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1、 學 號 104753130489 分 類 號 I0 碩 士 學 位 論 文 碩 士 學 位 論 文 An Interpretation of Travels in the Scriptorium from the Perspective of Derrida’s Deconstruction Theory 用德里達解構主義理論 德里達解構主義理論解讀 解讀《密室中的旅行》 《密室中的旅行》 學 科 、 專 業(yè) :英語語言文學 研

2、究 方 向 :英美文學 申請學位類別 :文學碩士 申 請 人 :席志云 指 導 教 師 :孫曉青 副教授 二〇一六 年 五 月 Acknowledgements I would like to thank all those people who have helped me finish my thesis, physically or spiritually, my teachers, my parents, my classmat

3、es and my roommates. Without them, it would have been much more difficult to do such a huge job. Firstly, I want to express my devout thanks to all my teachers, Gao Jihai, Guan Hefeng, Jiao Xiaoting, Xue Yufeng, Li Qiaoh

4、ui, Li Yuhong, etc. They have opened the door to literature for me. They teach me not only the knowledge on literary theory, literary works, but impress me deeply by their literary attainments and their devoted and serio

5、us attitude toward literary creation, literary criticism and literary research. They are the most precious spiritual treasure for me. Secondly, I would like to give my special thanks to Professor Xue Yufeng. She opens a

6、 class for us, Biographical Literature, during which she introduces Paul Auster and his biographical work The Invention of Solitude to us. I fall in love with Paul Auster immediately and I read all his books I can find i

7、n the library. Without hesitation, I make up my mind to choose one of his books as the text for my thesis. Taking all the factors into consideration, I finally decide it is Travels in the Scriptorium. Thirdly, I would li

8、ke to give the most sincere thanks to my supervisor, Professor Sun Xiaoqing. She has given me many direction, suggestion and inspiration about my whole frame and the detailed analysis during the process of selecting the

9、perspective, conceiving, collecting materials and writing. Thanks to her patient instruction and devoted help, I really do better than I have expected. Finally, I also want to thank my parents and my roommates. They have


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