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1、分類號(hào):F59 密級(jí):不保密 UDC:388.48 學(xué)校代碼:11065 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文 基于農(nóng)戶可持續(xù)生計(jì)的鄉(xiāng)村旅游精準(zhǔn)扶貧研究 基于農(nóng)戶可持續(xù)生計(jì)的鄉(xiāng)村旅游精準(zhǔn)扶貧研究 —— ——以濰坊牛寨村為例 以濰坊牛寨村為例 李偉娜 指 導(dǎo) 教 師趙玉宗 副教授 學(xué) 科 專 業(yè) 名 稱 旅游管理(MTA) 論 文 提 交 日 期 2017 年 5 月 3 日 論 文 答 辯 日 期 2017 年 5 月 27 日 答辯委員會(huì)主

2、席 謝 彥 君 教 授 Abstract The paper takes Niuzhai village, Jiushan, Linqu, Weifang,Shandong province as the study case location, based on the microcosmic perspective of farmers.DFIDmodel is introduced to analyze the sustain

3、able livelihood framework, on the basis of questionnaire and interview.The paper objectively analyzed the case of farmers livelihood capital changes, summed up the case to farmers livelihood characteristics and reasons o

4、f poverty, divided the basic types of peasant households and constructed the strategies for sustainable livelihood of rural tourism poverty alleviation and development.Finally, the paper put forward the essence of poor p

5、easant households to participate in rural tourism poverty alleviationsolutions and countermeasures.Paper combined rural tourism and the precise poverty alleviation with sustainable livelihoodfor the purpose of the popula

6、tion, society, economy, resources and environment coordination.Paper plays an important part in building a new socialist countryside and has certain guiding significance to the theory and practice. This article is divide

7、d into five parts: The first part is the introduction, the contents involved in the research background and significance, the research goal and the key problems, research framework and research methods of the paperin gen

8、eral. The second part is the literature review and analysis of relevant research at home and abroad.It shows us clear ideas about the tourism poverty alleviation farmer participation in rural tourism research present sit

9、uation and influence factors of farmers' participation in rural tourism behavior.The third part is the empirical analysis part, basing on the survey data of 72 peasant households of Niuzhai village.Under the guidance

10、 of basic theory on sustainable livelihood development, the paper analyzed the reason of Niuzhai village farmers poverty and livelihood characteristics,diagnosed different types of them.The fourth part expounds the livel

11、ihood strategyof poor peasant households to participate in rural tourism.It points out the problems of the poor peasant households in the process of rural tourism development and the farmer participation in rural tourism

12、 behavior and puts forward the optimizationstrategy.Thefifthpart is countermeasures and suggestions and conclusions.It states the results of the analysis and puts forward the improvement measures based on the strategy of


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