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1、分類號:K26 密級:不保密UDC:900 學(xué)校代碼:11065碩士學(xué)位論文近代青島的帆船運輸( 近代青島的帆船運輸(1897-1922 1897-1922)——兼與煙臺、天津、上海的比較研究張鵬 張鵬指 導(dǎo) 教 師 馬斗成 教授學(xué)科專業(yè)名稱 中 國 史論文答辯日期 2016 年 5 月 28 日AbstractBefore the opening of Tsingtao, the trade between Jiaozhou Bay

2、and coastaloffshore mainly relied on sailing. After the opening of Tsingtao, with the invasion offoreign ships and the birth and development of traditional ship transportation industry,Tsingtao sailing transportation sub

3、jected to a certain degree of strike. Compared withmachine-powered ship, traditional wooden sailing either unmatched in carrying capacityor the speed of transportation and so on. Foreign ships snatched the supply of wood

4、ensailings, elbowed out wooden sailings, besides, they also did some direct destroy towooden sailings such as robbery, blackmail, and collision. Westernization Group officialsand businessmen’s changeable attitude from re

5、jection to acceptance also have a negativeinfluence on the sailing development. Due to the special geographical environment andsailing’s irreplaceable characteristic, modern Tsingtao sailing industry hasn’t gone todeclin

6、e, instead, it’s amount and carrying capacity showed a rising trend in a certainperiod of time. Compared with Tsingtao, sailing amount of Yantai is more than Tsingtao,but it showed a downward trend overall, and the carry

7、ing capacity is lower. Shanghaisailing amount was more than that of Tsingtao on the whole. In terms of sources of sailing,Yantai, Tianjin, and Shanghai are similar to Tsingtao, mainly from the coastal port. As anindispen

8、sable tool, the sailing was adapted to survival, and occupied an importantposition in the short-distance transportation of coastal ports, and it has been developingwith the development of the social economy and the expan

9、sion of the shipping industry inTsingtao. Even so, we can’t ignore the function and the significance of sailing trade inforeign trade of Tsingtao.As a supplement to ship transportation, Tsingtao sailingtransportation has

10、 strengthen the commodity exchange between Tsingtao and coastal ports,promoted the formation of a new pattern of Tsingtao port and the division of foreign trade,and played a significant role in regional commodity economy

11、 exchange. The existenceand development of Tsingtao sailing industry reflects Tsingtao shipping modernizationlevel is lower from the side angle. The process of shipping modernization is not easy, it islong and winding. T


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