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1、華中科技大學碩士學位論文張季鸞與托馬斯·巴恩斯新聞思想比較研究姓名:王大麗申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):新聞學指導教師:吳廷俊2011-05-30華 中 科 技 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文 華 中 科 技 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文 IIAbstract As the first chief editor of the 《Ta Kung Pao》 ,which was released the longest time a

2、nd had tremendous impact in the China news history, Chang Chi-luan not only made a great contribution for the progress of the 《Ta Kung Pao》 ,but had tremendous impact in the society, economic, political, cultural, educat

3、ion, at that time. The “Four noes“ policy he pursued was the first awake of the Sense of independence for the China professional journalists, which had a pivotal position in the China news history and is still the occupa

4、tional coordinates for every journalists now. Thomas Barnes is named for the originator of modern journalism, who was the first chief editor the 《The Times》 which has been published for more than two hundred years. From

5、the beginning he laid a freedom and democracy tone for 《The Times》, which helped him to gain the high social status. This article aims at comprehensive interpreting the differences and similarities in the news practic

6、e and the news thoughts between the two editors, what’s more analyzing the reasons for the differences and similarities. The article first makes a simple carding and scanning for the news practice of Chang Chi-luan and T

7、homas ? Barnes. Secondary from the aspects of business news and journal concept this article makes a comparation of the differences and similarities of their’s news thoughts. In the last, this article analyzes the reason

8、s for the differences and similarities of the news thoughts from the personal experience, social environment and the background. The studies suggest that whether from the personal experience or the business news and jou

9、rnal concept, these two editors has many similarities, such as paying attention to comments and the exclusivity of the news, and so on. In terms of the Contribution they made to the Journalism of the China and Britain, t

10、hey opened the modernization of the Journalism of the two countries. Not until then, the newspapers and journalists has stepped in professional truly. This achievement left a valuable spiritual wealth for the posterity.


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