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1、 分 類 號: 密 級: 無 學校代碼: 10414 學 號:2013300024 碩士研究生學位論文 碩士研究生學位論文 The Application of Parallel Texts in Tourism Translation: A Case Study of Translation of Colorful J

2、ourney in Xinyu 平行文本在旅游翻譯實踐中的應用 平行文本在旅游翻譯實踐中的應用—— ——以《五彩之 以《五彩之旅.新余專輯》的翻譯為例 新余專輯》的翻譯為例 王瑤 王瑤 院 所:外國語學院 導師姓名:付瑛瑛 學位類別:翻譯碩士 專業(yè)領(lǐng)域: 英語筆譯 二○一六年六月Abstract As the development of economy and technology, China h

3、as made great advancement in tourism in recent years. The number of tourists from all corners of the world has been increasing ever since. Therefore, the importance of tourism translation is obviously clear. In this tran

4、slation report, the beauty and uniqueness of Xinyu are to be shared with more people. With its clear arrangement, rich content, combination of texts and graphics, Colorful Journey in Xinyu (published by China Jiangxi Fin

5、e Arts Press) is a pragmatic and useful traveling guidebook. The history, tourist attractions and local customs and practices of Xinyu are introduced. This translation report, based on the author's translation of thi

6、s book, gives a detailed account of the process of accomplishing this translation task and then produces the choice of translation methods with specific examples. The translation report is made up of four chapters. In th

7、e first chapter, firstly, description of the task, including its objectives, significance will be given. Secondly, the language differences between Chinese and English tourism texts will be analyzed. Thirdly, the structu

8、re of this translation report will be provided. The second chapter illustrates the process of this translation, including the preparations for this translation, the choices of the translation tools and each procedure of

9、the translation and the proof reading of this translation. The third chapter is the core and kernel of the whole report. An exhaustive introduction to the parallel texts, including its development and main points and its

10、 usage in this translation task will be given with some typical examples. Then, how we can improve our translation by using parallel texts and how the parallel texts are used in the translation will be described. In the

11、last chapter, a summary of this translation report will be made.There are two parts, one is the experience gained from the tourism translation practice, and the other is some suggestions for further practice. This thesis

12、 looks forward to a bright future of parallel texts used in pragmatic translation by advocating the use of parallel texts and giving some suggestions for the further development of tourism translation. Key words: Transla


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