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1、18 秋北交《大學(xué)英語上》在線作業(yè)二1、C 2、C 3、B 4、B 5、B 一、單選題共 25 題,100 分1、The temperature____________, the chemical reaction is being speeded up.AraisedBbeing risenCrisingDraising正確答案是:C2、With John____________there's more room in the

2、 house.Ato be awayBbeen awayCawayDwas away正確答案是:C3、____________we need more practice is quite clear.AWhatBThatCThatDWhen正確答案是:B4、Never hesitate to ask aboutAthat you don't understandBwhat you don't understandCwhi

3、ch you don't understandDwhat don't you understand正確答案是:B5、Word has come____________some guests from Canada will visit our school.AwhatBthatCwhetherDwhen正確答案是:B6、The higher the standard of living,____________.Athe

4、 greater is the amount of paper is usedBthe greater amount of paper is usedCthe amount of paper is used is greaterDthe greater the amount of paper is used13、I wonder how many years ago____________.Adid your father retire

5、Byour father retiredChas your father retiredDyour father has retired正確答案是:B14、The instruments of the older factory____________.Ais as good or better than the new onerBare as good or better than the new oneCis as good as

6、or better than those of the new oneDare as good as or better than those of the new one正確答案是:D15、We'll visit Europe next year ____________we have enough money.AprovidedBunlessCuntilDlest正確答案是:A16、That tree looked as i

7、f it____________for a long time.Ahasn't wateredBhadn't been wateredCdidn't waterDwasn't watered正確答案是:B17、This room is____________much larger than that one.AnoBnot aCno aDas正確答案是:A18、____________the old ma

8、n's sons wanted to know was ____________the gold had been hidden.AThat ... whatrBWhat ... whereCWhat ... thatDThat ... Where正確答案是:B19、A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,____________was to be expected.


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