p>  This is each one to connect th

68、e in this text a true positive ASP distance preface,1000 10000 do not want the quilt"<%%>" sign number make the draws, this its solid is an ASP to mark to allow to settle the boundary sign, but the "

69、< SCRIPT></ SCRIPT>" is feet this language speech. ASP not talk in feet this language together, it have from the F with the language method that settle, an ASP for having life ream all and necessarily mu

70、st the pack contain in<% with%> of, such as: <% test=" English"%>, t</p><p>  This weekend we will test < % =test %>. </p><p>  Then show to show in a machine for: &

71、lt;/p><p>  This weekend we will test Mathematics. </p><p>  Learn the ASP good of square method over in close from move the hand plait write, for make the each hold the ASP distance preface to e

72、stablish to account the skill in the most shortly hour, this text will adopt to take the solid a cent method, over an is the solid example of the row let each one learn the ASP in solid . Set up an ASP page, you a fo

73、r needing is to beats to open a text this plait machine, such as: Notepad, however open to start to move with me behind the hand plait write th</p><p><b>  < body></b></p><p>

74、  < FONT COLOR="Green"></p><p>  < % If Time < #12:00:00# And Time >= #00:00:00# Then %></p><p>  Last early good, a spirit do not depend on now!</p><p>

75、  < % ElseIf Time < #19:00:00# And Time >= #12:00:00# Then %></p><p>  Bottom the noon is good!</p><p>  < % Else %></p><p>  hello ! Now late you have and did not

76、 go to the IRC chats for day!</p><p>  < % End If %></p><p><b>  < /body></b></p><p><b>  < /html></b></p><p>  Protect to sav

77、e the test1.asp the in WEB a machine intend eyes record( such as: Aspsamp/) bottom, combine in the machine of the square type of using the HTTP enters , such as: Http:// yourcomputername/ aspsamp/ test1.asp, you will be

78、new hair strangely now, you of the page is really live to rises to come. Although however, this only is a not often single solid example in Chien, but and this can be over and all and can is over over the JavaScript wit

79、h the , is a not difficult hair to make want </p><p>  < % If Time < #12:00:00# And Time >= #00:00:00# Then</p><p>  bgc="silver"</p><p>  ElseIf Time < #19:0

80、0:00# And Time >= #12:00:00# Then</p><p>  bgc="navy"</p><p><b>  Else</b></p><p><b>  bgc="red"</b></p><p><b>  En

81、d If</b></p><p><b>  %> </b></p><p>  Come such as this , be to use a hour for at not together a page for visitting asking you, he will see not together of page carry view c

82、olor on page's back. I can then the matter feeling that do still has very much, if you want to know an a surname of door a this distance for, combining facing he or she asking goodly, that descending preface will ca

83、n help you reach heart wish. Head first you need want to establish to place the form in page single, shear the then next HTML on behalf code to stick</p><p>  The 歡 faces the light faces my main page, pleasi

84、ng fill to write then down letter : < FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="test1.asp"></p><p><b>  < P></b></p><p>  First Name: < INPUT NAME="fname&quo

85、t; SIZE="48"></p><p><b>  < P></b></p><p>  Last Name: < INPUT NAME="lname" SIZE="48"></p><p><b>  < P></b>

86、;</p><p>  Title: < INPUT NAME="title" TYPE=RADIO VALUE="mr">Mr.</p><p>  < INPUT NAME="title" TYPE=RADIO VALUE="ms">Ms.</p><p> 

87、 < P>< INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT>< INPUT TYPE=RESET></p><p><b>  < /FORM></b></p><p>  However empress at then last HTML on behalf code empress adds to add such as th

88、e next ASP life ream: < %</p><p>  title=request.form("title")</p><p>  if title="mr" then</p><p><b>  %></b></p><p>  The faces y

89、our Mr.<%= request.form(" fname")%>. </p><p>  < % elseif title="ms" then %></p><p>  The faces your Ms.<%= request.form(" fname")%>. </p>

90、<p>  < % else %></p><p>  < B>< font color= blue> the faces you<%= request.form(" fname")&""& request.form(" lname")%>. < /font><

91、/B></p><p>  < % end if %></p><p>  Protect to save the text a test1.asp, combine to enter a with the square type in HTTP in machine, such as this hour of fruit of is hour a words for

92、 in 0:00:00 with noon 12:00:00 it, the machine of will show to show such as the next painting:</p><p>  This its solid is a for in Internet with the Intranet often seeing can, then when use door is after th

93、e machine of carry fill to write the over form single, over adjust to use with a the net pass distance preface will use the number according to spread to send to a machine, be entered by a machine a reason empress ret

94、urn the knot fruit again to return to a machine. Over go to for solid the of this kind can must weave to write a for only in the outside CGI distance preface of the HTML, combi</p><p>  At this period most

95、behind let I come again to see the ASP follows wreath can, if when you hope to hope to be a page for 7:00 to 0:00:00 , in page the shows to show 6 smile a form shows to ask the , that you need to be wanted only will the

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