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1、設(shè)計巴巴工作室 www.88doc88.com設(shè)計巴巴工作室 www.88doc88.comFirst, optimized design, the design of effective control of project cost if the quality and try to meet the national requirements, functions are used to meet requirements rel

2、ated to construction projects only a one-time investment to meet the application requirements, not only construction projects related to the number of one-time investment, but also in the completion After delivery of the

3、 impact of the economic benefits of the project. Foreign experts pointed out that although the design of the project costs represent a small proportion of total investment, less than 1%, but the impact of its project cos

4、t to achieve the level of 75%. It is clear that the project design stage to do a good job of cost control is cost effective control of the key, re-construction, light design concept must be overcome to control the cost o

5、f the project design should start. Therefore, the construction units and design units in the review of the design, attention should be paid to design optimization, the use of various indicators of the overall plan of the

6、 factory, industrial building design analysis of space compared to the design of these two aspects of the project cost, not only have a significant impact, and after the construction and operation of the production, mana

7、gement has a significant impact. Second, the implementation of projects designed to control project cost limit, in the design process used in the design limit. The so-called limit is in accordance with the approved desig

8、n of the investment feasibility study to estimate the preliminary design of the control, in accordance with the approved budget for the preliminary design of the total control of the technical design and construction des

9、ign, at the same time ensure that the goals of the profession under the premise of the use of function, according to the allocation of investment limit control design, and strictly control unreasonable change to ensure t

10、hat the total amount of investment will not be a breakthrough. The preliminary design stage should be in accordance with the approved feasibility study stage of the investment estimate for the limit design, control of bu

11、dget estimates do not exceed the investment, mainly in engineering and equipment is, the control material. To this end, the preliminary design phase of the limit amount of design engineering phase of the feasibility stud

12、y should be validated and equipment design engineering, material standards as the basis, the feasibility study stage of certain types of projects is not easy to determine the amount of light design and universal design o

13、r Similar projects have been built to determine the amount of physical works. Quota at the preliminary design, the design of the professional staff to enhance awareness of project cost, in strict accordance with the deco

14、mposition of the limit design and control of investment projects, as well as to ensure that under the conditions of the use of functional design, sought to project cost control and engineering in the limit . (C) the impl

15、ementation phase of project cost control project is the implementation phase of the formative stages of building physical, human, material and financial resources of the main stage of consumption. Large projects involvin

16、g a wide range of influencing factors, and construction cycles, policy changes, materials and equipment prices, large fluctuations in market supply and demand and so on. . To improve the quality of the construction, cont

17、rol project cost, investment returns to play, it is necessary to the implementation phase of the project to strengthen project management and oversight functions in order to enhance the full range of construction project

18、s, the whole process of cost control. Due to the complexity of construction projects, the impact of factors of variability of the characteristics of the implementation phase of projects often have some unexpected costs.

19、First, the effective control of engineering change and economic access at the project site construction projects, engineering and on-site visa change is inevitable, but there is capacity to control. During the constructi

20、on plans in order to prevent loopholes in the design, with the exception of the audit checks should Party B in a joint hearing of the drawings, the technical advice and design to eliminate, in a word, should be started p

21、rior to the eradication of the. Design changes should be advanced as far as possible, change occurred earlier, the smaller the loss, the greater the contrast. To this end, the design of change management must be strength

22、ened as much as possible the design change control early in the design phase, in particular the impact of the project cost for major design changes, but also to use accounts after the first solution to change, so that th

23、e effective control of project cost. Second, a rigorous examination of the budget in accordance with construction plan the progress of the construction design plans and the actual progress of the construction site, const

24、ruction plans approved budget in time. third, in-depth at the scene to collect the relevant information and master the construction of the project construction process, pre-trial and the cost of price control officers of


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