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1、汕頭大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文中外報(bào)紙5.12汶川地震報(bào)道框架比較分析姓名:高文歡申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):新聞學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:陳婉瑩200905013 Abstract This study investigated into Chinese and foreign media’s coverage of the May 12 Wenchuan earthquake, which is the worst disaster in last thirt

2、y years in China. Disaster reporting has been an important area, and this study employed news framework theory and gatekeeper theory to compare the characteristics and causes of disaster reporting among Chinese press,

3、traditional party newspaper and market newspaper, as well as national and regional newspaper This study used content analysis method and examined how major foreign newspaper like the New York Tomes, the Los Angeles Times

4、, and Chinese newspaper, like, progressive Southern Metropolis Daily, as well as local Western China Metropolis Daily cover and framed the Sichuan earthquake during the first month. This paper found that both major Chi

5、nese newspaper and American newspaper have used news framework theory in covering the disaster, like political framework, economic consequence framework, disaster framework, human interest framework, leadership framework

6、 as well as responsibility framework, but have some differences. Chinese media tend to use more straight news style and foreign press uses more analysis style in covering the earthquake, and foreign press tend to use mo

7、re political framework, responsibility framework, but Chinese press use more economic consequence, human interest and leadership framework. Thus, the study researched into the difference of the four kinds of newspaper,

8、in particular compared the difference between party newspaper and market newspaper, which revealed the characteristics of news control, reporting model as well as professionalism in transitional China. Key words: News Fr


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