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1、河北師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文《藻海無(wú)邊》主題的后殖民解讀姓名:李燕琴申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)言文學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:段曉英20100401IVAbstract Jane Rhys is honored as one of the most distinguished British novelists in the twentieth century. The acquisition of this distinction is mainly

2、 due to the publication of her novel Wide Sargasso Sea in 1966. The novel Wide Sargasso Sea mainly displays to the readers the story how the white Creole girl Antoinette develops from a simple, innocent girl to a mad wom

3、an. It is known as the prequel of Jane Eyre, but it is by no means a sequel of it. With her own life experience as a white Creole and her experience living in West Indies as a blueprint, setting the abolition of slavery

4、in West Indies in the nineteenth century as the background of the times, Rhys breaks the class limitation embodied in Jane Eyre, restores Antoinette and other West Indians a real state of survival as the West Indian suba

5、lterns. This paper seeks to set post-colonialism as a theoretical basis, make a complete interpretation of the complicated ethnic confrontation, patriarchal oppression and other social conflicts happened under the post-c

6、olonial context. As a multi-cultural theory, post-colonialism mainly concerns the cultural discourse power relations between the sovereign state and the colony as well as racism, cultural imperialism, national culture, c

7、ultural identity and other new problems. Post-colonialism denies all the master-narrative, believing it is the dominant Eurocentric narrative, so the criticism of Euro-centralism is the basic task of post-colonialism. In

8、 Wide Sargasso Sea, Rhys breaks the single master-narrative mode, arranges different narrators in each part, gives subalterns the opportunity to voice their own sound, thus the sound constitutes a powerful post-colonial

9、resistance discourse. The novel describes not only the suffering of Antoinette and other Creoles and blacks, but Rochester, the spoken-man of the patriarchal and colonial system can not escape his tragic fate. This thesi

10、s attempts to take post-colonial reading to Wide Sargasso Sea from three aspects. Chapter One reveals the post-colonial discourse. The white British have been long obsessed with the aura of superiority that is from the c


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