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1、<p>  諸暨中學(xué)2014學(xué)年第一學(xué)期高三年級英語期中試題卷</p><p>  選擇題部分(共80分)</p><p>  第一部分:英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)</p><p>  第一節(jié):單項填空(共20小題;每小題0.5分,滿分10分)</p><p>  從A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并

2、在答題紙上將該選項標(biāo)號涂黑。</p><p>  1. --- I will go to Oxford University for further study this summer.</p><p>  --- _______!</p><p>  A. Take it easyB. All the bestC. Go aheadD. Have

3、fun</p><p>  2. Successful e-learning demands _____ self-control, _____ quality many children may lack.</p><p>  A. the, aB. a, theC. /, aD. /, the</p><p>  3. I hate ___

4、__ when someone talks to me with his mouth full.</p><p>  A. thatB. themC. itD. those</p><p>  4. Check to be sure you have _______ water and food supplies before you set out for a h

5、iking.</p><p>  A. automaticB. steadyC. concreteD. adequate</p><p>  5. All of us will soon reach a point in our life ______ we have to be away from our parents.</p><p>  A

6、. whichB. whereC. thatD. how</p><p>  6. Having stayed in the room with no Internet _______ for days, he felt himself entirely cut off from the outside world.</p><p>  A. accessB.

7、 loadC. guaranteeD. range</p><p>  7. Many a story has proved that opportunities always ______ those who are well prepared.</p><p>  A. envyB. favorC. suitD. sponsor</p>

8、<p>  8. However dark the road ahead is, always keep your head up to the sky because that’s _____ your dreams lie.</p><p>  A. /B. whichC. whatD. where</p><p>  9. When caught i

9、n a tough situation, the majority of us ______ to give up because of a lack of courage and determination.</p><p>  A. adoptB. abuseC. tendD. advocate</p><p>  10. ______ to living by

10、himself, the old man found it almost impossible to fit in with the others in the nursing home.</p><p>  A. Having accustomedB. To be accustomedC. AccustomedD. Being accustomed</p><p>  11. By

11、 the time he comes back next week, we _______ all the tasks to do with the project.</p><p>  A. have finishedB. will be finishingC. will finishD. will have finished</p><p>  12. It is the

12、management rules of the hotel that payment _____ be made in cash, which I think is quite ridiculous in modern times.</p><p>  A. needB. mustC. shallD. can</p><p>  13. There is nothin

13、g easier than developing positive habits. You _____ have to do every single day the action you want to make a habit.</p><p>  A. simplyB. absolutelyC. exactlyD. eventually</p><p>  14. T

14、ime to us all is limited. So in the days _______, we must work out a practical plan for our study and keep to it strictly.</p><p>  A. followingB. to followC. followedD. being followed</p><

15、;p>  15. Don’t worry! _____ I explained on the phone, your plan will be put forward and discussed at the next meeting.</p><p>  A. WhenB. UnlessC. AsD. Since</p><p>  16. For no re

16、ason, he didn’t attend her wedding held last weekend. But I do think he ______.</p><p>  A. must haveB. should haveC. could haveD. might have</p><p>  17. People in that area once lived

17、in poverty but their living conditions have improved a lot _____ the years.</p><p>  A. duringB. forC. overD. with</p><p>  18. Heavy smog blankets Beijing again. ______, city authori

18、ties start using its new smog warning system.</p><p>  A. In turnB. In timeC. In responseD. In return</p><p>  19. Would you please ______ the paper for me and see if there are any obvi

19、ous mistakes?</p><p>  A. look aroundB. look throughC. look upD. look into</p><p>  20. --- I heard you were applying for an overseas university.</p><p>  --- _______</p>

20、;<p>  A. Why not?B. Are you serious?C. For what?D. I am, actually.</p><p>  第二節(jié):完型填空(共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)</p><p>  閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從21—40各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題紙上將該選項標(biāo)號涂黑。<

