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1、華中科技大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文基于USB2.0的紅外焦平面數(shù)據(jù)采集系統(tǒng)設(shè)計姓名:蔡飛申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):電子與通信工程指導(dǎo)教師:馬泳2011-05華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文 華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文 II Abstract With the development of infrared imaging technology, it is widely used in civilian. Bec

2、ause some defects affect the image quality, it is important to research the detector characteristics of these defects for improving the image quality. The infrared detector is the key to this technology. The data extract

3、ion from the infrared detectors is very important both in the theoretical researching to characteristics of the infrared detectors and the needs of data exchanging between the video system and the computer. The designin

4、g is based on this point. The high-speed data acquisition system is based on the USB2.0 EZ-USB FX2LP, using the GPIF active mode. The first,The article introduces the sources of the subject and the significance. With the

5、 need of this design, the article also introduces the USB2.0 Protocol and the USB2.0 working process. Then it gives a detailed description on the chip of CY7C68013A-56,especially in the two system working modes. After th

6、at, it also gives a systemic introduction on hardware design, firmware program development and the application development on PC. In particular, the paper introduces how to design the firmware program development based o

7、n the GPIF Mode and the Application development. The article gives a detail introduction on the design considerations. Finally, it summarizes the subject shortage and some prospects for future research directions. By tes

8、ting on the test module, it proves that the transmission rate achieves 32MByes/s. And by collection data from infrared detectors, the system can get right image. All of that prove the system has good stability, the abili

9、ty of the normal high-speed and reliable video data collection system, and strong portability. It can be widely applied to other digital signal acquisition system. KEY WORDS: EZ-USBFX2LP, USB2.0,GPIF,data acquisition,CY7


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