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1、6AUnit 1 The king’s new clothes [詞匯學習] 1.long long ago= many years ago 很久以前,用在一般過去時態(tài)中,謂語動詞用過去式. 2.clever 聰明的反義詞:foolish 3.foolish adj.(形容詞)愚蠢的 fool n(名詞). 愚蠢 4.through walk through 走過 look through 瀏覽 5.laugh –laugh

2、s 短語:laugh at 嘲笑 laugh at sb.嘲笑某人 反義詞:cry laugh 是出聲的笑,而smile 是微笑,常常是無聲的笑 7.wear-wears-wore 同音詞:where wear 指的是穿著的狀態(tài),動作意味性不強,put on 強調(diào)穿的動作 8.tell –tells –telling-told tell 是及物動詞,后面常接雙賓語,常用 tell sb. sth.表示告訴某人某事 tell sb

3、. about sth.”告訴某人關于某事” 9.each 近義詞:every 短語:each other each 修飾兩個或兩個以上的人或物,強調(diào)個體,而 every 修飾三個或三個以上的人或物,強調(diào)全體 10.say-says-saying-said 短語:say to sb.對某人說 say hello to sb.向某人問好 11.sentence 短語: make sentences 造句 I can make a se

4、ntence with “clever” 12.quick 副詞:quickly Liu Tao is quick ,you should run quickly. 13.next 下一個 反義詞:last 上一個 短語:next week 下周 next time 下次 See you next time . 14.little 小的,年幼的 反義詞:big 近義詞:small 15.think –thinks –think

5、ing-thought 短語:think of 想起 think hard 認真思考 16.child 復數(shù):children 短語:Children’s Day 兒童節(jié) the only child 唯一的孩子 17. turn to 變成 Water turned into ice at last. 短語歸納 Story time long long ago 很久以前 new clothes 新衣服 one day 一天

6、 make…..for……為…….制作…… try on 試穿 clever people 聰明的人 foolish people 愚蠢的人 walk through 走過 a lot of people 許多人 in the street 在街道上beautiful clothes 漂亮的衣服 a little boy 一個小男孩 point at 指著…….. Cartoon time play a game 玩游戲 tell a

7、 story 講故事 each student 每個學生 on the mountain 在山上the next sentence 下一句 an old man 一位老人 live in 居住在 think hard 認真思考 have to 不得不 Grammar time 一般過去式的用法 1. 一般過去式的概念:表示在過去某個時間發(fā)生的動作或狀態(tài),常與表示過去的時間狀語連用。如:yesterday,last week,an hou

8、r ago, long long ago ,其謂語用一般過去式來表達 2. 一般過去時的過去式構(gòu)成 2.long long ago 很久以前3.like new clothes 喜歡新衣服4.one day 一天5.man----men 男人(復數(shù))6.visit the king 拜訪國王7.make new clothes for you 為你做新衣服8.make?for?為某人做??9.show the king his new

9、clothes=show his new clothes to the king 展示給國王看他的新衣服10.try on?試穿??11.try on these magic clothes 試穿這些神奇的衣服12.magic clothes 神奇的衣服13.clever people 聰明的人14.foolish people 愚蠢的人15.clever 聰明的(反義詞)foolish 愚蠢的16.walk through the c

10、ity (步行穿過)走過城市17.in his new clothes 穿著他的新衣服18.a lot of people 許多人19.in the street 在大街上20.look at the king and shout 看著國王大叫21.What beautiful clothes!=How beautiful the clothes are!多么漂亮的衣服?。?2.a little boy 一個小男孩23.point at

11、 指向24.laugh 笑(反義詞)cry 哭25.laugh at?嘲笑??26.wear 穿(近義詞組)put on (同音詞)where27.is\am(過去式)was28.are(過去式)were29.like 喜歡(過去式)liked/t/30.walk 步行(過去式)walked/t/31.look 看(過去式)looked/t/32.laugh 笑(過去式)laughed/t/33.pick 摘(過去式)picked/t/

12、34.visit 拜訪(過去式)visited/id/35.Shout 大喊(過去式)shouted/id/36.point 指向(過去式)pointed/id/37.show 展示(過去式)showed/d/38.live 居?。ㄟ^去式)lived/d/39.turn 轉(zhuǎn)(過去式)turned/d/40.this afternoon 今天下午41.get 收到,得到(過去式)got42.say 說(過去式)said(三單)says43


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