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1、冠詞,,冠詞的種類,不定冠詞--泛指A—用在輔音因素開頭的詞前An– 用在元音因素開頭的詞前定冠詞– -特指the,不定冠詞,泛指一類人或事物中的任何一個,相當(dāng)于漢語的“一個”,但不強調(diào)數(shù)量。,,___ friend___ American writer___ Chinese book___ English man,,_a__ friend_an__ American writer_a__ Chinese b

2、ook_an__ English man,,注意:判斷一個詞是元音因素開頭還是輔音因素開頭,是根據(jù)讀音而不是根據(jù)字母,,___ hour 一小時___ honest boy 一個誠實的男孩___ useful book 一本有用的書___ umbrella 一把雨傘___ European 一個歐洲人,,_an__ hour 一小時_an__ honest boy 一個誠實的男孩_a__ useful book

3、 一本有用的書_an__ umbrella 一把雨傘_a__ European 一個歐洲人,,1. In a university, a European and a one-eyed man walked along a one-way road with a useful thing. This is a usual thing.在一所大學(xué)里,一個歐洲人和一個獨眼龍拿著一個有用的東西沿著一條單行道走著,這是一件平常的事。

4、,,2. An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task.一小時以前,一個誠實的男人接受了一項光榮的任務(wù)。,定冠詞,用在單數(shù)或復(fù)數(shù)名詞前,特指某一個或某一些人或事物,相當(dāng)于漢語的“這”,“那”,或“這些”,“那些”。the schoolgirl 這位女學(xué)生the American song 那首美國歌曲,試比較,It’s a flag.The flag is re

5、d.Flag—旗子He is a worker.The worker is from a steel plant.Worker-工人 steel– 鋼 plant—工廠,植物,種植 鐵--?,試比較,It’s a flag. 這是一面旗子(泛指)The flag is red.He is a worker. 他是一個工人(泛指所有工人中的一個)The worker is from a steel plan

6、t. 這個工人是鋼廠的。(特指這個工人),冠詞的用法,名詞前用不用冠詞,用哪一個冠詞,通常取決于下面三個基本因素:1.是可數(shù)名詞還是不可數(shù)名詞2.是單數(shù)名詞還是復(fù)數(shù)名詞3.是特指還是泛指,,,,1.A(n)只能用在單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前,復(fù)數(shù)名詞或者不可數(shù)名詞表示泛指時,不加冠詞,可用any/some等表示“一些”2.冠詞通常不能與物主代詞,指示代詞,名詞所有格或every,each,some,any,no等重疊使用。,不定冠詞的用法,

7、泛指人、事、物的類別 A. English is a useful language.英語是一種有用的語言B.A horse is a useful animal.馬是一種有用的動物。C. His telephone number begins with a “ 3”. 他的電話號碼以3開頭。,,泛指某人某物There‘s a man waiting for you at the gate of our school. 我們學(xué)

8、校門口有個男人在等你  There‘s a book lying on the floor.有本書躺在地板上。,,There be句型某地/某時存在某物/某人There be+ n(物/人)+時間/地點教室里有3個學(xué)生。,,There are three students in the classroom.,,表示every/per的含義This kind of Santana car can run 150 kilome

9、ters an hour. 這種桑塔納汽車可以跑每小時150公里。Some students of Senior Three study 12 hours a day.一些高三的學(xué)生一天學(xué)習(xí)12個小時。,,用于某些固定詞組中a few一些 a little一些 a lot of許多 a bit of 有點 a couple of幾個 a great deal of大量 many

10、a許多的 all of a sudden 突然地 a matter of fact事實上 in a word 總之 have a word with sb.簡短地和某人說話 have a good time 玩得高興,,do sb. a favor 給某人幫忙 pay a visit to參觀,訪問 as a rule通常 in a day or two一兩天內(nèi)

