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1、英語中考優(yōu)秀作文范文 英語中考優(yōu)秀作文范文 5 篇1May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. The Students’ Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15, to welcome our friends from the United States. The

2、 party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building (主摟) .It will begin at 7:30 p.m. There will be music, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gifts. Will everybody please bring along a small gift for this pur

3、pose? Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes ( 祝愿).Don’t forget: 7:30 Saturday evening, roof garden, Main Building. There’s sure to be a lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.我能吸引你的注意嗎?我要宣

4、布一個(gè)通知。學(xué)生會(huì)將在星期六晚上舉行一個(gè)晚會(huì),八月十五日,歡迎來自美國(guó)的朋友。晚會(huì)將在主樓屋頂花園舉行(主摟) 。它將開 始在 7:30 將有音樂,舞蹈,唱歌,游戲和交換禮物。也請(qǐng)大家?guī)б患《Y物好嗎?記得要把它包起來,簽名并寫上幾句祝福的話(祝愿) 。不要忘記:星期六晚上七點(diǎn)半,屋頂花園,主要建筑??隙〞?huì)有很多樂趣。歡迎大家。2Dear Peter,We’re so glad you’re coming to join us on S

5、unday. Here is Before we knew it,we had to say goodbye to the workers.今天我們參觀了一個(gè)農(nóng)場(chǎng)。清晨,我們?cè)谛iT口集合,一起去那里的農(nóng)場(chǎng)工人給了我們熱烈的歡迎。然后帶我們參觀了農(nóng)場(chǎng)。看到莊稼和蔬菜長(zhǎng)勢(shì)良好,我們是多么的高興。中午我們吃了野餐午餐在陽光下。一一零分鐘的休息后,我們唱歌、跳舞,講笑話或故事(笑話) 。我們倆甚至下棋。時(shí)間過得很快。我們知道它之前,我們不得不說

6、再見的工人。4.Today is the 16th Teacher’s Day. This morning, the headmaster praised the teachers who did well in their teaching work and gave some teachers medals for their having completed thirty years of teaching. Our Englis

7、h teacher was among them. This afternoon some of my classmates and I went to visit him in his office and we were warmly received by him. We had a talk with him for some time.He encouraged us to study hard and be good stu


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