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1、Unit Unit 1?Explain Explain the the following following sentences sentences in in your your own own words. words.1、 Pretty clearly,anyone who followed my collection of rules would be blessed with a richer life,boundless

2、love from his family and the admiration of the community.Quite obviously,anyone who determined to follow the rules of self-improvement I collected would be happy and have a richer life,and win infinite affection from hi

3、s family and the love and respect of the community.2、 Be spontaneous in showing affection.Show your love readily and willingly.3、 A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold.Whole-hearted and genuine praise is very

4、valuable.4、 Meet your child at his own level.Join your children and treat them as your equals.5、 There was a series of shrieks down the hall. I found Gretchen in tears. I heard screams down the hall one after another and

5、 I found Gretchen crying.6、 The most trivial chore can prove rewarding if approached with zest.The most unimportant light task may turn out to be worthwhile if it is dealt with eagerly and enthusiastically.7、 I struck up

6、 a conversation with Kit,trying to establish some kind of rapport.I started to have a conversation with Kit in a friendly way and tried my best to achieve close agreement and understanding between us.8、 You never bothere

7、d with small talk before. Why start now?You never troubled yourself to chat with people in the past. Why do you want to start doing it now? ?Translation. Translation.1、 每當他午夜下班回家,他總是躡手躡腳地上樓,以以免吵醒鄰居。 每當他午夜下班回家,他總是躡手躡腳地上樓,

8、以以免吵醒鄰居。Every time when he returned home from work at midnight, he would tiptoe upstairs, trying not to waken his neighbors.2、 為了與新來的鄰居建立一種和睦的關(guān)系,格林先生不失時機地幫她把行李搬進屋子。 為了與新來的鄰居建立一種和睦的關(guān)系,格林先生不失時機地幫她把行李搬進屋子。To develop some ki

9、nd of rapport with his new neighbor, Mr. Jones was spontaneous in offering to carry her luggage into the house.3、 米勒博士向我們推薦的文章集中論述了空氣污染問題,同時也提到了諸如水污染、噪音污染和視覺污染等 米勒博士向我們推薦的文章集中論述了空氣污染問題,同時也提到了諸如水污染、噪音污染和視覺污染等問題。 問題。The ar

10、ticle recommended by Dr.Miller centers on air pollution; what’s more, it touches upon other issues such as water pollution, noise pollution and visual pollution.4、 要不是她的朋友時常鼓勵她、幫助她,她將一事無成。 要不是她的朋友時常鼓勵她、幫助她,她將一事無成。Without

11、 the constant encouragement and help from her friends, she couldn’t have made any achievements.5、 幾天前他還對這項計劃嗤之以鼻,可是他現(xiàn)在卻以高漲的熱情去努力落實這項計劃,這真是令人難以理解 幾天前他還對這項計劃嗤之以鼻,可是他現(xiàn)在卻以高漲的熱情去努力落實這項計劃,這真是令人難以理解的轉(zhuǎn)變。 的轉(zhuǎn)變。It was only a few da

12、ys ago that he showed some contempt for the new project, but now he is working hard with zest for its realization. What a baffling change.6、 從她的自傳可以斷定她對那名鋼琴師始終懷有著一種復(fù)雜的感情。 從她的自傳可以斷定她對那名鋼琴師始終懷有著一種復(fù)雜的感情。Judging from what sh

13、e wrote in her autobiography, she always had mixed feelings for that pianist.7、 他在大廳候機時與兩名美國旅行者攀談起來,談到了很多的跨文化方面的問題。 他在大廳候機時與兩名美國旅行者攀談起來,談到了很多的跨文化方面的問題。While waiting for the flight in the lounge, he struck up a conversati

14、on with two American travelers and touched on many interesting issues in cross-cultural communication.8、 這些女孩子都害怕晚上單身一人值班。 這些女孩子都害怕晚上單身一人值班。These girls all dread working alone on night duty.9、 我不在乎加班工作,我在乎的是在周末盡做一些無意義的瑣碎

15、雜物。 我不在乎加班工作,我在乎的是在周末盡做一些無意義的瑣碎雜物。Not until you have a good command over a scale of styles can you speak English appropriately on different occasions.6、對現(xiàn)代經(jīng)濟學的一知半解是導致他經(jīng)營失敗的原因之一。 、對現(xiàn)代經(jīng)濟學的一知半解是導致他經(jīng)營失敗的原因之一。His haphazard kn

