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1、1Test for Unit 6Name______________Class_________________Mark_________________________一、選擇填空。(35 分)( )1.There are(有) two _______ on the table.A.tomatos B.tomatoes C.broccolis D.salads( )2.Jack _____

2、__ ice cream.A.like B.is like C.1ikes D.are like( )3.Mary likes volleyball. She thinks it is______.A. interesting B. boring C. difficult D. easy ( )4.---_____ you like salad,Amy?--- ________

3、___.A.Does;Yes,I do B.Do;No,I don’tC.Do;Yes,she does D.Does;Yes,she does( )5.Does your sister like______ volleyball?A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play( )6.--- Let

4、’s have some ice cream on the table.一 Oh,no.I _______ like it.A.do B.don’t C. doesn’t D. does( )7.Please give(給)me some _______.A.photos B. banana C. tomatos D. watchs( )8.. what sports ___ A. do you

5、 like B are you like C does you like D do you like( ) 9. --- ______ your parents like ice cream?--- _____________.A.Are;Yes,they are B.Does;No,he doesn'tC.Do;Yes,they do D.Do;No,they do

6、esn’t( )10.Where are the books? ---They are ______.A. under table B. under the table C. table the under D. under a table( )11.Lucy _______ a book in her bag.A.have B.has C.is D.are(

7、 )12.That ______ interesting.A.sound B.are C.sounds D.am( )13.---______ does your father have ______ lunch? --- Chicken and tomatoes A. What; for B. What; / C. How; for D. How; /( )14.I have 50 _____

8、_ in my school. A.books B.pen C.pencil D.photoes( )15. --- Do you have a great sports collection, Jane? --- __________A.Yes,she does B.No, she doesn’t C.Yes,I does D.No,I don’t( )16.--- My books__

9、____A are everywhere B are every where C is everywhere D is everywhere( )17.Tony’s brother _______ sports every day.A.watch B.watchs C.watches D.have( )18.Let’s _______ computer games.A.do

10、 B.play C.have D.are( )19.M Jim and I______know her name.A. am not B. isn’t C. aren’t D. don’t3D.One apple,two eggs,some bread and a cup of milk.( )37._______ likes desse

11、rt,oranges and apples.A.Jack B.Jack’s mother C.Jack’s father D.Jack’s sister( )48.Jack has ________ for his dinner.A.tomatoes B.French fries and ice cream C.bananas and some chicken D.A and B( )39.J

12、ack has some chicken ______ ,but his sister has some chicken ________.A.for breakfast;for dinner B. for lunch;for dinnerC. for dinner;for lunch D. for dinner;for dinner( )40.Which is right(正確的)?A.Jack likes dess

13、ert,but he doesn’t like apples.B.Jack likes vegetables, his sister likes them, too.C.Jack has two eggs for breakfast,but his sister has one egg.D.Jack has bananas for lunch,and his sister has apples for lunch.三.首字母填空(10

14、分)用單詞的適當形式填空。I have two friends Eric and Mary. I ___1__ watch TV at home. Eric and I ___2__ sports every day. We play soccer__3__ class. I think it is __4____. Eric wants to be a soccer ___5___. I like ___6__ for lunch a

15、nd Eric___7_ fruit for lunch. I think it is ___8____. Mary wants to eat ___9___. she doesn’t want to be __10____. 四.根據(jù)句意用括號內所給詞的適當形式填空。 (10 分)1. Let’s _______(have) some bananas. 2. Eric _________(have) French fries fo

16、r lunch.3. The boy is very ________(health). 4. She ___________(not like ) playing computer games.5. —What are these? —They are _________(orange).6. Sandra Clark (eat) eggs and apples every day.7. Some

17、 (strawberry) are on the table.8. My sister (like) bread and milk for breakfast.9. There _______(be) a lot of broccoli on the table.10. Does _______(he) brother have lunch at school?五.補全對話Lily: Do you have break

18、fast every day?Eric: (1)___________________. Because (因為) breakfast is good for us. Lily: (2)_______________________________? Eric: I like hamburgers for lunchLily: (3)________________________? after interesting frui


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