21、;/p><p>  Tristan Coffey is 5 years old. He was born on January 12th, 2009, a day you know 21 changed the Coffeys’ lives forever. In July, he 22 a kind of unusual red spot on his hands. Three months later, h

22、e was diagnosed(診斷) with juvenile dermatomyositis(皮肌炎) auto immune disorder. “He was very 23 ---not being able to pull up his own shorts. 24 I had to leave from my job, and pull him out of school. Because he loves pre

23、school so much, it broke all of our 25 ,” his mom Brianna said.</p><p>  His immune system is attacking itself, which causes him lots of 26 in lots of places. The Coffeys call it the “invisible illness”

24、27 except for the spots on Tristan’s hands and feet, there is little obvious to the eye.</p><p>  Everyone looks at him and says “Oh, he looks so 28 .” But they cannot see his body attacking his heart, or

25、his liver, or his veins, or his muscles. They 29 see how much he is admitted by the hospital.</p><p>  Juvenile dermatomyositis is treatable, 30 not curable. Tristan takes 11 to 14 medications a day. He

26、has to receive 31 in hospital every month. These medications cause huge mood swings, and 32 Tristan’s ability to be outdoors in the sun.</p><p>  33 all this, Tristan is always first in line to play soc

27、cer at the playground with his friends. He is also one of the funniest kids you’ll ever meet. Brianna says, “He will always 34 a room, the hospital and the grocery store --- 35 we may be. He’s also super 36 to othe

28、r people’s feelings. Occasionally he will catch me 37 . He will put his little hands on my cheeks and 38 my tears and say ‘Mom, don’t cry, I just love you and I am going to be OK’. Tristan is very optimistic. He laughs

29、 a </p><p>  21. A. whatB. whenC. whoD. that</p><p>  22. A. developedB. causedC. inventedD. infected</p><p>  23. A. strongB. weakC. thinD. unhappy</p&g

30、t;<p>  24. A. ImmediatelyB. SteadilyC. FinallyD. Instantly</p><p>  25. A. affectionB. promiseC. mindsD. hearts</p><p>  26. A. burnB. feverC. painD. mess</p>

31、<p>  27. A. thoughB. becauseC. whenD. unless</p><p>  28. A. greatB. poorC. weakD. funny</p><p>  29. A. easilyB. hardlyC. willinglyD. narrowly</p><p&

32、gt;  30. A. andB. orC. thenD. but</p><p>  31. A. entertainmentB. treatmentC. amusementD. experiment</p><p>  32. A. limitB. acquireC. loseD. control</p><p>  

33、33. A. Rather thanB. In spite ofC. In addition toD. In view of</p><p>  34. A. put upB. take upC. clear upD. light up</p><p>  35. A. whateverB. whereverC. whoeverD. whenever&l

34、t;/p><p>  36. A. sensitiveB. loyalC. flexibleD. potential</p><p>  37. A. smokingB. talkingC. cryingD. smiling</p><p>  38. A. hold backB. keep backC. dry upD. w

35、ipe away</p><p>  39. A. constantlyB. graduallyC. eventuallyD. actually</p><p>  40. A. interestingB. humorousC. toughD. clumsy</p><p>  第二部分:閱讀理解(第一節(jié)20小題,第二節(jié)5小題;每小題2分,

36、滿分50分)</p><p>  第一節(jié):閱讀下列材料,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題紙上將選項標(biāo)號涂黑。</p><p><b>  A </b></p><p>  Parents all struggle to get children to understand that money doesn’t g

37、row on trees, wanting them to be responsible, work hard and learn to save a few bucks. But these lessons are among the most difficult to teach.</p><p>  Enter KidZania, an internationally praised and truly u

38、nique children’s theme park, which makes life a little easier for parents. KidZania is not a traditional theme park in almost any sense of the world---there are no roller coasters or merry–go-rounds in sight. There are,

