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1、 專業(yè)學(xué)位碩士研究生學(xué)位論文 新疆大學(xué) 論文題目 論文題目(中文 中文): ):《南方人物周刊》封面人物選取研究 《南方人物周刊》封面人物選取研究 論文題目 論文題目(外文 外文):Research on the cover character selection of “Southern People Weekly“ 研 究 生 姓 名:劉瑞豐 名:劉瑞豐 學(xué) 位 類 別:專業(yè)學(xué)位 別:專業(yè)學(xué)位 專 業(yè) 名 稱:新聞與傳播

2、 稱:新聞與傳播 導(dǎo) 師 姓 名 職 稱:帕哈爾丁教授 :帕哈爾丁教授 論文答辯日期 2016 年 5 月 25 日 學(xué)位授予日期 年 月 日 II Abstract Southern People Weekly is the Southern Newspaper Media Group's, with a large number of readers and stability, and huge

3、social influence of the character news weekly and our country the best news weekly figures. The cover person is the core of the periodical, which influences the readers' choice of the periodical in the course of prac

4、tice. The author of the “Southern People Weekly“ cover character selection research, tendency analysis of the overall selection when combined with the actual situation. Because the readers as the audience for news events

5、, as well as the development of the whole society, objectively difficult to achieve direct perception, need the help of the news media. The journal cover is journals for selecting important news events, directly affect t

6、he whole audience for news events to control. For media operation, select the cover directly affects whether the purchase of the Journal readers. In order to study the “Southern People Weekly“ in the cover characters, wh

7、at kind of characteristics, there are some problems, and then to improve the relevant academic fields, and guide the work of the relevant time. The selection of “Southern People Weekly“ cover character. Analysis research

8、 journals cover character selection type of character, to statistical analysis of the data elements of the cover of the gender, nationality, occupation, through the emotional tendency in the framework of analysis. The “S

9、outhern People Weekly“ on the cover cover when selected, according to the actual location and distribution of its audience, self positioning accuracy. The cover is not limited to individuals, leads to the related news ev

10、ents but by this cover, to show news events and the characteristics of the times. Also in the course of the study, found that the “Southern People Weekly“ cover character selection, number was significantly less in women


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