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1、重慶大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文制造業(yè)管理勝任力模型構(gòu)建及測(cè)評(píng)工具開(kāi)發(fā)姓名:付茂華申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):企業(yè)管理指導(dǎo)教師:馮明20060401英文摘要IIIABSTRACTSome researchers think that the impact of situational factors on the managerialcompetency from job to job vary so much that it is impossibl

2、e to develop a commonmanagerial competency modeling for most managerial positions. Spencer and Spencer(1993) suggested that superior managers of all types and levels share a general profileof competencies. They are more

3、like each other than they are like the individualcontributors. From the relatively limited study on this area, it seems that both argumentshave valid and invalid points. In such case that the relationship between situati

4、onalfactors and managerial competency is not explicit, Nordhaug (1998) suggested hiscompetency classification theory. He thought that competency could be classified pertask- specificity, industry- specificity and firm- s

5、pecificity. His theory provides a goodtheoretical foundation for our study. Unfortunately, he did not establish the specificindustry competency structure, especially the industry managerial competency modelsand how to me

6、asure the managerial competencies with industry characteristics.On the basis of Nordhaug’ s research, we take manufacturing industry for our studyobject. We started with analyzing industry characteristics, and identified

7、 managerialcompetencies, then modified and improved the competency indexes by behaviorincidents interview and Delphi technique. On the basis of competency indexes, weexplored and validated the managerial competency model

8、 by two questionnaire surveys.In addition, we tested the impacts of various background factors on competencies. Theresult shows that manufacturing managerial competency model is composed of sixdimensions, which are indus

9、try core conception, external relationship establishment,manufacturing process control, product systematical management, product R&D andinnovation, marketing and planning. Various managerial levels, enterprises scale

10、,management experience have impacts on competency dimensions and indexes.According to the instrumental definition of competencies, we developed the assessmenttool for managerial competency by interview, questionnaire sur

11、vey and subject- matterexpert, and established the situational judgment items, behavioral alternatives andscoring rubric for future formal assessment.This study not only theoretically fills up the gaps in the area of com


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