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1、 分類號: 學(xué)校代碼:10069 密級: 研究生學(xué)號:201310123 跨文化視角下 跨文化視角下 NBA NBA 與 CBA CBA 運(yùn)營模式比較研究 運(yùn)營模式比較研究 A Comparative Study on the Operat

2、ion Patterns of NBA and CBA from Cross-Cultural Perspective 研 究 生 姓 名 : 邵彬 專 業(yè) 名 稱 : 外國語言學(xué)及應(yīng)用語言學(xué) 指導(dǎo)教師姓名 : 劉淑梅 副教授 論文提交日期 : 2016 年 5 月 學(xué)位授予單位 : 天津商業(yè)大學(xué) I ABSTRACT After 110 years of innovation and perfection, basketball is

3、 more than a simple ball game. It has developed into a modern sport game with abundant cultural connotations containing art, economy and culture, which exerts a sound influence on economy and culture in human society. As

4、 the symbol of the highest level of the world?s basketball, NBA (National Basketball Association) has become the most influential professional sport organization and the most successful sport events after more than 60 ye

5、ars development. It is crowned as a successful example for global various professional sports leagues for its efficient marketization operation model. Led and influenced by NBA, those countries with moderately high level

6、 of basketball started to take the road of professionalism. For basketball, professionalism and marketization has become a development trend in the world today. In 1995, Chinese basketball has also taken the road of pro

7、fessionalism, starting the CBA (China Basketball Association) league. After the baptism in the last two decades, CBA league has made encouraging progress in professionalism and marketization and developed into a professi

8、onal sport league with strong influence, bright commercial prospect and tremendous market development potential. However, due to long-term influence of planned economy on China sports, Chinese professional basketball cul

9、ture is also influenced by Chinese national culture to a large extent. It not only resulted in obvious defects and inelasticity in the organization structure, management system and market-oriented operation of CBA league

10、, but also impeded the pace of basketball marketization. Therefore, there is an obvious gap between CBA and NBA in the respects of competitive level, operation pattern, market promotion and professional level. Given the

11、 fact that CBA was established half a century after the start of NBA, the gap between the operating time would cause different development degree of the two leagues. However, what can reflect the essence of problem bette


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