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1、2019-2020 學年江蘇省淮安市盱眙縣第一小學六下期中英語試卷 學年江蘇省淮安市盱眙縣第一小學六下期中英語試卷1. (2020·淮安市盱眙縣·期中)根據首字母提示補全單詞完成句子根據中文或首字母提示以及句意完成句子,每空一詞。(1) I can't hear you. Please speak . (大聲地)(2) Nick is great! He always (完成) his

2、homework before eight.(3) Fruit and vegetables are good for our h .(4) You must wait on the p and look out for cars and bikes.(5) The girl always puts her things in o .2. (2020·淮安市盱眙縣·期中)用單詞的正確形式填

3、空完成句子根據句意,用所給詞的適當形式填空。(1) Mike and I have a little . (meat)(2) The question is too he can answer it. (easy)(3) The lion (bite) the net with his teeth, but it didn't help.(4) I have (go) to the su

4、permarket.(5) The red light is on. We (must) walk now.3. (2020·淮安市盱眙縣·期中)題干選項全英的選擇題From then on, Sam and Tina _____ good friends.A.become B.becomes C.became4. (2020·淮安市盱眙縣·期中)題干選項全英的選擇題—_____ are

5、 you going?—We are going home.A.What B.Who C.Where5. (2020·淮安市盱眙縣·期中)題干選項全英的選擇題This is my new house. Let me _____ you _____ it.A.show; around B.show; to C.shows; for6. (2020·淮安市盱眙縣·期中)題干選項全英的選擇題I have

6、 _____ beautiful caps in my bedroom.A.a little B.a few C.lot of7. (2020·淮安市盱眙縣·期中)題干選項全英的選擇題Mothers know their children _____.16. (2020·淮安市盱眙縣·期中)題干選項全英的選擇題At last, the ugly frog became a handsome pri

7、nce, and they lived _____ together.《The Frog Prince》A.sad B.happy C.happily17. (2020·淮安市盱眙縣·期中)題干選項全英的選擇題The shoemaker and his wife made some beautiful _____ for the elves.《The Elves and The Shoemaker》A.clothes

8、 B.shoes C.caps18. (2020·淮安市盱眙縣·期中)左右欄問句選答句從方框中選出相對應的答句A. You should get up early.B. We must listen to the teachers.C. No, there isn't.D. Because the ant woke him up.E. I have some porridge.F. You can take

9、a bus.G. No, she doesn't.H. At nine o'clock.I. We can.J. I'm sorry.(1) When do you go to bed? (2) What should we do? (3) What's for your dinner? (4) How can I get there? (5) Why was t

10、he tiger angry? (6) Does your sister jump high? (7) Don't play football here. (8) Is there any fruit in the fridge? (9) Who can make new clothes for me? (10) What must you do in the classroom

11、? 19. (2020·淮安市盱眙縣·期中)根據圖片提示寫單詞完成句子將句子補充完整并與圖片匹配A. There is a very large clock in .B. Pam is standing under a cherry tree. She is looking for her .C. One day, there was a between Turtle and Ra


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