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1、 分類號(hào): 分類號(hào): 單位代碼: 單位代碼:10727 10727 密 級(jí): 級(jí): 學(xué) 號(hào): 號(hào):2012060 2012060 西安體育學(xué)院 西安體育學(xué)院 碩士學(xué)位論文 碩士學(xué)位論文 2010-2013 年間我國(guó)舉辦、 承

2、辦體育賽事的地域性分布特征研究 The Study on the Characteristics of Regional Distribution of Holding the Sports Event During the Period of 2010-2013 in China 學(xué) 位 申 請(qǐng) 人 牛 弈 指 導(dǎo) 教 師 許 治 平 學(xué) 科 專 業(yè) 體育教育訓(xùn)練學(xué) 研 究 方 向 體育賽事 二

3、 〇 一 五 年 四 月 2010-2013 年間我國(guó)舉辦、承辦體育賽事的地域性分布特征研究 II Abstract With China's rapid economic development, the sports industry has also been growing, hosting sports events has been become an important means for the vario

4、us regions in our country to enhance their visibility and reshape their images. Because of China's vast territory, the terrain features and resources are different, and also there are a lot of differences in regional

5、 development pattern and economic situation. The study of the geographical distribution of the characteristics of sports events, which is conducive to making full use of regional conditions to improve the disadvantages a

6、nd outstanding the advantages of the project, provides a reference for the regional development of sports undertakings and helps to promote the development of sports industry in various regions and accelerate our country

7、 to a world sports power. The research methods including literature, mathematical statistics, logic analysis are used in this study, which is based on extensive reading of domestic and foreign literature, finding and sor

8、ting of the international contractors, national sports as the research object from 2010 to 2013 in China. At the same time, by contrasting achievements in the eleventh and twelfth National Games and the Beijing Olympic

9、Games and the London Olympic Games achievement as well as the regional economic development, it obtains our country sports development of regional distribution features are as follows: Sports events are spreading to the

10、regions which have the project advantages. Usually the event will be held in the region of the city or province which can win the medal in the same event in the games or the Olympic Games .The event in the region which h

11、as the advantage of project is loved by the local people of all ages. The construction of reserve talent project completes well and venue constructions are also better. The sorts event size is affected by the level of re

12、gional economic development. The sports events which last for a long time and involve more contestants are always held in the area where the economic level is better. Because it has convenient traffic and abundant hotels

13、, venues and facilities, also can accommodate many spectators and participants at the same time. Sports events distribution is affected by natural geographical factors, such as the northeast and Northern Xinjiang during

14、ice period long, snow basic projects are held in the northeast, northern Xinjiang area; the area of coastal sea area is vast, sailing and windsurfing classes are held in the coastal areas of the sea project. The northwes


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