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1、上海師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文中國傳統(tǒng)消費(fèi)倫理思想的嬗變及其研究姓名:吳亮申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):倫理學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:周中之20030501Abstract Consumption is one of most important parts of the entire human society, which exits in every level of daily life. When we stu

2、dy it, the background of whole human social life must be taken into account, especially the forces of the social ethics and the moral criterion system act on people’s consumption conception. While c

3、onsumption ethics is working on it, during this, we cannot ignore or neglect the effect of historic factors. In the continuous long history of China, there are various discussions about consumption in trad

4、itional ethics thinking, which still produce great effect toward nowadays social consumption life. This paper is on the base of system analyze about Chinese traditional consumption ethics thinking, trying to make

5、 a further research on consumption ethics thinking and impulse our economic and social development in the future in theory. Firstly, the author brings forward three typical characters of Chines

6、e traditional ethics thinking and Chinese traditional consumption ethics thinking. Then, on the base of the chapter I, there are detailed discussion about typical thinking in different historic periods, for

7、 instant, the Confucianism in Chin dynasty, Buddhism and XiZhu in Song dynasty, ZhiLi, YuanWei and Sitong Tan in Qing dynasty. In the last part of this paper, there is the farther analyze

8、about the multi- resources of these thinking, including the economic resource, society value resource and political resource, also, it enumerate the positive and negative effects, which maybe will be useful to illu


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