39、however, plenty of attractions and activities that will keep children busy, active, engaged and excited all day.</p><p>  What makes it so much fun is that it is a kid-sized city---complete with restaurants,

40、 banks, grocery stores and hospitals---where the kids get to be adults, doing the things most of us do on any normal day. They start by picking one of nearly 100 “careers” and learning about it. Then, they put on their u

41、niform and are ready to work and earn KidZania dollars (Kidzos). Most activities are universal but some are localized to reflect distinct flavors ad personality of the country and region where th</p><p>  Ea

42、ch KIdZania city is planned in amazing detail, even including real world brands that help sponsor the city and keep it running. I was a little cautious of all the popular corporate logos, but the brands weren’t pushed at

43、 all. They are there to reinforce(加強) the “real city” feeling by mixing it with things kids recognize.</p><p>  KidNania employs senior citizens who give the park a homey feel and help put children at ease.

44、Management also employs the disabled, whether blind, deaf or wheel-bound. Besides making for a more realistic city, this teaches children about those with different abilities and gives them an opportunity to spend time w

45、ith people they might otherwise have stared at or treated less than kindly.</p><p>  Socialization is an important part of KidZania, just as it is throughout childhood. The KidZania experience empowers kids,

46、 giving them the confidence to be their best selves, and the inspiration to be great global citizens. And it’s part of what makes KidZania such an amazing place for families and children.</p><p>  41. KidZan

47、ia is unique in that _____.</p><p>  A. it has no entertainment facilities.</p><p>  B. it includes lots of localized activities</p><p>  C. it offers kids chances to learn through

48、working</p><p>  D. it employs many seniors and disabled people</p><p>  42. What does the author think of it when the real world brands are included in KidZania?</p><p>  A. He doe

49、sn’t think it proper to have them in the park.</p><p>  B. He thinks it helpful for running the park.</p><p>  C. He thinks kids can learn nothing without them.</p><p>  D. He think

50、s it may have a bad effect on kids.</p><p>  43. Children’s theme park KidZania is set up to _____.</p><p>  A. prepare them to be good citizens in the future</p><p>  B. provide th

51、em with a place to have a good time</p><p>  C. make them aware of their parents’ hardship</p><p>  D. assist them in building a good relationship with parents</p><p>  44. The word

52、 “empower” in the last paragraph is closet in meaning to _____.</p><p>  A. controlB. enableC. impressD. promise</p><p>  45. Which of the following might be the best title of the passag

53、e?</p><p>  A. Children do part-time jobs at theme park.</p><p>  B. A theme park pushes kids to be grown-ups.</p><p>  C. KidZania theme park makes children’s life easier.</p>

54、;<p>  D. Kids get to “be” adults at KidZania theme park.</p><p><b>  B</b></p><p>  Below is a selection of 6 scientists who did research.</p><p>  Isaac Newton

55、stuck a needle in his eye. Though best known for discovering the laws of gravitation, Newton did pioneering research in optics(光學(xué)). He experimented with prism(棱鏡), but that didn’t reveal much about the eye’s structure or

56、 how it senses color. To learn more, the unusual physicist took a type of needle known with a sharp tip and , he wrote, “put it between my eye and the bone as near to the backside of my eye as I could.”</p><p&

57、gt;  Nicolae Minovici hanged himself. Nicolae Minovici performed a series of experiments in which he allowed himself to be choked by ropes. Though his feet reportedly never left the ground, he experienced a burning pain

58、in his neck and signaled to be lowered. He had trouble swallowing for an entire month.</p><p>  Franz Reichelt tested his parachute(降落傘) by jumping from the Eiffel Tower. On Feb 4, 1912, an Austrian-born tai

59、lor named Franz Reichelt tested his “parachute suit”---an airman’s suit designed to function as a parachute in the event of an emergency. Alas, the chute failed to open up, which contributed to his death. The event was r

60、ecorded in still photos as well as in the grainy video below.</p><p>  Werner Forssmann stuck a plastic tube in his own heart. In the early part of the last century, it was believed that inserting something

