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1、華中科技大學碩士學位論文模具企業(yè)協(xié)同制造管理信息系統(tǒng)的研究與實現(xiàn)姓名:陳德生申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):材料加工工程指導教師:張宜生20070117華 中 科 技 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文 華 中 科 技 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文 IIAbstract Under the background of regional mould coordination manufacture and with the strengthenin

2、g of the international cooperation, the direction of the enterprise manufacturing moulds tend to be in small-quantity, various species, and short-cycle. In facing of the limited resources , productivity , intensive compe

3、tition of the market and the intriguing production process which unceasingly changes, the administrators in control of the production of the mole-making enterprise always attempt to come up with all kinds of methods to i

4、mprove the production, decrease costs and improve the degree of satisfaction of the customers. The manufacture management information system for the mould manufacture enterprise proposed by this article is the basic tech

5、nology means of implementing stratagem of enterprise collaborative manufacture and realizing workshop's agile production. Based on analyzing the characteristic of Mould Enterprise, the system chooses the J2EE platfor

6、m and B/S architecture as the technology platform, it makes the customers conveniently login the system anywhere and check the status of the order they ordered. Further more , the partners may login in the system and kno

7、w about the manufacturing standard and production progress, delivery date and so on, then make their productive plan according to these information to distribute resources rationally, reduce the cost, delivery on time, i

8、mprove quality of product and service. The system uses the popular MVC design pattern, causes the system structure to be clear and extensively, it also uses outstanding middleware technology to guarantee the overall syst

9、em runs safely and steadily. This paper combining a successful case which the author has attended formally in a collaborative manufacturing system for mould-making enterprise , design a collaborative manufacturing system

10、 prototype Based on Mould Manufacture Enterprise and carry out the code functions of the system, and put it into the production and management of the mode-making enterprises. Keywords: Mould manufacture Collaborative man


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