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1、分類號:C93 類號:C93 密級:公開 級:公開UDC:653 學校代碼:11065 653 學校代碼:11065碩 士 專 業(yè) 學 位 論 文商業(yè)銀行網(wǎng)點向服務營銷型網(wǎng)點轉型研究——以商業(yè)銀行網(wǎng)點向服務營銷型網(wǎng)點轉型研究——以 N 銀行為例 銀行為例陳 繼 偉指 導 教 師 王 慶 金 教 授學 位 類 別 工 商 管 理 碩 士專 業(yè) 領 域 市 場 營 銷答 辯 日 期 2 0 1 7 年 5 月IIAbstractSite i

2、s the commercial Banks to provide important portal service, recommended a variety of products, is also the most important part of the bank.In recent years, with the development of our economy and the globalization of wor

3、ld economy, the scaleand mode of commercial Banks are changing so much. Especially in the past five years, the rapid advance of market-oriented interest rate and the customer of thechange of the mode of financial consume

4、r, brought challenges to commercial bank branches, bank branch transformation is imminent. This article uses the research method of combining theory and practice, in theory,in the study, on the basis of relevant research

5、 results, this paper points the significance and necessity of transition ,and the 6S management theory, the 80/20 rule, channelmanagement theory, customer segmentation theory, take the customer as the center of the servi

6、ce management, SWTO analysis, porter competitive advantage theory and theory to the study of network transformation. In practice, take N bank of zaozhuangbranch as an example, on the basis of field investigation, Analysi

7、s of N bank of zaozhuang branches operating problems and the insufficiency points out the necessity of network transformation, and using SWTO analysis, analysis of N bank ofzaozhuang branch transformation of strengths, w

8、eaknesses, opportunities and threats.On this basis, this paper puts forward the N bank of zaozhuang branch transformationscheme, mainly includes six aspects: the first one is the network infrastructureupgrades, the key i

9、s network function positioning, and then according to the different functional partition of different positioning set; Second, improve the network qualityof service, based on customer segmentation, classification, provid

10、e differentiatedservices; The third one is to optimize operation process, according to the types of business, and degree of difficult to tap into different channels, improve the efficiencyof service, improving customer e

11、xperience; Fourth, strengthen the innovation of the products and services, to adapt to the changing market and customer requirements;The fifth one is completes the network management, set up the responsibility,strengthen

12、 vocational training and examination; The sixth one is to strengthen the points of enterprise culture construction, strengthen the team consciousness, service consciousness, improve the executive force.Key words:N bank;


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