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1、畢 業(yè) 論 文學(xué)生姓名: 童盼 學(xué) 號(hào): 20101521054 系別班級(jí): 金融系 10 級(jí)投資學(xué)本科班 專業(yè)(方向): 投資學(xué) 題 目: 中國(guó)地方政府性債務(wù)問(wèn)題及風(fēng)險(xiǎn)分析 指導(dǎo)者: 張晶 副教授 評(píng)閱者: 林新岳 講師 2014 年 5 月

2、 14 日畢 業(yè) 論 文 外 文 摘 要Title Title China's local government debt problems and risk analysisAbstract AbstractBy the 2008 financial crisis, the Chinese government launched a government-led 4 trillion investment

3、 plan, the problem is caused by excessive investment scale of local government debt, local government debt huge scale attracted the attention of the domestic Chinese economists. They believe the size of local g

4、overnment debt and debt service pressure has greatly exceeded the warning level, is a major risk of the financial system, and are very worried. Based on the characteristics of local government debt and debt-scale statist

5、ical description, and then analyze their problems and risk exposure, and propose measures to address the problem of suggestion. This paper concludes that: China's local government debt problem has exposed its his

6、tory objective factors, but also with financial reform in local financing platform imperfect financial system related. Solve problems and eliminate the risk from short-term local financing platform symptoms begin

7、, the way out is to establish a sound long-term debt solvency system, improve the tax system and the transfer payment system, and the establishment of market-oriented local bond market cure.Keywords Keywords:Lo


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