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1、廣西民族大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文中國社會轉(zhuǎn)型期孝道失范及其合理建構(gòu)研究姓名:江俠申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):馬克思主義理論與思想政治教育指導(dǎo)教師:唐鵬20080401廣西民族大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文 中國社會轉(zhuǎn)型期孝道失范及其合理建構(gòu)研究 IITHE LOSS OF FILIAL PIETY AND REASONABLE CONSTRUCTION RESEARCH IN CONTEMPORARY CHINESE SOCIETY TRA

2、NSITIONAL PERIOD ABSTRACT China is now in a period of social transition, the rapid development of social and moral values brought about tremendous changes in the great changes. Ethics is in the t

3、radition of filial piety to the modern transformation process in the ethical, social changes, bound to its influence and impact, and there are all sorts of filial piety loss phenomenon. Filial piety, this

4、is human relations, and the source of morality. Construction of a reasonable modern filial piety to improve individual moral training, the building of a harmonious interpersonal relations, a harmoniou

5、s family relations and harmonious social relations, solve the problem of the ageing of the population, the realization of the Chinese cultural heritage have played an important role. Therefore, we

6、 should vigorously strengthen the piety of national education, and improve their overall ethical standards. There are six parts in the text. The first part is defining the concept. The second part

7、 is the modern phenomenon of loss of filial piety. The third part is the reasons for the loss of modern filial piety. The fourth part is the reasonable necessity of building modern filial p


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