61、into a beating heart would be deadly. Werner Forssmann thought otherwise. So one day in 1929, he put a tube into his heart. Fortunately, he survived the daring experiment but lost his job. But his fearlessness was reward

62、ed when he won a Nobel Prize in 1956.</p><p>  Frederick Hoelzel ate glass. And not just glass. During the 1920s and 1930s, University of Chicago researcher Frederick Hoelzel reportedly swallowed grain glass

63、, ball bearings, thread, wire, and other non-food items in order to show how long it would take the items to pass through his guts(腸子). Despite his risky research, Hoelzel lived into an old age.</p><p>  Bar

64、ry Marshall drank bacteria-loaded soup. For many years doctors had only an unclear idea about the cause of stomach illness. So he decided to be his own pig, taking germs(細(xì)菌) from an infected patient, mixing them in a sol

65、ution, and drinking it. A few days later, after experiencing a period of throwing up and tiredness, he examined his own gut--- and proved the link between the germs and illness. For his daring experiment he won a Nobel P

66、rize in 2005.</p><p>  46. Which of the following scientist’s research certainly was recorded by video?</p><p>  A. NewtonB. MinoviciC. HoelzelD. Reichelt</p><p>  47. Why

67、 did Werner Forssmann and Barry Marshall win the Nobel Prize?</p><p>  A. The two scientists were expert in surgery operations.</p><p>  B. Both discovered the links between germs and disease.&l

68、t;/p><p>  C. They made significant breakthroughs in medical research.</p><p>  D. Each of them conducted the same experiment separately.</p><p>  48. Which of the following statement

69、about the scientists is TRUE?</p><p>  A. The laws of gravitation is Newton’s only important discovery.</p><p>  B. Minovici’s experiments made it impossible for him to swallow.</p><p

70、>  C. Hoelzel died early because of the non-food items he swallowed.</p><p>  D. Forssmann’s fearlessness contributed a lot to his achievement.</p><p>  49. The greatest difference of the 6 s

71、cientists from the majority of other scientists is that ______.</p><p>  A. they devoted their time to scientific research</p><p>  B. they would risk their lives for experiments</p><

72、p>  C. they were greatly enthusiastic about science</p><p>  D. they made their great contributions to science</p><p><b>  C</b></p><p>  Middle school is typically a

73、 time of chaotic emotions, confusing relationships and challenging growing pains. But it may also have a surprisingly lasting influence on the future.</p><p>  In a study published in Child Development, rese

74、archers found that adolescents who were best able to handle relationship and make sound behavior choices were most likely to be rated by their parents as successful both socially and professionally when they became young

75、 adults. “We tend to think that peer relationships in early adolescence don’t mean that much, but that tends to be deadly wrong,” says Allen, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia. “How well you do with

76、 peers as an </p><p>  Allen and his colleagues followed 184 youths from a public middle school in the Southeast, which included kids from both urban and suburban neighborhoods. They interviewed the teens’ p

77、arents as well as their closest friends, starting when the participants were around 13. The research followed up again when they were ages 20 to 23. “What we’re finding is that the path is not straightforward---it is mor

78、e like a tightrope walk between trying to connect well with peers on one side and avoiding getti</p><p>  The research found that those who had the strongest interactions as adults, not surprisingly, were te

79、ens walking a middle group, remaining open to peer influence, but not allowing themselves to be controlled by the pressure. That doesn’t mean, however, that when it came to the most common pressures during adolescence, s

80、uch as smoking, drinking and trying drugs, these teens would definitely say no. “The people who were best at connecting have a lower risk of problems with alcohol and drug abuse, </p><p>  “In terms of alcoh

81、ol and drug use, the safest path would be to be less influenced and slightly less connected with their peers, but that would then negatively affect your social relationships,” Allen notes. And being socially separated co