16、owledge of modern economics was one of the reasons why he met failure in his business.7、新來的總經(jīng)理很不習慣公司里同事們稱呼他的方式。 、新來的總經(jīng)理很不習慣公司里同事們稱呼他的方式。The new general manager felt uneasy with the way he was addressed by his colleagues

17、in the company.8、無論他做何種努力來改變其在公眾心目中的形象,都無濟于事。 、無論他做何種努力來改變其在公眾心目中的形象,都無濟于事。No matter how hard he had tried, all his effort to improve his image in the mind of the public were certain to fail.9、指揮官從未想到他的士兵會無視他的命令。 、指揮官從未想

18、到他的士兵會無視他的命令。The commander never thought that his soldiers would dare to defy his orders.10、作文課的老師認為這些話是陳詞濫調(diào),可它們對學生卻有很大的吸引力。 、作文課的老師認為這些話是陳詞濫調(diào),可它們對學生卻有很大的吸引力。Although the composition teacher regards these expressions as

19、nothing but clichés, they still appeal very much to the students.Unit Unit 3?Explain Explain the the following following sentences sentences in in your your own own words. words.1、Let us be ruthless in our criticism

20、, cruel to personal vanities, indifferent to age, rank or experience if these stand in our way.2、It dose not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead.3、One’s thou

21、ghts must be directed to the future, and to things about which there is something to be done.4、The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be

22、 startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and men must be proclaimed and denounced.5、On hearing the news, he was angered, and I was saddened.6、The police are concerned with succes

23、sful elections, whereas the statesmen is interested in the future of his people.7、In Plato’s opinion man was made for philosophy; in Bacon’s opinion philosophy was made for man.8、Heavy clouds rose slowly from the horizon

24、; thunder drummed in the distance.9、Television provides jobs for many, it brings cultural events to the home, and it offers teaching in various subjects.10、All day long he thought of his grandfather; every night he dream

25、ed of him. ?Translation. Translation.1、這個看上去飽經(jīng)風霜的漁翁伸出他那由于辛苦而布滿老繭的雙手,開始講述他海上生活的艱難歷程。 、這個看上去飽經(jīng)風霜的漁翁伸出他那由于辛苦而布滿老繭的雙手,開始講述他海上生活的艱難歷程。Stretching out his work-gnarled hands, the old fisherman with a weather-beaten face started

26、 to tell us about his hard life experience on the sea.2、小女孩顯然受傷不輕。她哭了好幾個小時,現(xiàn)在仍在呻吟。 、小女孩顯然受傷不輕。她哭了好幾個小時,現(xiàn)在仍在呻吟。The little girl is apparently seriously injured. She’s been crying for hours and she’s still moaning.3、當諾貝爾得主由

27、主席陪同走上講臺時,整個大廳頓時爆發(fā)出一陣歡呼聲和鼓掌聲。 、當諾貝爾得主由主席陪同走上講臺時,整個大廳頓時爆發(fā)出一陣歡呼聲和鼓掌聲。When the Nobel Prize winner appeared onto the platform escorted by the chairman, the whole hall rocked with cheers and applause.4、舞會進行到高潮時,舞廳里一篇樂曲和歌聲。 、舞

28、會進行到高潮時,舞廳里一篇樂曲和歌聲。When the dance party was in full swing, music and songs swirled all around the ballroom.5、不知是何原因,許多大學生又表現(xiàn)出對中國傳統(tǒng)戲劇如京劇和越劇的濃厚興趣。 、不知是何原因,許多大學生又表現(xiàn)出對中國傳統(tǒng)戲劇如京劇和越劇的濃厚興趣。For some unknown reasons, there has bee

29、n a revival of strong interest in traditional Chinese drama, such as Beijing Opera and Shaoxing Opera, among the college students.6、由于人們成群結(jié)隊地涌向街頭去觀看一年一度的節(jié)日慶典游行 、由于人們成群結(jié)隊地涌向街頭去觀看一年一度的節(jié)日慶典游行 ,市中心的交通一度被中斷了。 ,市中心的交通一度被中斷了。Th


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