11、 in a way 在某種程度上 make a living謀生,維持生活two pills at a time一次兩兩粒藥 take a walk/break/bath/seat散步/休息/洗澡/坐下,,Have a cold/fever/headache/stomachache感冒/發(fā)燒/頭疼/胃痛,定冠詞the的用法,補充:用在表示計算單位的名詞前面,常含"每",

12、"每一"的意義,或相當(dāng)于"按……計算":A. These workers are paid by the hour/piece.(計時/件取酬)B. These eggs are sold by the dozen.(這些雞蛋是論打賣的。),定冠詞the的用法,補充:但"按重量"應(yīng)說by weight  C.Meat is sold by the kilo(by wei

13、ght)。,,in the east of   on the east of  to the east of,,in the east of 在….的東部(境內(nèi))   on the east of 在….的東面(接壤)  to the east of 在…以東(不接壤),,中國在亞洲的東部廣東在廣西的東部日本在中國的東面,,中國在亞洲的東部China is in the east of Asia廣東在

14、廣西的東部Guangdong is on the east of Guangxi日本在中國的東面Japan is to the east of China.,,表示頭銜、職務(wù)的名詞作表語、同位語、賓語補語、主語補語時不加冠詞Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States in 1860. 亞伯拉罕,林肯Wang Ping, monitor of Class

15、Three, won the first prize.,,但是,當(dāng)這些名詞作主語時,要加定冠詞:The president of USA will visit America in the near future.,,He was elected____President for the third time. That was a great victory of his party.  Elizabeth II,___Quee

16、n of England, declared the conference open.,,He was elected__/__President for the third time. That was a great victory of his party.  Elizabeth II,__/_Queen of England, declared the conference open.,零冠詞,補充:用在介詞at/by后面

17、,表示時間,不加冠詞at daybreak/dawn/dusk/noon/sunrise/sunset/night在黎明/黎明/黃昏/中午/日出/日落/晚上,冠詞的主要考點,考點(1)一日三餐,一年四季,月份、星期、節(jié)日名詞前面一般不加冠詞If winter comes, can spring be far behind?What do you often have for breakfast?Daddy,dinner is

18、ready!,,但是特指時用the;有修飾形容詞時用aIn____spring, trees turn green.In____spring of 1987,the old scientist returned to his motherland.,,但是:我們中國的有些節(jié)日前要加定冠詞:the Spring Festival;the Mid-Autumn Day /Festival,,考點2)球類、棋類、游戲、學(xué)科名稱前面一

19、般不加冠詞;而樂器名稱前要加the,,考點(3) 職務(wù)的名詞 和 稱呼語前面不加冠詞,,考點(4)用和不用定冠詞在意義上的差別 一般地說,無定冠詞表示"抽象意思";有定冠詞表示具體"某個地方或某事",,考點(5)使用不定冠詞和定冠詞在意義上的差別1)a number ——the numberA number of students would like to go for a walk af

20、ter supper.(好多學(xué)生)  The number of students in our school is 1400.(學(xué)生數(shù)),,2)most,a most, the mostThis is a most interesting story.(a most=very;這是一個非常有趣的故事。)This is the most interesting story of the three.(the most為最高級;這

21、是三個故事中最有趣的故事。),,3)a second和the secondA +序數(shù)詞 “又一” 在前面已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)的次序上再增加一次,并且此次不可能是最后一次,意在給整體中的“已知個體”排序。 the +序數(shù)詞 “第幾” 給整體中的“全部個體”排序,,試比較:She gave birth to the fourth child at the age of forty.She gave birth to a fourth chil

22、d yesterday.Give birth to 生產(chǎn),分娩At the age of在。。。歲時,,試比較:She gave birth to the fourth child at the age of forty.她共有四個孩子She gave birth to a fourth child yesterday.不知道她以后還會不會生,,打strike,hit,beat抓catch,seize,grasp +

23、sb+介詞 +the+身體部位拉pull,take in+軟的部位   on+硬的部位   by+可拉出的部位,,I hit the boy on the head.I catch him by the ear.I beat him in the face.The


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