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1、江西外語外貿(mào)職業(yè)學(xué)院教案備課紙( 江西外語外貿(mào)職業(yè)學(xué)院教案備課紙(2)授課標(biāo)題 Unit 3 Road Signs and Commuting 課時(shí) 12授課班級(jí)教學(xué)目的和要求1. Asking where a particular place is 2. Showing directions3. Suggesting means of transport to take 4. Key words and expressionsCan

2、you list some English words or phrases showing directions and locations?Listening skills: practice listening to road signs and commuting授課重點(diǎn)、 難 點(diǎn)New words and important sentences in Passage1 and Passage 2其 中 節(jié)

3、次內(nèi) 容總課時(shí) 講授 實(shí)驗(yàn)、實(shí)習(xí) 課堂作業(yè)1 Section Ⅰ 2 1\2 1 1\22 Section Ⅰ&Section Ⅱ 2 1\2 1 1\23 Section Ⅲ 2 1\2 1 1\24 Section Ⅳ (1):passage1 2 1 1\2 1\25 Section Ⅳ (1):passage1 2 1 1\2 1\26 Section Ⅳ (1):passage2 2 1 1\2 1\2Section

4、Ⅴ課時(shí)安排合 計(jì) 12 4.5 4.5 3江西外語外貿(mào)職業(yè)學(xué)院教案備課紙( 江西外語外貿(mào)職業(yè)學(xué)院教案備課紙(4)授 課 內(nèi) 容Unit 3 Road signs and commutingSection Ⅰ Talking Face to Face1. Warm-up Questions(1) Have you ever seen any bilingual road signs (in Englis

5、h and Chinese)? Do you think they are helpful for foreigners to find directions when traveling in China?(2) Can you list some English words or phrases showing directions and locations?2. Analyze the structure of the unit

6、. Let the students know how to preview and my teaching process.3. Explain the structure of the map. And let the students talk face to face with the information from the map.4. Explain how to express the directions when y

7、ou traveling the strange country and let the students practice the conversation follow the samples.5. Explain the short dialogues, and then let the students practices the conversations with their partner.6. Play the audi


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