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1、畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計 (論 文 )外 文 文 獻(xiàn) 翻 譯專業(yè) 專業(yè) 計算機科學(xué)與技術(shù)學(xué)生姓名 學(xué)生姓名 葉挺班級 班級 B 計算機 084學(xué)號 學(xué)號 0810704427指導(dǎo)教師 指導(dǎo)教師 吳素琴信息工程學(xué)院 信息工程學(xué)院tutorial in a lengthy series that will explore techniques for implementing these common patterns in ASP. We'

2、ll start with creating a software architecture composed of a Data Access Layer (DAL) using Typed DataSets, a Business Logic Layer (BLL) that enforces custom business rules, and a presentation layer composed of ASP pages

3、that share a common page layout. Once this backend groundwork has been laid, we'll move into reporting, showing how to display, summarize, collect, and validate data from a web application. These tutorials are geared

4、 to be concise and provide step-by-step instructions with plenty of screen shots to walk you through the process visually. Each tutorial is available in C# and Visual Basic versions and includes a download of the complet

5、e code used. First,ASP page featuresASP is a server-side scripting compile environment, can be used to create and run dynamic Web pages or Web applications. ASP page can contain text, HTML tags, common script commands an

6、d COM components, etc. Using ASP page can be added to the interactive content (such as online forms) and can also create using HTML page as the user interface of web applications. Compared with HTML, ASP page has the fol

7、lowing features:Using ASP can realize breakthrough static HTML pages of some functions limit to realize a dynamic web technology,The ASP file is contained in the HTML code consisting of files, easy to modify and testing;

8、On the server ASP explain procedures will be executed on the server ASP program, and will result in HTML format teleport to the client browser, so using various browsers can browse ASP produced a web page,ASP provides so


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