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1、湖北工業(yè)大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文??思{《喧嘩和騷動》的存在主義主題研究姓名:陳雯申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):英語指導(dǎo)教師:葉朝成20100501湖 北 工 業(yè) 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文 IIAbstract William Faulkner not only depicts the actual life of Mississippi which he was familiar with in his works, also takes it

2、 as the starting-point for exploring the condition of human existence as a whole. He associates the personal experience of the protagonists in his novels with the fate of the human beings to investigate the main issues o

3、f the existence of the human beings. Based on the research fruits home and abroad, this thesis tentatively provides an interpretation of his novel The Sound and the Fury from the perspective of existentialism. Although F

4、aulkner isn't an existential writer in the strict sense, his novels reveals the thoughts of existentialism and focuses on the value of the individual through the living experience in the deep sense. The major themati

5、c concerns that we recognize, such as: absurdity, despair and estrangement, isolation are deeply explored here. Mr. Compson is weak in personality. He passes the traditions of the family and the old south to his children

6、, especially to his eldest son, Quentin, but breaks the traditional concept of value by his nihilism and cynicism. The fall of family and his failed idealism are just exemplifications of his defeatism. He evades the real

7、ity by resorting to alcohol and leaves this world in drinking. Yet, Mrs. Compson is a cold, vain, self-pitying Southern “l(fā)ady” withholding her thoughtfulness to his husband and maternal love toward her children. They mak

8、e their children feel like living in a dungeon. Their inadequacies are the root of the family’s tragedy, and they cannot shrink the responsibilities for the degeneration of the whole family. Their children’s tragedies ar

9、e their own, too. The structure of my thesis goes in the following way: Apart from introduction and conclusion, this thesis consists of six chapters. In chapter one, it mainly states the general principles of existentia

10、lism. The key theme of existential literature are presented, such as absurdity, despair and estrangement, isolation. On the other hand, it analyzes how Faulkner formed his deep understanding towards the predicament of hu

11、man beings. In chapter two, by analyzing the social environment from two aspects, i.e. the economy decline and moral decline. In chapter three, it focuses on the issues of absurdity and escapement. In chapter four, it fo


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