82、uld have negative health consequence. “The research shows that it is as big a risk factor for dying early as cigarette smoking or obesity,” says Allen. “There is no free lunch here.”</p><p>  The findings al

83、so stress that it is important for teens to be accepted by their peers and suggests that adults should take these adolescents into consideration more seriously. “Many people think, ‘Why are teens so concerned about these

84、 relationships? They’re really no big deal.’” Allen says, “They care because these are indications for how they will function in life socially for the rest of their lives. Relationships are vital to physical and mental h

85、ealth.”</p><p>  50. How many periods was the study divided during the research?</p><p>  A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four</p><p>  51. From paragraph 2 we know that _______.<

86、;/p><p>  A. the early life of adolescence means little for their future</p><p>  B. good peer relationships are of great importance to teens’ future</p><p>  C. handling relationships

87、 is not so important as making behavior choices</p><p>  D. only the teens who can get along well with their peers can succeed in the future</p><p>  52. By saying “There is no free lunch here.”

88、, Allen means that _______.</p><p>  A. the safest path also has its problems</p><p>  B. people should pay for what they eat</p><p>  C. being socially separated will lead to alcoh

89、ol and drug use </p><p>  D. social relationships will negatively affect one’s health</p><p>  53. The last paragraph is mainly intended to tell us that _____.</p><p>  A. it is imp

90、ortant for adults to accept what teens are</p><p>  B. teens care too much about their relationships with peers</p><p>  C. teens should be encouraged to develop good relationships with peers<

91、;/p><p>  D. teens’ relationships will affect their performance in later life</p><p>  54. Which best describes the writer’s tone in this passage?</p><p>  A. DoubtfulB. Enthusiastic

92、C. ObjectiveD. Concerned</p><p><b>  D</b></p><p>  The event that stands out in my memory happened one morning in 1983 when I was 14 years old. I was at home with my mother, get

93、ting ready for the afternoon session of school.</p><p>  I was doing my homework when I heard raised voice. At first I thought nothing of it---customers in the motorcycle shop directly below us often became

94、unruly and loud, but I soon realized this was different.</p><p>  “Quick! Remove the motorcycle from the shop,” someone yelled.</p><p>  Then a thick burning smell filled the air. When I opened

95、the front door of our flat to investigate, a thick cloud of smoke, billowing up from the ground floor, greeted me. The motorcycle shop had caught fire.</p><p>  My mum, who had been working in the kitchen, h

96、urried to the living room. We rushed out of the door and along the corridor through the smoke.</p><p>  We were heading towards the stairway at the far end of the corridor when Mum stopped in her tracks. She

97、 turned around and headed back the way we came. I had no idea what she was doing, but I followed suit.</p><p>  Mum had suddenly remembered the Korean lady in her 70s who lived next door to us, who we called

98、 Makcik. Mum began banging on her door, but to no avail. As the smoke thickened around us, I could see many of our neighbors---some still in their pyjamas----running for safety.</p><p>  “She would have run

99、for safety like everyone else!” I cried.</p><p>  Mum refused to give up. “I know she is still inside,” she said as she pounded the door . “Go downstairs, Shaji. Go now!”</p><p>  However, froze

100、n with fear, I stood rooted to the spot. By then, both of us were coughing and our eyes were stinging. Time seemed to stand still, though we were probably there for only two or three minutes.</p><p>  Just a

101、s I was beginning to choke, the door opened. Makcik stood there, totally confused. Mum was right---she had been unaware of what was happening. Grabbing her hand, Mum led Makcik downstairs and outside to a safe spot where

102、 people had gathered to witness the fire.</p><p>  The firemen had just arrived and set about fighting the blaze, which was reaching up to the second floor above the motorcycle shop.</p><p>  Co

103、mprehending the gravity of the situation, Makcik broke down. Holding my mother’s hands tightly, and with tears flowing down her cheeks, she spoke to Mum. I could not hear what she said, but there was no mistaking her gra


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