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1、華中科技大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文分析小說《紫色》中的婦女主義思想姓名:高霞申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):英語語言文學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:郭晶晶20090521華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文 華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文 I Abstract Alice Walker is one of the most outstanding black women writers in America. Walker’s writings

2、 focus on black women’s fragmental lives under double oppression. She encourages black women to wake up and fight for selfhood, independence and dignity and then to realize the wholeness of them. Her theory of womanism n

3、ot only succeeds the theory of black feminism but also expands the theory. As a trend of black feminism, womanism not only makes up for the traditional feminism’s ignorance of black women and the other colored women’s qu

4、ests for equal rights, but also expresses its final goal of realizing the wholeness of people. This thesis attempts to study her novel The Color Purple in light of womanism from four aspects: anti-sexism, anti-racism, t

5、he return of African culture and to realize the wholeness of black women and men. This thesis will analyze the representation of these four aspects and their functions on black women’s journey of fighting and questing fo

6、r independence in The Color Purple. Patriarchal and racial oppression are the sources of black women’s adversity. The black woman Celie’s adversity under patriarchal oppression and her transformation in this novel show t

7、hat black women should first fight against patriarchal oppression in order to realize their independence. Being black women, there is not only patriarchal oppression on them but also racial oppression. The black women So

8、fia’s adversity under racial oppression presents that though Sofia defeats the patriarchal oppression in her family, her fighting is weak and powerless to racial oppression. It is still a long and arduous way for black w

9、omen to fight against racism, which shows that Walker’s dream to realize the wholeness of the entire people and to fuse the blacks and the whites is still a dream. The Olinka women’s adversity under multi-oppression brin


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